eCatalogueSearch and BrowseQuickguide
eCatalogue Search and Browse
This QuickGuide contains information on:
- Overview to Search and Browse
- Types of Searches
- Item Comparison
Overview to Search and Browse
This quickguide has been made available to NSW Government approved organisationsto assist with searching and easily comparingitems from NSW Government Contracts and Prequalification Schemes.
Access to NSWBuy eCatalogue is via a public guest view URL[1]. Any member of the public can search and view items listed within the NSWBuy eCatalogue system and see item descriptions and supplier details. When accessing via guest view item pricing is not displayed. Only approved NSW Government organisations with a login to NSWBuy eCatalogue will be able to view item pricing.
Note, agencies connecting in to NSWBuy eCatalogue through an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning system) will access eCatalogue through their ERP system. Please refer to your agency guidelines and processes for accessing eCatalogue via an ERP.
The search and browse information provided below is not applicable to agencies utilising NSWBuy eCatalogue through an ERP.
Additional training information on NSWBuy eCatalogue can be located on ProcurePoint[2]
Types of Searches
There are multiple ways to search and browse in the eCatalogue system including:
- Basic - From the Home page search text box or from the Catalogue search tab text box.
- Advanced.
- Feature.
For a basic search:
- OpenNSWBuy eCatalogue[3]. The Guest view page displays.
- On the Home tab, type the item, contract/scheme or keyword details of the required item in to the search box and click ‘Search’.
- The Catalogue search tab opens and the results of the search will be displayed.
- To narrow down the search, use the search filters available in the left hand panel by selecting the applicable filters. Search filters include:
- Product category.
- Contract.
- Supplier.
- Manufacturer.
- Regions serviced.
- Commercial terms.
- Technical/Quality framework.
- Data centre option
- Service delivery options.
- When selecting search filters the total number of items found within each filter displays.
An Advanced search can be used to narrow down to the specifics of an item being searched. For example if specifically searching for a green and/or pink chair the filters available can search multiple parameters.
The Advanced and Feature searches utilise UNSPSC coding (United Nations Standard Products and Services Code) which is a flexible classification system for products and services. Depending on the filter specifications used the search results will update accordingly.
For an Advanced search:
- From the Catalogue search tab, click the ‘Advanced search’ option. The Advanced search screen displays.
- Select from the required product class using the UNSPSC coding. Relevant items will be displayed.
- Use the Advanced search parameters to then narrow the search to preferred item/s.
- Click ‘Search’ to display search results.
- To reset the search filters click ‘Reset’.
A feature search can be used for items with specific measurements included within the catalogue information. For example a screw or a bolt may have specific dimensions included within the catalogue information. The feature search can be used to identify the correct measurements or dimensions of the particular screw or bolt you are looking for. The available search filters that display will be dependent on the information provided by a supplier.
For a feature search:
- From the Catalogue search tab, click the ‘Feature search’ option. The Feature search screen displays.
- Select from the required product class using the UNSPSC coding. Relevant items will be displayed.
- Use the Feature search parameters to narrow the search to preferred item/s.Note, with each selection made the filter and search results may alter.
Item Comparison
The Item Comparison functionality enables you to see products side by side and compare different elements including:
- Descriptions.
- Price (if an agency approved to view pricing).
- Supplier.
- Product ID.
- Lead time.
- Image (if applicable).
- Additional documents supplier has loaded.
To compare products:
- Search for item required.
- Use the search filters to narrow down selection of items displayed.
- To compare a page of items, select the quantity tick box. This selects all individual items displayed on the page.
- Select the ‘Add selected items to comparison list’ icon directly above the quantity tick box. The comparison list displays items selected.
- To compare one item (column) to other items listed select the ‘Compare with this column tick box’. Comparison columns highlights the differences in items compared to the column selected.
Further Information
Further information is available via email from the NSW Procurement Service Centre[4] or on 1800 679 289.
Department of Finance, Services & Innovation
P: 1800 679 289E: |