Developing Warriors Evaluation—Fall 2009

Please rate the….1-poor2-fair3-neutral4-good5-excellent

1)Extent of your knowledge of the program topic prior to attending.AVERAGE: 2.2


2)Extent of your knowledge of the program topic now that you’ve attended.AVERAGE: 5.0


3)Quality of the content of this program. AVERAGE: 5.0


4)Quality of presentation skills demonstrated by the facilitator(s). AVERAGE: 4.7


5)Value of learning experience for the time spent in the program.AVERAGE: 4.8


I believe that…1-strongly disagree2-disagree3-neutral4-agree5-strongly agree

1)This program topic is important for leaders to know.AVERAGE: 5.0


2)This program topic will impact how I serve as a leader now/in the future.AVERAGE: 4.8


3)I have more knowledge to improve my leadership skills from the content of this program.AVERAGE: 5.0


4)I can immediately implement the skills/knowledge I’ve learned from the content of this program. AVERAGE: 4.8

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5)The content of this program is appropriate for the place I am at in my leadership development.AVERAGE: 5.0


Please indicate the most impactful/important thing that you learned from this program.

  • Probably the project planning module
  • I was really unsure of myself as a leader before the program, and now I am so much more confident in myself and how I am as a leader.
  • If everyone works together as a team and develops relationships with one another, the result of and task will be great.
  • I learned how to manage my time better as a leader of a club. Sometimes it seemed as though the meetings were very drawn out with no agenda, so now after this program, I know how to work with the other club leaders to be more time efficient.
  • How to deal with confrontation in a leadership setting.
  • I was able to apply a lot of what I learned from this program and implement it in the organizations I’m involved in, such as asking for an agenda if it is not provided.
  • How to better listen to others in a meeting and Robert’s Rules of Order does make a meeting successful.
  • The most important thing I learned from this program is how to ensure that I am being an effective leader (i.e., running meetings, having activities, etc.) and how to get my members involved and motivated to help out and passionate about the organization. There is so much that goes into being a leader, and I feel that I learned something valuable from every module.

Any feedback/comments you wish to provide would be appreciated.

  • The projects could be a mix between assigned projects and something the partner pairs came up with; they have the option to either be assigned to a project or come up with one of their own.
  • Thanks Tracy!
  • I had a blast with this program and I got to meet new people and learn new skills!
  • The service project my group did was very beneficial in that it gave us a chance to use the skills and knowledge we learned from the program and also to interact with each other!
  • I really learned a lot of important information that will definitely help me in the future. I loved doing the service project!
  • I was very impressed with the L.E.A.D. program. It exceeded my expectations and I feel as though I will be a stronger leader because of it!


  1. How do you think the service projects experience could be improved?
  • I have yet to complete my service project, so I am unable to comment on the question.
  • I can’t think of any ways because I was placed into a group that was really motivated and successful in our project.
  • Like I stated before, the service project was really beneficial to me and the group. I don’t think our service project could be changed (like dismissing the project altogether) because we learned a lot about our leadership skills through this project. But for the other groups’ service project, I cannot say.
  • I don’t know about the other group service projects, but the grad finale project was awesome. It does NOT need any improvement now that we’ve helped out with it.
  • I really enjoyed the service project experience. Sometimes it was just hard to find a time where everyone could meet, but emailing helped out a lot. The other thing that could make it better is getting everyone to help out equally. Too often someone in the group slacks.
  • I feel if we had better communication with our service project we would have had more to present and accomplish.
  • More commitment from faculty trying to do the project.
  • Projects should occur within the same semester as time commitments for school changes.
  1. Should future leadership classes choose their own projects? OR should a list of projects still be generated and they can choose from there?
  • Mix of both.
  • List was good, but maybe as an option you can choose your own.
  • I think you should let them choose something that they are interested in.
  • I think that the list of projects should still be generated as it would be very hard to come up with a project on our own and then find people in the class who we may not know to join us in working on that project. By having a list of projects and getting assigned to a group, it helps steer us in the right direction. With a direction that we need to head in usually less conflict of ideas occurs.
  • I think a list of projects should still be provided because going into this I would not have known what kind of service project to choose. However, keep the option open for students to choose their own if they want to. Maybe show some examples of previous projects.
  • The process you had (picking 3) was the best way (I think) because if the participants are able to choose their projects then it would have the best outcome vs. randomly placing students in projects.
  • I think choosing projects would be difficult and not as beneficial to their overall knowledge. I also think that the groups should be random to have a more diverse group and more different ideas.
  • I really liked that there were options to choose from for the projects. I would have been happy to partake in any of them. The choices that were provided was plentiful, and there was something for everyone.
  1. Do you have ideas for future service projects that could either be used as examples of what to do or could actually be done?
  • Anything that can get upperclassmen involved with freshman move-in week and/or the first week of classes is helpful. As an orientation leader, I know how much the incoming freshmen look up to us and they were always willing to accept help and look for guidance.
  • I think the ones assigned were good even though most fell through.
  • Maybe have service projects with WSU student clubs/organizations because helpful hands and ideas are always needed.
  • I’m not really sure…maybe to help out more with some clubs in need (EX: helping with service projects they’re doing if they need more volunteers or something along those lines).
  • I think the fan experience could be fun and useful with more direction.
  • Greek Week, Homecoming, Spring Break

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