Development of a germplasm database of Ukrainian, Moldavian and Russian
Vitis vinifera cultivars using microsatellite markers
F. Lefort1, V.I. Risovannaya2, S.M. Gorislavets2 and L.P. Troshin3
1Laboratory of Biotechnology and Applied Genetics, Ecole d'lngenieurs de Lullier, Haute Ecole
Specialisee de Suisse Occidentale, Jussy, Switzerland
2Institute for Vine and Wine "Magarach", Yalta, Crimea, Ukraine
3Viticulture Department, Kuban State University of Agriculture, Krasnodar, Russia
Genetic resources of grapevine in the area of the Community of Independent States may account for more than 6000 cultivars of cultivated grapevine as well as rootstocks. The information on these is scattered between different sources and different ampelographic collections or is accessible only in Russian, Ukrainian and other languages through electronic media. Combination of information technology with information and molecular genetic data was recently used for offering public databases accessible on the Internet (Lefort and Roubelakis-Angelakis 2001).
The multimedia Web-based database for Ukrainian, Moldavian and Russian germplasm is being developed following the scheme of the Greek Vitis database. The Ukrainian and Moldavian cultivars included in this study are conserved in the ampelographic collection of the Institute of Wine and Vines "Magarach" in Yalta (Crimea, Ukraine). The Russiancultivars are conserved in the new ampelographic collection of the Russian Federation,
located at the University of Agriculture of the Kuban State in Krasnodar. Cultivars were
selected as being potentially the most ancient cultivars cultivated in these regions.
Basic components of the database include an information database (names, synonyms,
history, known pedigrees, cultivar characteristics, etc.); an ampelographic database
(including images of young shoots, mature leaves and clusters of berries); and a nuclear
microsatellite profiles database (genetic identity database).
Genetic profiling of these cultivars was carried out with 9 nuclear microsatellite loci
previously characterized: VVS2 (Thomas et al. 1994), ssrVrZAG21, ssrVrZAG47, ssrVrZAG62,ssrVrZAG64, ssrVrZAG79, ssrVrZAG83 (Sefc et al. 1999), ssrVvUCH11and ssrVvUCH29 (Lefort et al. 2002). Microsatellites were used as markers because they display a high polymorphism, are co-dominant and ubiquitous throughout the genome. They are also reproducible, which opens the way for standardization of data comparison between different European Laboratories. Standardization allowed comparing these Crimean, Moldavian and Russian grapevine cultivars with western European and Greek genetic resources already characterized at the same loci.
First Meeting of the ECP/GR working group on Vitis.
12-14 June 2003, Palic, Serbia and Montenegro. Abstracts. - P. 15-16.