Reviewee’s Name: / Reviewer’s Name:
Job Title: / Job Title:
Grade: / Review Date:

The purpose of the DPR is to:

  • Actively encourage regular constructive dialogue between reviewees and reviewers
  • Discuss an individual’s role, work and personal development
  • Provide an opportunity to review career aspirations, within the pursuit of the University strategy

Please ensure that the objectives agreed provide real clarity about what is required and how success will be measured. The SMARTmodel can be a useful reminder of the points to consider when agreeing objectives.

Specific Measurable Achievable/Agreed Realistic Time bound.

Merit Pay

Please note that to be considered for a Merit Pay award, it is mandatory to include section 3 of the DPR form as evidence of supplementary contribution.

If the contribution for the calendar year 2015 is deemed suitable for any Merit Pay consideration, information on this form will be used as part of the submission. This means that all comments will be read by the Moderation Panel members, e.g. Head of Department, Human Resources and the Vice-Chancellor’s Advisory Group.

Achievements and Contributions

Section 1: Achievements and Contributions for the period January 2015to December 2015

Agreed objectives for review period 2015 / Reviewee’s comments on performance against the objectives

(Add additional rows or a separate sheet as necessary)

Reviewer’s comments for the review period January 2015 to December 2015

Section 2: Performance and Career Development plan for the period January 2015 to December 2015

Please identify below any learning and development requirements that have been agreed for the performance period. These should include any training needs that have been identified as necessary for either your current role or future career aspirations.

Learning Objectives / How will I do this? / By when? / How will this enhance my performance and contribution? / What did you actually do? (for use in future discussions)

(Add additional rows or a separate sheet as necessary)

Section 3: Summary Comments for the period January 2015– December 2015

Reviewee Name: / Department:
Job Title: / Grade:
Reviewee’sComments– What else needs to be taken into account during the review period 2015? (E.g. additional contributions and achievement, any extenuating circumstances?)
Do you wish to be considered for Merit Pay?
(Consideration does not guarantee any award under the scheme) / Yes / No
(please delete as applicable)
Signature: / Date:
Reviewer’sComments– Please assess the overall contribution of the reviewee, highlighting any additional contributionswhich demonstrate exceptional performance that could support any consideration for a Merit Pay award
Signature: / Date:
Countersigned by: / Date:

Please note that if you wish to be considered for a Merit Pay award, this section will be read by the Moderation Panel members, e.g. Head of Department, HR and the Vice-Chancellor Advisory’s Group (VC’AG). The Advisory Group may request to see the whole document to support the award.

Development and Performance Review (DPR) 2015 – Form A - Levels 1 - 8 / University of Warwick

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