Determination under the Defence EnterpriseCollective Agreement 2012 – 2014No. 31of 2012, Travel on official duty– amendment
I, INGRID CECILIE SINGH, acting in accordance with the delegation of powers to me under section I3 of the Defence Enterprise Collective Agreement 2012 – 2014 (DECA) by the Secretary to the Department of Defence, hereby determine under section H1.9 of the DECA that the accommodationarrangements for an employee travelling on official business are to be as set out below.2
/Repeal of decisions
1. / Clause 5 of Determination under the Defence Enterprise Collective Agreement 2012 – 2014 No. 11 of 2012, Relocation assistance and other allowances, is repealed.2. / Clauses 5 and 6 of Determination under the Defence Enterprise Collective Agreement 2012 – 2014 No. 25 of 2012, Travel and relocation, are repealed.
/Definition – contracted service provider
In this Determination, contracted service provider means the service provider contracted to provide the Commonwealth with accommodation services for its employees and members of the ADF. It is the AOT Group (ABN No. 23 106 495 498).4
/Definition – normal accommodation stock
1. / Normal accommodation stock is accommodation that meets both the following conditions.a. / It is listed on the contracted service provider's inventory management system as available to Defence employees from time to time.
Note: Employees can find the available inventory accommodation in the following ways.
i. / It is on the Internet site maintained by the contracted service provider (
ii. / It is on the online booking tool. (This is available on the Internet on
iii. / By telephoning 13 11 57.
b. / It is still available at the time it is booked for the employee.
2. / There are two categories of normal accommodation stock.
a. / Accommodation provided for employees in the SES.
b. / Accommodation provided for employees who are not in the SES.
3. / An employee must use normal accommodation stock listed for their category.
/Accommodation arrangements
1. / For travel on Defence business, anemployee must use normal accommodation stock.See: Clause 4,Meaning of normal accommodation stock
Exception: Anemployee who is provided with accommodation that is paid for by the Commonwealth or another approved source should use that accommodation instead.
2. / A decision-maker may approve employee use of accommodation provided by the contracted service provider that is not normal accommodation stock. The decision-maker must consider the following criteria.
a. / Whether normal accommodation stock is available.
b. / Whether normal accommodation stock is suitable.
Example: Anemployee needs to travel to Townsville at short notice.There are no rooms in normal accommodation stock available as they have all been booked. The employee asks the contracted service provider if there is accommodation available in Townsville that is not in normal accommodation stock. The contracted service provider is able to supply a room, at greater cost to Defence. As the employee needs to travel, the decision-maker approves the more expensive accommodation. The employee uses the Defence travel card to pay for the room.
3. / Adecision-maker may approve the use of accommodation that is not provided by the contracted service provider. The decision-maker must consider the following criteria.
a. / Whether the contracted service provider is able to supply accommodation at the location.
b. / The attempts made by the employee to source accommodation from the contracted service provider.
c. / Whether it is possible to cancel or defer the travel.
d. / Whether the decision is consistent with the Whole-of-Australian Government (WoAG) travel services arrangements and the Commonwealth procurement rules.
Example: Anemployee is at a remote airport late at night and the airline advises the plane has been delayed until morning. The employee tries to contact the contracted service provider but fails. The employee chooses to use a nearby motel which is not supplied by the contracted service provider. The decision-maker approves the use of the motel.
Non-example: Anemployee has found accommodation that is slightly cheaper than normal accommodation stock. Not using the contracted service provider undermines the Commonwealth's contractual obligations. The decision-maker does not approve the use of the accommodation.
Note: The Commonwealth has a contract with the contracted service provider to provide accommodation services to the whole of Government. Under that contract the contracted service provider is the sole provider of those services. Defence is required to source its accommodation from the contracted service provider.
4. / Anemployee who uses accommodation under this clause must use the travel card to pay for it.
5. / In this clause, decision-makerhas both of the following meanings.
a. / An employee's manager or supervisor, not below APS 6.
b. / An employee's manager or supervisor, not below Major or an equivalent rank.
DECA Determination No.31of 2012 is effective fromdate of signature.Dated 19 October 2012
Acting Director General People Policy and Employment Conditions
Defence People Group