The Milton Keynes Children and Young People’s Plan 2009 – 2011 focuses on the areas where partners can work together to secure optimal outcomes for every child and young person in Milton Keynes. The shared vision is that: “All our children and young people are happy, safe, healthy and successful and achieve their full potential in the inspirational community of Milton Keynes”.

The programmes in this directory form part of a wider programme of learning and development opportunities which are becoming progressively joined up with other training programmes funded within the Children and Young People’s Directorate (CYPS). The aim is to:

-  develop a more integrated approach to the development of leaders and managers

-  support people in the workforce to develop the skills and behaviours they need to work effectively in partnership with all children, young people, and parents, and with each other

-  enable employees to gain knowledge and skills via accredited qualification training programmes

-  build effective teams around children, young people and their families to ensure every worker knows how and when to mobilise the knowledge and skills of relevant others

Every member of the workforce should take some personal responsibility for their own development. Their manager, likewise, will use Milton Keynes Council’s performance management tools, i.e. appraisal and supervision to help shape a clear development programme. The programmes in this directory provide a framework for personal development on which individuals are expected to build.

These programmes have been developed in response to a learning needs analysis exercise undertaken in Children’s Social Care but may be relevant to many other members of the children’s workforce. Where

spare capacity exists other members of the workforce may apply (please see audience restrictions). Priority will be given firstly to social care staff, then members of Children and Young People’s Service and finally others.

In the coming year the Council proposes to unify all training activities provided within Milton Keynes Council. The training programmes will be advertised centrally and where possible reciprocal arrangements made for Milton Keynes Council’s training to be made more accessible to others within the directorate, the Children’s Trust and other local stakeholders.

M J Hallas

Learning and Development Manager (Social Care)




Introduction to Safeguarding 4

Attachment Theory and Research: Its Practical Implication 5

Working with Families: An Introduction 5

Family Group Conference Service Induction 6

Impact of Abuse on Children and Young People 6

Producing Reports for Protection Conferences and Child Care Reviews 7

Safeguarding and Quality Service: An Introduction 7


Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board Training Programme 8

Communities in Milton Keynes 9

Direct Work with Children 9

Protective Behaviours 10

How to be Good: Shame and the Development of Social Learning 10

Assessment: Using Analysis and Professional Judgment 11

Evidence-Informed Practice in Assessment 11

Risk Assessment: Developing and Applying Evidence-Informed Materials 12

Planning for Children 12

Working with Emotional Abuse and Neglect 13

You Can’t Choose Your Parents 13

Children’s Trust and Effective Support in Milton Keynes 14

Using CAF to Deliver Effective Support in Milton Keynes 15


Mediation Skills for Social Work: An Introduction 16

Court Work Skills 17

Effects of Mental Health on Parenting 17

Supporting Children and Young People to Build a Positive Personal Identity 18

Young People: Encouraging Good Mental Health 18

Young People: Mental Health Problems 19

Anxiety and Depression in Young People 19

Beyond Childhood: Traumatised Children Make the Transition to Adult Life 20

Working with Bereavement - Sharing the Journey 20

Paediatrician’s Seminar: Physical Abuse 21

Paediatrician’s Seminar: Head Injury 21

MK Specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service Seminar 22


Supervising to Safeguard Children 23

Difficult, Dangerous and Evasive: Social Workers’ Course 24

Difficult, Dangerous and Evasive: Social Work Managers’ Course 24

Joint Investigation Training 25

Interviewing Vulnerable Children and Young People 25

Brief Solution Focused Therapy: An Introduction 26

Building on Success: Developing Solution Focused Skills 26

Newly Qualified Social Workers’ Development Programme 27

Early Professional Development Programme 27

Safer Recruitment 28

Inter Agency Safeguarding Practice Forums 28

Introduction to Practice Learning & Assessment 29

Enabling Practice Learning and Assessment - (Module 5 Post Qualifying Award) 30

Practice Educators Information & Development 31


Emergency First Aid for those Working with Children 32


NVQ3 Caring for Young People 33

Open University K101: Understanding Health and Social Care 34

Open University KYJ113 Foundations for Social Work Practice 34

BA Social Work Degree 35

Post Qualifying Award in Specialist Social Work CYP their Families and Carers BA Honours/ Graduate Diploma 35

Children’s Social Care IT Systems 37


Other Training Available in Milton Keynes 39


If you have any queries concerning your course booking, please contact our training helpline number on 01908 253854

Course Application Process


Courses which staff should consider in their first six months of employment, taking into account job role, previous experience and qualification.


Introduction to Safeguarding

Discover the various ways in which you can safeguard the welfare of children whilst employed in your role.


Maureen Williams – Senior Practitioner MKC

Who should attend?

All new staff in children's social care although other staff who work with children may also find this course useful.

Course Content

§  How their actions to safeguard children fit within the wider context of support to children and families

§  The four categories of abuse

§  Indicators of abuse

§  How to deal with disclosures

§  When to be concerned, record and report

Course Duration

1 day

Course Dates and Timings

Thursday 10 June 2010 09:30 -16:30

Thursday 25 November 2010 09:30 -16:30


Attachment Theory and Research: Its Practical Implication

Find out about the different patterns of attachment and how recent research on Attachment Theory can aid the understanding of children's and adult's behaviour. Participants attending this training should be prepared to discuss either current or past cases where they have had concerns about a child's attachment.


Steve Farnfield – Independent Trainer

Who should attend?

This course is most suited to participants who have not studied Attachment Theory before, or those who wish to update their knowledge.

Course Content

§  The importance of attachment to a child's development

§  Case examples and discussion of methods of assessing attachment

§  Ways to help children who have experienced disordered attachments

Course Duration

1 day

Course Dates and Timings

Tuesday 1 February 2011 09:30 -16:30


Working with Families: An Introduction

This course is a comprehensive introduction to working systemically with families.


Jo Norman - Reconstruct

Who should attend?

All staff who are new to working with families, or those who wish to enhance their basic family work skills.

Course Content

§  The current social context for providing services to families

§  A framework to aid understanding of stages in family life

§  The processes that exist within family relationships

§  How different families fit into the social structures

§  Objective approaches to engage with families requiring intervention from specialist and targeted services

Course Duration

1 day

Course Dates and Timings

Tuesday 8 March 2011 09:30 -16:30


Family Group Conference Service Induction

This is an opportunity for new staff, students and established staff to have a brief introduction to Family Group Conferences (FGC) in Milton Keynes. Please note that this course will be held in The Committee Room at The Quaker Centre, Downhead Park, Milton Keynes, MK15 9BH.


Anne Barlow –Family Group Conference Manager

Who should attend?

This course is essential for all staff who may be working with families where a Family Group Conference may be necessary.

Course Content

§  An introduction to the purpose of Family Group Conferences

§  Basic information on conference arrangements and delivery

Course Duration

2.5 hours

Course Dates and Timings

Thursday 29 April 2010 09:30 - 12:00

Thursday 24 June 2010 09:30 - 12:00

Tuesday 21 September 2010 09:30 - 12:00

Thursday 18 November 2010 09:30 - 12:00

To book this course, please contact Sam Parrott on 01908 392241 or


Impact of Abuse on Children and Young People

This course explores the key issues of working with children and young people who have been abused and the factors that influence their recovery.


Chris Kent – Young People in Focus

Who should attend?

Support workers, social workers and foster carers who work with children and young people who have been abused.

Course Content

§  Issues for children and young people and the message they have received from adults

§  Behaviours and patterns that indicate poor or difficult early relationships and continued distress

§  A summary of factors that increase or decrease vulnerability-specific issues for young people regarding "race", ethnicity, sexuality, gender, class, disability status, culture, religion and language

§  Strategies for responding as a protective adult and facilitating recovery

Course Duration

1 day

Course Dates and Timings

Tuesday 11 January 2011 09:30 -16:30


Producing Reports for Child Protection Conferences and Child Care Reviews

This practical workshop provides an opportunity to explore the requirements and structure of reports for both Child Protection Conferences and Child Care Reviews. You will also be able to develop confidence and skills in producing clear reports within the ICS framework.


Independent Reviewing Officers and Child Protection Co-ordinators

Who should attend?

This workshop is a requirement for staff new to working in Children’s Social Care in Milton Keynes whose role could involve working with children in care and children subject to child protection plans. Existing staff who would like to refresh their skills may also find this workshop useful.

Course Content

·  The main requirements for reports for Child Care reviews and Child Protection conferences

·  Producing clear reports within the ICS framework

·  Preparing necessary for meeting timescales in terms of producing reports and sharing the content with relevant family members

·  Opportunity to put workshop content into practice

·  An opportunity for discussion and questions

Course Duration

3.5 hours

Course Dates and Timings

Workshops will be arranged twice a year. If you would like to attend please contact for the next available workshop.


Safeguarding and Quality Service: An Introduction

This workshop provides a brief introduction to the main roles and functions of the Safeguarding & Quality Service.


Child Protection Co-ordinator, Local Authority Designated Officer

Independent Reviewing Officer (Children in Care)

Who should attend?

This workshop is a requirement for staff new to working in Children’s Social Care in Milton Keynes.

Course Content

·  The role and responsibilities of the Child Protection Co-ordinators and the role of Children’s Social Care practitioners within the Child Protection Consultation and Conference processes

·  The role and responsibilities of the Local Authority Designated Officer and how allegations against staff and those who work with children are managed

·  The role and responsibilities of the Independent Reviewing Officers for Children in Care and the role of Children’s Social Care practitioners within the Looked-After Children’s process

Course Duration

1 hour

Course Dates and Timings

Wednesday 14 April 2010 10:00 – 11:00

Wednesday 7 July 2010 14:00 – 15:00

Wednesday 13 October 2010 10:00 – 11:00

Wednesday 12 January 2011 10:00 – 11:00

Wednesday 13 April 2011 14:00 – 15:00

If you would like to attend please e-mail Child Protection Administrators -Cripps Lodge.


These courses are important for all staff in Children’s Social Care in the early stages of their employment.

Managers will advise as to which courses are most suitable for individual roles.

Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board Training Programme

A joint training programme is provided that meets the standards of Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006) and in accordance with the Milton Keynes Safeguarding Children Board Inter-Agency Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures 2008. This is training for multi and inter-agency working that will enable people to work effectively with those from other agencies.

Trainer - MKSCB Trainers

Who should attend?

This training is specifically for staff who have already attended basic training within their own agency. A range of training is provided for all staff that work directly with children and in services affecting their safety and welfare. “Working Together” states that ‘ the purpose of Interagency training is to help develop and foster a shared understanding of the tasks, processes, principles and roles and responsibilities outlined in the national guidance and local arrangements for safeguarding children and promoting their welfare’.

The following training events will be provided in the coming year:

·  Everybody’s Business - Working Together to Safeguard Children and Young People in Milton Keynes

·  Child Protection Conference Process

·  Safeguarding children with disabilities

·  Milton Keynes response to Domestic Violence – A multiagency approach

·  Hidden Harm - Understanding the Impact of Parental Substance Misuse on Children

·  The Family Group Conferencing process in Milton Keynes

·  Briefings – Vetting and barring and other topics

·  One day Train the Trainer and Trainers Development Day

·  Managing and Supervising Child Protection Practice

Course Duration


Course Dates and Timings

Further information about courses will be announced on: www.mkscb.org.uk


Communities in Milton Keynes

This course seeks to provide information about minority ethnic groups in Milton Keynes to improve understanding and increase sensitivity to their needs.


Navrita Atwal - Director Milton Keynes Equality Council

Who should attend?

All staff seeking to increase their knowledge and understanding of minority ethnic groups in Milton Keynes.

Course Content

§  The overview of the different communities that make up Milton Keynes

§  Geographical spread of communities in the area

§  Case studies

§  Different social issues which affect communities

§  Pressures on communities

§  Question time session to a panel made up of different community leaders: Islamic, African, African Caribbean and others by request

Course Duration

1 day

Course Dates and Timings

Thursday 13 May 2010 09:30 -16:30


Direct Work with Children