Developing ACurriculUM
Use the DACUM Process to conduct Job Analysis. DACUM is very effective, efficient, & low cost: Become an OSU Certified DACUM Facilitator!
As a manager or developer of occupational training programs, you've got to know what the experts are doing on the job. DACUM makes that connection for you.
The DACUM process for job/occupational analysis involves expert workers—the local men and women with reputations for being "the best" at their jobs. These workers tell us what they do and how they do it. That means you get accurate information directly from the people who know and do the job. And when the process is completed, you've got a complete DACUM chart—a graphic profile of the duties and tasks required in an occupation developed by expert workers in the occupation. This information provides a solid foundation for new program development or for updating an existing program.
Strengths of a DACUM Process
Users report the following major advantages
of the DACUM process:
•provides solid foundation for program development or updating
•maximizes employer input and buy-in
•is efficient—2 days instead of weeks
•identifies all the critical tasks & related
general knowledge, skills, tools & worker
•strengthens industry collaboration
Center on Education and Training for Employment –
The Ohio State University • College of Education & Human Ecology
1900 Kenny Road• Columbus, OH 43210-1016• Phone: 614-292-9934 or 800-848-4815• Fax: 614-292-1260
Who Should Attend:
The DACUM Training Institute
is designed for program or course designers, training coordinators, instructors, trainers, curriculum specialists, and human resource (HR) development specialists.
A DACUM chart can be used as a basis for—
•curriculum development/revision
•training needs assessment
•worker performance evaluations
•competency test development
•job restructuring/conceptualizing
•job descriptions/classifications
•management decisions
•worker certification
•establishing skill standards
•tech-prep program development
Benefits of the Institute
The weeklong training institute is designed to prepare you as a DACUM facilitator. You will—
learn key elements of the DACUM process
acquire important facilitation skills
obtain practice – you will work with other trainees and an experienced facilitator
receive a Certificate of Completion from The Ohio State University
What Do DACUM Services Cost?
The registration fee for indi-viduals participating in the week-long DACUM Institute is $1,550. The cost of an on-site DACUM Job Analysis is $3,800 plus the facili-tator’s travel and per diem costs. The cost of hosting a week-long DACUM Training Institute is based on the number of people you wish to have trained. For example, the cost to train 6 people is $13,335, plus the instructor's travel and per diem costs.
Participants will receive a DACUM Handbook, PowerPoint presentation, and DACUM chart templates.
DACUM Related Services
The Center offers a variety of DACUM-related services supporting and including, the development of curriculum materials, such as learning guides and job aids. It also offers workshops on SCID (Systematic Curriculum and Instructional Development), which includes task verification, standard task analysis, development of performance criteria, and the actual development of learner-centered instructional materials.
DACUM Institute Registration FormName______
Business Address ______
City /State/Zip______
Phone # ( ) ______
Cell Phone # ( ) ______
Fax # ( ) ______
E-mail ______
Please list any special dietary needs as lunches are provided.
______/ Date of institute applying for: ______
____ Purchase Order # ______
____ Check enclosed in the amount of $1,550made payable to The Ohio State University, Center on Education and Training for Employment (OSU/CETE).
If paying by credit card, please call:
Jessie Soto at 614-292-9934.
Fax or scan and email your registration form to:
Dr. Robert E. Norton
OSU/CETE, 1900 Kenny Road
Columbus, OH 43210-1016
Fax: 614-292-1260