Sixth Grade
Details of Writing Types
Argument / Informative/Explanatory / Narrative- Students will:
- Write arguments to support claim(s)
- Organize the reasons and evidence clearly
- Support claim(s) with clear reasons, relevant
Demonstrate understanding of the topic
- Use credible sources
- Use words, phrases, and clauses to clarify
- Establish and maintain formal style
- Provide a concluding statement or section
- Students will:
- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and analyze relevant content
- Introduce a topic
- Organize ideas, concepts, and information
- Use definition, classification, comparison/contrast, and cause/effect
- Use formatting - headings, graphics, charts, tables, etc.
- Include relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples
- Use transitions to clarify relationships among ideas and concepts
- Use precise language and domain specific vocabulary
- Use and maintain formal style
- Provide a concluding statement or section following explanation presented
- Students will:
- Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events
- Effective technique
- Relevant, descriptive details
- Well structured event sequences
- Engage and orient the reader by establishing a context
- Introduce narrator and characters
- Organize event sequence that unfolds naturally and logically
- Use transition words, phrases, and clauses to convey sequence and signal shifts in time
- Use dialogue, pacing, and description to develop experiences, events, characters
- Use precise words, phrases, relevant descriptive details, sensory language
- Provide a conclusion that follows narrated experiences or events
- With guidance and support students will:
- Use the writing process within a writing block organizationPlanning
- Revising
- Editing (conventions should demonstrate command of Language Standards)
- Rewriting or typing
- Publishing
- Students will:
- Use the writing process within a writing block organizationPlanning
- Revising
- Editing (conventions should demonstrate command of Language Standards)
- Publishing
- Students will:
- Use the writing process within a writing block organizationPlanning
- Revising
- Editing (conventions should demonstrate command of Language Standards)
- Publishing
- With guidance and support students will:
- Use technology, including Internet and keyboarding skills, to produce and publish writing (minimum 3 typed pages)
- Use internet and collaborate with others
- With guidance and support students will:
- Use technology, including Internet and keyboarding skills, to produce and publish writing (minimum 3 typed pages)
- Use internet and collaborate with others
- With guidance and support students will:
- Use technology, including Internet and keyboarding skills, to produce and publish writing (minimum 3 typed pages)
- Use internet and collaborate with others
- Students will:
- Produce clear and coherent writing in which development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
- Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources
- Assess credibility of each source
- Quote or paraphrase data and conclusions of others
- Avoid plagiarism
- Provide basic bibliography for sources
- Students will:
- Produce clear and coherent writing in which development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
- Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources
- Conduct short research projects that use several resources to build knowledge through investigation to answer a questions
- Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
- Refocus the inquiry when appropriate
- Assess credibility of each source
- Quote or paraphrase data
- Avoid plagiarism
- Provide basic bibliography for sources
- Students will:
- Produce clear and coherent writing in which development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience
- Recall relevant information from experiences or gather information from print and digital sources
- Summarize or paraphrase in notes
- Students will:
- Write daily
- Short time frames (single sitting, day or two)
- Extended time frames
- Time for research, reflection, revision
- Focus on a range of:
- Discipline-specific tasks
- Purposes
- Audiences
- Students will:
- Write daily
- Short time frames (single sitting, day or two)
- Extended time frames
- Time for research, reflection, revision
- Focus on a range of:
- Discipline-specific tasks
- Purposes
- Audiences
- Students will:
- Write daily
- Short time frames (single sitting, day or two)
- Extended time frames
- Time for research, reflection, revision
- Focus on a range of:
- Discipline-specific tasks
- Purposes
- Audiences