POLICY 2014-2017


Governors and staff are fully aware of the dangers that over exposure to sunlight can have on skin. The following sets out the main aspects of our school policy to protect children. This should be read in conjunction with the school Health and Safety policy.

As a school there are two aspects to the policy, the implementation of safe school practice and the supporting strategies.


As a school we will:

1.  Develop staff awareness, i.e. through provision of information regarding sun safety and available resources to teachers.

2.  Implement the concepts of the “Slip, Slap, Slop” programme: The main points are:

·  Reduce sun exposure between 11 am and 4 pm

·  Seek shade or create your own shade

·  SLIP! On clothing to cover your arms and legs

·  SLAP! On a wide-brimmed hat

·  SLOP! On sunscreen

Application of Sun cream

·  Sun cream should be applied at home before coming to school.

·  No sun cream should be brought into school and left in bags or classrooms.

·  We recognise that some children need more sun protection than others. In this case, the sun cream must be clearly labelled and left at the office. A medical form has to be signed by the parent and the school, giving permission for the school to apply the cream during the day. .


1.  Develop a proactive supervision procedure during the lunchtime break (i.e. check students for appropriate attire – sunhats/caps etc., encourage the use of shade etc).

2.  Sunhats and baseballs caps will be considered to be part of school uniform and actively encouraged to be worn. School baseball caps are available from the school office.

3.  Provide parents with information on the type and recommended preventive strategies for sun safety through school newsletters.

4.  Encourage and ensure through advance notice that parents, staff and students use a preventative approach on special, all-day activities such as PE days, educational visits and sports days.

5.  Provide a balance of indoor and outdoor activities during peak times. We will provide an indoor area to allow children to shelter from the sun. Supervisors will monitor pupil movement.

6.  Utilize shaded areas for outdoor play.

7.  Provide shaded seating – under trees, parasols for picnic benches etc.

8.  Model “sun safe practices”. All adults should be seen to adhere to sun safe practices.

9.The dangers of sun will form part of the PSHE/Science curriculum.

This policy was drawn up by the Headteacher, Mrs Avis Pounder. It was completed in June 2014.

It was formally adopted by the Governing Body in

Its implementation is regarded as the responsibility of all staff.

It will be monitored in accordance with the school’s Monitoring Policy and timetable.

This policy is scheduled for review in 2017.

Signed: …………………………………………… Headteacher Date …………………………………………

Signed: ………………………………………….. Chair of Pastoral Date …………………………………………
