Private education loans are offered by many lending institutions to assist students and their families with meeting college expenses. Students considering a private education loan program should carefully consider the terms and conditions of the loan.
For your convenience, we have provided a list for you to compare and contrast different lenders.ELM Selectis a third party site that provides a neutral comprehensive list of private education loan lenders that Georgetown University students have borrowed from within the past three years, listed in random order. Georgetown University does not endorse, recommend, or promote any of the listed lenders. You are not obligated to borrow only from the lenders listed. Georgetown University will process alternative loans from lenders who are not listed.
- Affinity Plus Federal Credit Union
- Alaska Student Loans
- Alliant Credit Union
- Apple Federal Credit Union*
- Bank of Lake Mills*
- Bank of North Dakota Student Loans*
- Bank-Fund Staff Federal Credit Union
- Baxter Credit Union*
- Citizens Bank
- Citizens Equity First Credit Union
- College Ave Student Loan
- Connecticut Higher Education Student Loan Authority
- CommonBond
- cu Student Loans
- Day Air Credit Union*
- Democracy Federal Credit Union*
- Digital Federal Credit Union
- Discover Student Loans
- Everett Credit Union*
- First Technology Federal Credit Union*
- Georgia's Own Credit Union*
- GESA Credit Union*
- Holy Rosary Credit Union*
- Iowa Student Loans
- Keystone Federal Credit Union*
- Liberty Bank*
- Maine Education Loan Authority
- Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority
- Midwest Bank of Western IL
- Minnesota Office of Higher Education*
- MPower Financing
- NASA Federal Credit Union
- NJ Class
- NorthCountry Federal Credit Union*
- Northern FCU*
- Northwest Federal Credit Union*
- Nutmeg State Federal Credit Union
- PNC Bank
- Prodigy Finance
- Rhode Island Student Loan Authority
- SAFE Credit Union*
- Sallie Mae
- Social Finance - MBA Loan
- SunTrust Bank
- Thrivent Federal Credit Union
- Union Federal Private Student Loan
- Unitus Community Credit Union*
- USC Credit Union*
- Vermont Student Assistance Corporation
- Wells Fargo
*Lender does not participate with ELM Select. Please contact the lender directly for their most current student loan information.