KADE Fact Sheet 2014-15

Developmental Education: Modes of Delivery

Current for Fall 2014

College/University / Math
Ashland CTC / Math 55, 65 and 85, normal lecture. Bi-term and online.
Math 75, Mathematical Literacy for non-stem students.
Berea College / MAT010 – Pre-algebra
MAT011 and MAT012 – two-semester sequence, Elementary Algebra
Proficiency-based courses.
Face-to-face classes with lecture and group/pair activities, maximum 15 students per class with one faculty and 2-3 TAs
Individual tutoring available, group tutoring two times per week, Math Lab five times per week. ACT and local written waiver used for placement.
Contact: Sandy Bolster
Big Sandy CTC / BSCTC is teaching MAT 055/065/085 face-to-face and online using MyMathLab and a modified emporium model for the MAT 055/065.
Contact: Josh Thacker
Bluegrass CTC / Teaching MAT 055/065/075/085 face-to-face with MyMathLab support at 2 campuses (of 6)
Contact: Jennifer Pevley
Campbellsville U
EKU / MAT 090, Modules A,B,C and C Lab: Basic Math, modularized delivery (3 credit hours)
MAT 095, Modules A,B,C and C Lab: Algebra I, modularized delivery (3 credit hours)
MAT 098: Algebra II, lecture and lab delivery (3 credit hours)
Katherine Fair, Developmental Coordinator, Mathematics & Statistics
Kathy Williams, Director, EKU Academic Readiness, KADE Campus Liaison
ECTC / MAT 055 – online and on campus, full semester and bi-term – all sections use MyLabsPlus
MAT 065 – online and on campus, full semester and bi-term – all sections use MyLabsPlus
MAT 085 – online and on campus, full semester and bi-term – all sections use MyLabsPlus
Contact: Linda Howard
Gateway CTC / MAT 055 – Students placed n MAT 065+ MAT 055
Below MAT 055- placed in EED
MAT 055, 065, and 085 online
Hazard CTC / HCTC offers a variety of delivery methods for math classes. We use a modified emporium with MyMathLab for MAT 55/MAT 65/MAT 85 where classes are stacked and all students are in the same classroom. HCTC also offers some traditional sections of MAT 55, MAT 65, and MAT 85. Beginning in Fall 2014, there will also be a pilot of several sections of MAT 65 with support. All MAT 55 students will be registered in MAT 65 with supplemental instruction. HCTC also offers some sections of MAT 65 and MAT 85 online.
Henderson CTC / Use MyMathLab in emporioum model for MAT 65 which includes the upper half of COMPASS scores for MAT 55 (lower half are referred to Adult Ed program). Thus, MAT 55 no longer offered except online. MAT 65 meets at regular class times twice a week, plus required two hours of lab per week. Five modules with 75% mastery on module exams. Final is optional.
Contact: Rebecca Wells
Hopkinsville CC / Modified emporium – MAT 55/65 all in same class together; take proctored test in class; homework divided into 7 units; students must complete 4/7 to receive MP grade (pick up where they left off next semester); uses MathExcel
MAT 85 – traditional lecture with use of MathExcel; students take MAT 126
Jefferson CTC
Kentucky State U
Kentucky Wesleyan College
Lindsey Wilson
Madisonville CTC
Maysville CTC / Modified emporium (hybrid: mixture of instruction and lab) – use of MyMathLab and Success Coach who sets goals, provides tutoring, and continuously checks on students
Contact: Mike Pemberton
Morehead State / Modified emporium online/Straight emporium/lecture
All classes use software for HW, Q, T (Hawkes)
Murray State / MAT 095 Fundamental Mathematics is a 2 hour self-paced course using MathXL. Sections are full semester and accelerated.
MAT 096 Introductory Algebra is a 3 hour lecture course using MathXL. Sections are full semester, accelerated, and online.
MAT 097 Intermediate Algebra is a 4 hour lecture course using MathXL. Sections are full semester and accelerated.
Contact: Emma Vaughn at )
NKU / 090- Basic Math – 3 hour lecture course
091 – Elementary Geometry – 3 hour lecture course
095 – Essential Algebra – 4 hour lecture course with extended time for collaborative learning activities and faculty supervised practice
094 – 2 hour hybrid algebra course – Students take 095 course in half the time. Use MyMathLab and personalized homework to complete course in eight weeks.
099 – Intermediate Algebra – 3 hour lecture course
All courses except 091 are offered online specifically for online majors. Other students are allowed to register on a limited basis.
Developing a College Algebra course with academic assistance for students just short of benchmark scores.
Contact: Barbara Hamilton ()
Owensboro CTC / MAT 55/65/85 as lab-based modularized credit classes (following the KCTCS modules), using Hawkes.
Students scoring below MAT 55 are referred to Adult Education (Skill Train).
Somerset CTC / Emporium 055/065/085 with 2.5 hours in class + 1.5 hours outside class. Tests in class. Use MyMathLab in 6 modules for 055 and 065 + 5 modules for 085. Mastery required (80%) on all homework, quizzes and tests. Teaching videos in modules.
In 1.5 years, plans to create a summer MAT 055 bridge program.
SKYCTC / Emporium Model (modularized, mastery learning) is the primary format for developmental math courses (MAT 55/65/85). Students meet in classroom/lab for 2.5 hours per week. Attendance is required. (The attendance policy states that students may not miss more than 15% of class meetings without being withdrawn or given a failing grade.) Access to course content in MyMathLab is provided through a course charge (fee) with MyLabsPlus.
Online (with a required proctored final exam) and lecture options are also available.
Contact: Ryan Sandefur ()
Southeast CTC
St. Catherine College
Union U / MATH 099: 3 hour, non-credit bearing course leading into the math sequence
Shayne Confer (, 606 546-1613)