Edwards Church

A United Church of Christ

An Open and Affirming Congregation

In the name of God and Jesus Christ, Edwards Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ, welcomes all who seek to know and worship God. We invite everyone to join in our faith journey and participate in our congregational life.

As a community of faith we take seriously the Biblical call to love God and our neighbors as ourselves, and recognize that although we are many members we are one. We celebrate the uniqueness of everyone. We rejoice in our diversity of views and understanding of our shared faith. We commit ourselves to work diligently to help end oppression and discrimination. We affirm all relationships founded on the principle of God’s love and justice.

We declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation.

Seeking to be the Body of Christ, we welcome into full fellowship and membership all persons of every race, language, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, physical or cognitive ability, and economic status.

39 Edwards Street

Framingham, MA 01701



Fourth Sunday of Easter – Holy Communion

May 7, 2017 10:00 AM

A thought for reflection

“I don't argue things being spiritual vs scientific, because I've never met anyone who knows enough about either to be convincing--including myself.”
― S. Kelley Harrell



Greetings and Announcements

Passing of the Peace

Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.

People: And also with you.

(We invite you to turn to your neighbors and greet them.)

+* Hymn of Praise “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You” NCH 4

* Call to Worship

Leader:  With joy, let us praise our God of glory and love;

PEOPLE:  May our hearts unfold like flowers; may we open to the sun’s light.

Leader: With joy, let us join the stars and angels in a song of unbroken praise.

PEOPLE: May we learn from the chanting birds and the flowing fountain.

Leader: With joy, let us drink from the wellspring of life and love.

PEOPLE: May our spirits be renewed as we love one another.

Leader: With joy, let us sing with the mighty chorus of creation.

PEOPLE: May we move forward in faith and joy as we worship God.

* Prayer of Invocation

* Sentences of Praise from Psalm 104

Leader: O my God, you are very great.

People: You are clothed with honor and majesty, wrapped in light as with a garment.

Leader: You stretch out the heavens like a tent,

People: you set the beams of your chambers on the waters,

Leader: you make the clouds your chariot,

People: you ride on the wings of the wind,

Leader: you make the winds your messengers, fire and flame your ministers.

People: I will sing praise to you as long as I live;

All: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.

+* Gloria NCH 756

Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!

Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!

Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest!

Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia!

Prayer of Confession (in unison)

Creator God, we confess our complicated relationship with truth. Sometimes we choose to ignore what is around us, closing our eyes to what is, pretending the pain and struggle and brokenness are not there. Sometimes we choose to see only what is around us, narrowing our vision and missing the mystery and power of your presence, closing our hearts to what could be. Forgive us, we pray. Open our eyes and our hearts, so we may see what is and imagine what could be. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

The Lord’s Prayer Music by Jean Sibelius, Text by Rev. Dr. Deborah Clark


The Hebrew Bible Lesson (Pew Bible, p. 433) Psalm 19:1-10

Anthem “Come to the Table” by Jay Althouse

The Gospel Lesson (Pew Bible, p. 797) Matthew 16:1-4

The Sermon “Signs of the Times—Part I: Awe and Curiosity”

Celebrations and Concerns

Call to Prayer

Silent Prayer

Prayers of Thanksgiving, Intercession and Petition


Our Offering to God


* Doxology (Lasst uns erfreuen) NCH 17

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Alleluia, Alleluia.

Praise God for all that love has done; Creator, Christ, and Spirit, One.

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia

* Prayer of Dedication


The Lord’s Supper

Hymn of Communion “Jesus Took the Bread” NCH 343

The Invitation to the Table

Prayer of Consecration

The Giving of the Bread and the Cup at the Table

The Thanksgiving (in unison)

We give thanks, almighty God, that you have refreshed us at your table by granting us the presence of Jesus Christ. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another, and send us forth into the world in courage and peace, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.


* Hymn of Dedication “Stars and Planets Flung in Orbit” NCH 567

Charge and Benediction


(Please feel free to remain and listen, or to greet one another in the narthex and at coffee hour.)

Our Worship Has Ended… Let Our Service Begin!

Ministers All the People of Edwards Church

Pastor The Rev. Dr. Deborah Clark

Associate Pastor The Rev. Mr. Shane Montoya

Mentored Pastor Nena Radtke

Commissioned Minister of Music Rick Seaholm

Organist Cheryl Elkins

Pianist Susan Minor

Administrative Assistant Nicola Seaholm

Sexton Lori Wilson

The Liturgist Reid Young & Don Akin

Communion Servers Matt Aufman & Dawn Sorensen

The Deacon-in-Charge Shelly Cichowlas

The Greeter Matt Aufman

Janis Steigman of Mother’s Helpers is in charge of the nursery this morning.

Communion Notes: You are invited to come to the communion table to partake of the Lord’s Feast. Come forward row by row from the back to be served. Dip the bread in the grape juice in the chalice on your left or in the wine in the chalice on your right. Proceed back to your seats by the side aisles. If you prefer to be served at your seat, we will come to you.

The Communion Offering is used for confidential emergency needs. If you or someone you know has a need, bring this to the attention of the minister or a member of the Diaconate. The offering envelopes are in the pew racks. Put your name on the envelope for tax credit purposes. Please consider this offering thoughtfully.


Congregational Meeting

TODAY after worship

Stay after worship for a Congregational Meeting in Sue Dickerman Hall. We will vote on an updated nominating committee report, and reflect on where we are and where we are going.

Gathering of Friends

Sunday, May 21st after Coffee Hour

If you are new to Edwards Church, if you've been coming for awhile and wondering what it means to be a member, or if you are a long-time member who'd like to meet our newer friends, then YOU ARE INVITED to a Gathering of Friends Brunch. Join us for informal conversation and delicious food! To RSVP, please email or call the church office at 508-877-2050.

Dessert Auction!

Sunday, May 21 after worship

Save your appetite and stick around after church to bid on delicious baked goods. Proceeds will help support important mission projects and outings and for our youth.

Green Team Kick-Off Meeting

Sunday, May 21 after worship

Edwards Church has done many things over the years to lower its impact on the environment and raise awareness in the community. Is there more we could be doing? We will meet after church (and after the dessert auction) for about an hour. The Green Team would then meet quarterly with informal follow-up on issues and actions as needed. There will be a simple soup lunch. Please email Mary Memmott () to RSVP, or just show up. Youth and adults are welcome.


Flamenco Fundraiser for the Nourishing Teachers Project at Hoops and Homework

TODAY, 3:00-5:00pm in Edwards Hall

Enjoy an afternoon of Flamenco Dance and Music as you help support our programs to provide mindfulness, yoga and flamenco classes to children in the Hoops and Homework after school programs. Tickets may be purchased at the church office or at openspiritcenter.org.

It’s Gardening Time!

Sunday, May 14, 1:00-6:00pm outside Edwards Hall

Help prepare and plant the permaculture food forest garden at Open Spirit. Come for an hour or all day. Bring your children, a snack, a hat, garden tools. Andrew Whittaker of Green Abundance by Design will guide the gardening. You’ll have fun and learn a lot!

Transformation and Transitions: Healing through Art, Ritual and Poetry

Saturday, May 20, 6:30-9:00pm in Edwards Hall

Join us for a Gallery Talk and panel discussion of the healing potential of art, ritual and poetry, in conjunction with a current exhibit, “Spring: FearLess, LoveMore,” a photography show featuring works of Nicci Meadow with poems by Mary Oliver.

Plant-based Cooking Class – Smoothies That Taste Like Dessert

Tuesday, May 23, 7:00-8:30pm in Edwards Hall

Join us to learn how to eat healthier and incorporate more plant-based foods in our diets. Smoothies are a great way to start your day – giving you energy when need it most, with food that your body (and mind) will thank you for! In this class you will learn how to easily make your own fresh almond milk, plus four smoothie recipes that taste like dessert but are loaded with nutrients and energy to keep you going through morning! Taught by Colin McCollough. Please register at openspiritcenter.org. $20 per person

Outdoors in Spring: Mindfulness and Meditation on the Trail

Wednesday, May 24 at 6:00pm at Pod Meadow Conservation Area in Wayland

Enrich your connection to the natural world and calm your spirit with Outdoors in Spring: Mindfulness and Meditation on the Trail, presented by the One Earth Collaborative and Wayland Walks. Join Rabbi Katy Allen, One Earth Collaborative Facilitator, for a springtime walk with reflective activities and guided meditations at Pod Meadow Conservation Area, Wayland. RSVP to y. Suggested donations of $8-15.

Summer Interfaith Woodland and Wetland Adventure Week for Kids

Monday-Friday, June 26-30 from 9:00am-1:00pm

The Interfaith Woodland and Wetland Adventure Week is an outdoor camp that gives children the opportunity to explore the wonders of woods and fields and streams in an informal way. They will play games, explore trails and rivers, brooks, and ponds, make friends with a tree and get wet. They will go canoeing, make nature crafts, keep a nature journal, and have quiet time each day. Children entering grades 2-5 or 6 years old by May 1 may apply. The cost is $135 for the week if registration and payment are made by June 19. Scholarships are available. The camp will be led by Rabbi Katy Allen, Facilitator of the One Earth Collaborative, and Michael Corthell, Counselor, Coach, and One Earth Collaborative Advisory Council member. It will take place at Open Spirit and various local nature spots. Details of drop-off locations will provided after registration. Register at openspiritcenter.org, or for more information, please y.


May 7-13, 2017

SUNDAY 9:00am Adult Bible Study Youth Room

9:00am Rental Edwards Hall

10:00am Worship & Communion Sanctuary

10:00am Sunday School Education Building

11:00am Coffee Hour Susan P. Dickerman Hall

11:00am Congregational Meeting Susan P. Dickerman Hall

1:00pm Rental Sanctuary

3:00pm Flamenco Fundraiser Edwards Hall

MONDAY 9:30am Chairobics Susan P. Dickerman Hall

6:00pm Veterans Yoga Edwards Hall

6:15pm Rental Susan P. Dickerman Hall

7:00pm Wider Missions Meeting Jonathan House

7:30pm Guided Meditation Susan P. Dickerman Hall

TUESDAY 9:00am Qi gong Susan P. Dickerman Hall

10:00am Gentle Yoga Edwards Hall

10:30am Rental Susan P. Dickerman Hall

1:30pm Rental Susan P. Dickerman Hall

5:30pm Hatha Yoga Susan P. Dickerman Hall

WEDNESDAY 9:30am Chairobics Susan P. Dickerman Hall

4:30pm Soup and Bible Study Jonathan House

5:45pm Threefold Yoga Edwards Hall

7:30pm Rental Edwards Hall

THURSDAY 9:00am Qi gong Susan P. Dickerman Hall

9:30am Not-Your-Ordinary Yoga Class Edwards Hall

11:00am Bible Study Jonathan House

6:00pm Cancer Support Group Youth Room

6:00pm Kripalu Yoga Edwards Hall

7:15pm Choir Rehearsal Susan P. Dickerman Hall

7:30pm AA Meeting Edwards Hall

FRIDAY 9:30am Chairobics Susan P. Dickerman Hall

6:00pm Rental Edwards Hall Classrooms

6:30pm Loving-Kindness Dinner Edwards Hall

SATURDAY 9:00am Senior Yoga Edwards Hall

9:00am Rental Susan P. Dickerman Hal

10:00am Gardening Edwards Hall Garden

4:30pm Rental Sanctuary

Rev. Dr. Debbie Clark will be away from May 12 - May 19. If you have a pastoral concern during this time, please contact deacon Shelly Cichowlas at 508-904-6123.


Sponsoring a New Child at the Tibetan Children’s Village

For than ten years, Edwards Church has sponsored Jurme Wangmo, a young girl from a refugee family in India, at the Tibetan Children’s Village in Dharamsala. Jurme is now eighteen and is completing her education there. The United Church of Christ Child Sponsorship program has given us a new child to sponsor. Here’s the information we recently received from the Tibetan Children’s Village:

Tenzin Dayoe is a nine-year-old girl who was admitted to The Tibetan Children’s Village in Dharamsala, India in March 2015. She was born in Dharamsala on November 3, 2008 to a Tibetan family living in poverty.

Dayoe’s father Tashi Choephel works as a Thanka painter in Norbu Linga. Her mother Monica, who does not have any professional qualifications, works as a helper at a sweater-selling business during the winter season, and earns a very small income. It is only her father’s financial income that supports the family, though her mother’s contribution does help. Over the years, the family has faced many financial difficulties.