Developing a Personal Mission Statement

This class is on developing a personal mission statement or vision statement. A personal mission statement is a description of your values, interests, hopes and aspirations. It is the definitive synopsis of the focus of your life and the blueprint for your future.

Composing your personal mission statement and electing to pattern your life around it empowers you with clarity, decisiveness, insight and foresight, and guides you gracefully through life's challenges and transitions. Formulation of a mission statement requires deep contemplation, thorough evaluation and thoughtful expression to produce a precise written expression of our divine purpose.

Your mission statement becomes the architecture of the intentional application of your vision and values. It is the benchmark for everything in your life. Following the simple steps you will learn in this class, you will be able to develop a compelling personal mission statement.

A Personal Mission Statement is a brief but powerful statement of your characteristics and plans that guides you on your path.

1)  Who Am I?
2)  Who Do I Want to Be?
3)  What Have I Done?
4)  What Do I Want to Do?
5)  What do I envision?

1)  Who Am I? - Questions

1.  One thing my life is all about is: (A) / (A)
2.  One thing I stand for in life is: (B) / (B)
3.  My most important core values are:
4.  People who know me well notice these strengths in me:
5.  Some results I am getting that I like are:
6.  The thing that I do best is:
7.  My greatest strengths are:
8. One positive characteristic I possess is: (A) / (A)
9. One way in which I express the above characteristic is by: (1) / (1)
10. A second positive characteristic I possess is: (B) / (B)
11. One way in which I express the above characteristic is by: (2) / (2)
12. A third positive characteristic I possess is: (C) / (C)
13. One way in which I express the above characteristic is by: (3) / (3)
14. My important roles in life are:
15. I have a natural talent in:

Complete each statement on the left by writing your answer in the box on the right.

Who Am I? - Statements

1.  (A) Brings meaning to my life and / (A)
2.  (B) is my conviction of purpose. / (B)
3.  I am pleased to live each day with
4.  I am a person who is known for
5.  I am delighted to know that
6.  I am at my best when I am
7.  A testament of my strength and fortitude is my
8.  My purpose is to express my (A), (B) and (C) by (1), (2) and (3). / (A)
9. / (1)
10. / (B)
11. / (2)
12. / (C)
13. / (3).
14. I know that there is a need for me in this world because I
15. I look for opportunities to use my natural talents and gifts in

Fold the paper on the center vertical line. Lay the statements over the question sheet.

Your written responses from the exercise combine with these statements to form your Personal Mission Statement.

2)  Who Do I Want to Be? - Questions

1.  The most influential person in my life or the person who has made the greatest positive impact on my life is:
2.  Something I feel that I really should do or change is:
3. One quality or attribute I admire in someone I respect is: (A) / (A)
4. Another quality or attribute I admire in someone I respect is: (B) / (B)
5. A third quality or attribute I admire in someone I respect is: (C) / (C)
6. One thing I can do that will have the greatest impact on my physical life is: (A) / (A)
7. One thing I can do that will have the greatest impact on my spiritual life is: (B) / (B)
8. One thing I can do that will have the greatest impact on my mental (thinking and reasoning) life is: (C) / (C)
9. One thing I can do that will have the greatest impact on my social and emotional life is: (D) / (D)

Complete each statement on the left by writing your answer in the box on the right.

Who Do I Want to Be? – Statements

1.  I seek to live an honorable life like that of
2.  I trust that I have the ability and resources to
3.  I will strive to incorporate (A), / (A)
4. (B) and / (B)
5. (C) into my life. / (C)
I will continually renew myself by nurturing these dimensions of my being: (A), / (A)
(B), / (B)
(C) / (C)
and (D). / (D).

Fold the paper on the center vertical line. Lay the statements over the question sheet.

Your written responses from the exercise combine with these statements to form your Personal Mission Statement.

3)  What Have I Done? - Questions

1.  One thing about the world that excites me is:
2.  The principles behind what I do are:
3.  A talent I possess that no one knows about is:
4.  The happiest moment in my life was:
5. The most important role I play in life is: (A) / (A)
6. The thing I’ve done in my personal life that I value most is: (B) / (B)
7. The thing I’ve done in my work or school life that I value most is: (C) / (C)
8.  I am at my best when:

Complete each statement on the left by writing your answer in the box on the right.

What Have I Done? - Statements

1.  I appreciate and enjoy
2.  My guiding forces are
3.  Though it isn’t commonly known, I am blessed with a gift for
4.  My greatest joy has been
5. My life’s worth is evidenced by (A), / (A)
6. (B) and / (B)
7. (C). / (C)
8. I am absolutely in my element when I

Fold the paper on the center vertical line. Lay the statements over the question sheet.

Your written responses from the exercise combine with these statements to form your Personal Mission Statement.

4)  What Do I Want to Do? - Questions

1.  One thing I really love to do in my personal life is:
2.  One thing I really love to do at work is:
3. One personal goal I want to accomplish within one year is: (A) / (A)
4. Another personal goal I want to accomplish within one year is: (B) / (B)
5. A third personal goal I want to accomplish within one year is: (C) / (C)
6. One professional goal I want to accomplish within one year is: (D) / (D)
7. Another professional goal I want to accomplish within one year is: (E) / (E)
8. A third professional goal I want to accomplish within one year is: (F) / (F)
9. A financial goal I would like to accomplish within one year is: (G) / (G)
10. If I had unlimited time and resources, and knew I could not fail, I would choose to:

Complete each statement on the left by writing your answer in the box on the right.

What Do I Want to Do? – Statements

1.  My personal life will be filled with joy through
2.  I will enjoy work in employment where I can
3. I can accomplish whatever I have the desire and willingness to do. I will (A), / (A)
4. (B), / (B)
5. (C), / (C)
6. (D), / (D)
7. (E), / (E)
8. (F) / (F)
9. and (G). / (G)
10. Since anything is possible, I will look for opportunities to lead me to

Fold the paper on the center vertical line. Lay the statements over the question sheet.

Your written responses from the exercise combine with these statements to form your Personal Mission Statement.

What do I envision? - Questions

1.  This is the most important contribution I will make to the people in my life:
2.  These things have changed in the world because of my life:
3.  When I daydream I see myself doing this:
4.  In the story of my life’s journey I would:
5.  If I could see my 100th birthday, this might be the tribute statement made about my life:
6.  These are the things I will do to live my life with purpose:

Complete each statement on the left by writing your answer in the box on the right.

What do I envision? – Statements

1.  The people in my life will be most blessed by my
2.  My contribution to the word is
3.  It makes me happy to think of myself
4.  My life’s journey is
5.  The legacy of my life is
6.  I will live my life with purpose by

Fold the paper on the center vertical line. Lay the statements over the question sheet.

Your written responses from the exercise combine with these statements to form your Personal Mission Statement.

Class Resources

Developing a Personal Mission Statement Class Web Page on

Class Outline, Exercises and Resources:

·  View the full-page HTML Version

·  Download the Microsoft Word DOC Version

·  Download the Adobe Acrobat PDF Version

More Resources

FranklinCovey Mission Builder –

Use this Mission Builder exercise to add focus, direction, and a sense of purpose to your daily decisions. Create your Personal Mission Statement. The wizard will take you step-by-step through the process of creating a unique, personalized Mission Statement to guide your life.

Personal Mission Statement –

Free online mission statement builder that helps you clarify what you want out of life in as little as 5 minutes.

A Mission or Personal Vision Statement

Focusing Your Dreams: Creating a Mission Statement (8 pages)

Write Powerful Mission and Vision Statements

Leadership Development Institute: Personal Mission Statement

Using a Personal Mission Statement to Chart Your Career Course

Are You Living on Purpose? Personal Mission Statement Exercises

Ten Benefits of a Mission Statement

Creating a Personal Mission Statement (Part 1)

Creating a Personal Mission Statement (Part 2)

How To Write a Mission Statement (16 pages)

43Things Comment: “Write a personal mission statement”

Free Goal Setting Templates

Goal setting templates should incorporate at least four elements.

Life on Purpose: 15 Questions to Discover Your Personal Mission

Writing your personal mission statement

How to Create a Personal Mission Statement

Personal Mission Statement (5 pages)

What's Your Mission? 7 Steps to Building Your Personal Mission Statement By Jane Schulte

How to write a personal mission statement or objectives statement for your CV

Worksheet 4.35 Personal Work Mission Statement (2 pages)

Life Purpose Statement Vision Statement (11 pages)

Writing a Personal Mission Statement

The Art of the Personal Mission Statement

Writing a Personal Mission Statement

Copyright by Mary Catherine Miller

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