Review Problems
Determine whether the following variables are qualitative (L) or quantitative (N)
(a) Type of wood used to build a kitchen table.____
(b) Medal won in the Olympics ____
(c) Number of times your Internet service goes down in the next 30 days. ____
(d) Amount of time your Internet is down in the next 30 days ____
(e) Type of calculator bought for Math 133 ____
(f) Placement at the end of a race (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) ____
(g) Money each student in our class spends on their calculator for Math 133 course. ____
(h) Shoe size ____
(i) Length of foot (in cm) ____
(j) The social security number of people in our class. ____
(k) The candidate a survey respondent will support in an upcoming election ____
(l) The length of time required for a wound to heal when a new medicine is being used ____
(m) The number of televisions within a household ____
(n) The distance first-year college women can kick a football ____
(o) The number of pages per job coming off a computer printer ____
(p) The kind of tree used as a Christmas tree. ____
(q) The type of blood a person has (A, AB, B, or O) ____
(r) The U.S. Census Bureau collects data on the Zip code of all people in your household. ____
(s) The heights of the tallest waterfalls in the world as listed in the Information Please Almanac ____
(t) The language spoken by 2000 random foreign graduate students. ____
Determine whether the following quantitative variables are continuous (C) or discrete (D)
(a) Length of a strand of hair ____
(b) Number of hairs on your head ____
(c) Number of times your Internet service goes down in the next 30 days. ____
(d) Amount of time your Internet service is down in the next 30 days. ____
(e) Shoe size ____
(f) Length of foot (cm) ____
(g) The age of every dog in a kennel ____
(h) The age of every dog in a kennel, rounded to the nearest year ____
(i) The length of time required for a wound to heal when a new medicine is being used _____
(j) The number of televisions within a household _____
(k) The barometric pressure outside our building. _____
(l) The number of needles on a Christmas tree. _____
(m) The distance first-year college women can kick a football _____
(n) The number of pages per job coming off a computer printer _____
(o) The U.S. Census Bureau collects data on the number of people in yourhousehold. _____
(p) The heights of the tallest waterfalls in the world as listed in the InformationPlease Almanac _____
(q) The temperature of the sand on 20 beaches around the world at noon. _____
(r) The number of siblings you have in your family _____
(s) Women’s waist circumferences (in inches) _____
(t) Women’s dress sizes (2, 4, 6, etc.) _____
Determine whether the following qualitative variables are nominal (N),ordinal (O), interval (I), or ratio(R).
(a) Type of wood used to build a kitchen table (pine, oak, etc.). ____
(b) Rating of a Movie (on a scale of 1 to 10 stars) ____
(c) Medal won in the Olympics (Gold, Silver Bronze) ____
(d) Year student was born ____
(e) Length of time it takes to swim the 100 meter butterfly ____
(f) The social security number of people in our class. ____
(g) Student’s Body temperature in degrees Celsius ____
(h) The number of leaves on maple trees on campus ____
(i) The heights of pine trees on a farm ____
(j) The price of dishwashers at a local Sear’s ______
(k) A January 2007 Gallup Poll question asked, “In General, do you think thingshave gotten better or gotten worse in this country in the last five years?” Possibleanswers were “better”, “Worse”, and “No Change” ______
(l) Interior temperature of a variety of oven tested by Consumer Reports______
(m) Phone area code ______
(n) The number of people released from prison in the last year. ______
(o) The year a movie was released. ______
(p) The candidate a survey respondent will support in an upcoming election______
(q) The severity of side effects experienced by patients while being treated with aparticular medicine is measured as none, mild, moderate, severe, or very severe______
(r) The salaries earned by various JCC administrators ______
(s) Time it takes Olympic swimmers to finish a race ______
Identify which of these types of sampling is used: A. simple random, B.systematic, C. convenience, D. stratified, or E. cluster.
a) The Gallup Organization plans to conduct a poll of New York City residents.Computers are used to randomly generate telephone numbers that are automaticallycalled. ______
b) A marketing expert for MTV is planning a survey in which 500 people will berandomly selected from each age group, 10-19, 20-29, and so on. _____
c) An ABC news reporter polls people as they pass him on the street. _____
d) A Johns Hopkins University researcher surveys all cardiac patients in each of 30randomly selected hospitals. _____
e) A U.S. customs agent pulls over and inspects the cars of every 125th car that passesthrough the Detroit-Windsor tunnel. ______
f) A General Motors researcher has partitioned all registered cars into categories ofsubcompact, compact, mid-size, intermediate, and full-size. She is surveying 200randomly selected car owners from each category. _____
g) The College of Newport conducts a study of student drinking by randomly selecting10 different classes and interviewing all of the students. _____