Clinical Audit Tool:
Heart Failurewith
Left Ventricular
Systolic Dysfunction – Drug Therapy
This clinical audit tool addresses the managementof confirmed heart failure with left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF <45%) in the primary care setting.
It draws on best practice guidance summarised in the New Zealand Primary Care Handbook2102on Heart Failure and specific contentfrom the source guideline New Zealand Guideline for the Management of Chronic Heart Failure (2009 update).
See for content in the Handbook and for the full guideline.
TOPIC / Heart Failure with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction – Drug TherapyWhy is this topic of interest or concern?
Patients with heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction are frequently managed in primary care. This caseload is increasing as the New Zealand population ages.
Key pointson drug therapyfrom the guidance:
- Patients often do not have a clear understanding of the importance or rationale for taking drugs prescribed for heart failure.
- ACE inhibitors improve symptoms of heart failure, decrease hospital admissions and improve LV function and survival. They should be used as first-line agents.
- Diuretics should be prescribed for the symptomatic relief of pulmonary and systemic venous congestion. Aim to use the minimum diuretic dose required to maintain optimal fluid status (in particular, avoid dehydration from over-diuresis).
- It is recommended that patients are treated with optimal doses of ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers prior to considering the addition of an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB).
PLAN / Indicators (elements of practice performance to be measured)
The practice providesappropriate drug therapy for the management of heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction.
1.Initial drug therapy prescribed fortreatment of heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction is appropriate.
2.Appropriate diuretic therapy is initiated if there are clinical signs of fluid overload and continued or modified as needed to achieve and maintain optimum fluid status.
3.Drug therapy prescribed is consistent with recommended intensification of treatment for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction.
Criteria(how the indicator will be measured)
- ACE inhibitors are used as first-line agents in appropriate doses and with appropriate monitoring for treatment of confirmed clinical heart failure and LV systolic dysfunction.
Blood pressure, serum potassium and renal function should be measured prior to starting therapy and approximately 1 week after initiation or a change in dose. Contraindications to ACE inhibitors should be considered prior to commencing therapy.
ARBs may be used as an alternative to ACE inhibitors if the patient is unable to tolerate an ACE inhibitor due to cough.
- Use of diuretic and agent and dose prescribed is appropriate for the individual patient’s symptoms and degree of fluid retention. Monitoring of serum creatinine and electrolytes is appropriate.
A loop diuretic will usually be required in patients with moderate or severe heart failure or if the patient has failed to respond to thiazide diuretics (e.g. frusemide 40 mg daily initially). If greater diuresis is required the dose can be doubled and given once daily. Careful clinical monitoring (usually including patient monitoring of body weight) is required.
An identified “dry” (or target) body weight is suggested to assist optimum diuretic dosing.
Serum creatinine and electrolytes should be measured at appropriate intervals according to the clinical status of the patient.
- Drug therapy prescribed is consistent with recommended intensification of treatment - starting with ACE inhibitor (ARB if not tolerated) and diuretic as required; adding a beta-blocker if clinically stable on adequate doses of an ACE inhibitor and a diuretic with mild-to-moderate symptoms (NYHA functional class II-III); adding a low-dose aldosterone antagonist (spironolactone 25 mg once daily) to ACE inhibitor and diuretic therapy for patients with severe heart failure (NYHA class III of IV or who have been on class IV within last 6 months). Titration of dose and monitoring of serum creatinine and electrolytes is appropriate.
Spironolactone is not recommended in patients receiving combined treatment with an ACE inhibitor and an ARB. NSAIDS should not be co-administered with spironolactone. Serum creatinine and electrolytes should be checked 3-4 days, one week and one month after initiation of spironolactone and then as indicated by renal function.
ARBs may be used in patients who are symptomatic despite appropriate treatment with ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. Extra caution, with monitoring for adverse effects is required.
See Fig 9 of the Handbook and pages 39-50 of the full guideline for full details of recommended drug therapy, contraindications and appropriate monitoring for side effects. Contraindications should be considered prior to commencing therapy with a particular agent.
Standards (the standards to be achieved)
Note that the focus is on improving standards of clinical practice, with 80% achievement identified by the RNZCGP as an appropriate target and 100% as an ideal.Individual GPs and practices may choose to set a differing target for a first or subsequent audit/s, with a view to increasing standards over time.
- 80% of patient notes indicate drug therapy for heart failure and LV systolic dysfunction is initiated with an ACE inhibitor (ARB if not tolerated) at an appropriate initial dose and with appropriate dose titration. 80% of patient records indicate appropriate monitoring of blood pressure, serum potassium andrenal function.
- 80% of patient records indicate patients requiring diuresis received an appropriate diuretic agent and dose. 80% of patient records indicate appropriate monitoring of serum creatinine and electrolytes.
- 80% of patient records indicate prescribed drugs and doses consistent with recommended intensification of treatment (see Criteria section). 80% of patient records indicate appropriate monitoring for adverse effects.
DO / Discover what you are doing now (collect data)
- Retrieve records for 15-20 random patients with heart failure and LV systolic dysfunction.
- Review patient records using copies of the Individual Patient Record Review Sheet.
STUDY / Next steps: what do the results tell you (interpret the data)
- Collate the data from patients according to the standards set and compile a brief summary for each indicator.
- What are you doing well?
- What needs improving?
- What gaps between standards and performance do you want to close?
- Identify possible solutions.
Clinical Audit Tool: Heart Failure with Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction: Drug Therapy
Patient Record Review SheetDate:
Patient 1(add initials/NHI):ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 2(add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 3 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 4(add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 5(add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 6 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 7 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 8 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 9 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 10 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 11 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 12 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events:
Other comments:
Patient 13 (add initials/NHI):
ACE inhibitor used as first-line agent (or ARB if not tolerated)
BP, serum potassium and renal function checked before initiation of drug therapy?
Appropriate monitoring (one week after initiation and with any change of dose)?
Yes/No / Diuretic therapy - appropriate agent and dose?
Appropriate monitoring (including patient monitoring of body weight as appropriate)?
Yes/No / Drug therapy intensification consistent with recommended titration and treatment regimens
Appropriate monitoring?
Drug therapy for heart failure with LV systolic dysfunction (circle all agents prescribed):
ACE inhibitor beta-blocker ARB spironolactone thiazide diuretic loop diuretic other (specify)
Rationale/comments re. initial and subsequent drug therapy:
Rationale/comments re. monitoring/adverse events: