FALS – Primary
School Supplies
The following list is supply items that will likely be needed by the student during the year.
___ 1 box of crayons
___ 5 large beginner pencils
___ 1 large eraser
___ 1 pair of scissors
___ 2 pocket folders
___ 1 smock/art shirt
___ 2 changes of clothes in
labeled plastic bags
___ Toileting supplies, if needed
___ 1 pack of Velcro
Voluntary Donations
Families may donate the following school supplies:
Box of tissues
Box of gallon resealable bags
Box of quart resealable bags
Plastic shopping bags
FALS – Intermediate
School Supplies
The following list is supply items that will likely be needed by the student during the year.
___ 5 marble notebooks
___ pencils
___ erasers
___ 1 large eraser
___ 4 glue sticks
___ 4 folders with pockets
___ washable crayons
___ washable markers
___ scissors
___ art smock/old shirt
___ change of clothes in
labeled plastic bags
___ daily snack
Voluntary Donations
Families may donate the following school supplies:
Box of tissues
Roll of paper towels
Box of gallon resealable bags
Box of quart resealable bags
School Supplies
The following list is supply items that will likely be needed by the student during the year. Please have the following items by Wednesday, August 31.
___ 1 large backpack that your
child can open and close
independently (no wheels –
they don’t fit in the lockers)
___ 1 plastic school supply box
___ 1 cloth pencil case (3 rings
for binder) 9 ½” x 7 ½ “
___ 3 glue sticks (not gel glue)
___ 1 box of 8 large crayons
___ 2 large beginner pencils
___ 1 blunt child scissors
___ 1 old shirt/art smock
___ 1 complete change of clothes
(in a labeled bag & kept at
Voluntary Donations
Families may donate the following school supplies:
Baby/Antibacterial wipes
Antibacterial soap
Box of sandwich resealable bags
Box of tissues
School Supplies
The following list is supply items that will likely be needed by the student during the year. Please have the following items by Wednesday, August 31.
___ 6 large glue sticks
(not gel glue)
___ 1 glue bottle
___ 4 solid colored folders
with fasteners
___ 4 packs of 24-ct. crayons
___ 1 composition notebook
(no spirals please)
___ 1 primary journal
___ 10 large pencils
___ scissors
___ 1 art smock/old shirt
___ change of clothes (in a
labeled bag & kept at
Voluntary Donations
Families may donate the following school supplies:
Box of tissues
Roll of paper towels
Baby/Antibacterial wipes
Antibacterial soap
Hand sanitizer
Box of sandwich resealable bags