Fill in the application and read separate application instructions, if necessary from FICORA's website. Remember to sign the application after you have printed it out. The signatory must be a party who is the organisation's authorised signatory or who is authorised, by power of attorney, to be in charge of the case. A handsigned application can be sent by mail, fax or email. The application can also be submitted by email without a personal signature. In this case, the application must be sent from the company's official email address and from the email account of a person who is an authorised signatory.


Name of the applicant
Business ID/association register number / ☐ The applicant is a private person
Personal ID
Postal address
Telephone number
Email address (if in active use)
Name of the person in charge

Details of the payer (provided only, if they differ from those of the applicant)

Business ID/association register number / ☐ The applicant is a private person
Personal ID
Postal address
Telephone number
Email address (if in active use)
Name of the person in charge

Invoicing details

Customer's invoice reference
Online invoicing EDI code / Note! If you provide the online invoicing details, we will send all the invoices related to the same customer number as online invoices in the future.
Online invoicing operator
Transmission identification

Frequencies applied for

Last day of validity applied for (If the applicant does not give an earlier date, the programming licence is valid until 31 December 2019)
Frequencies or frequency units applied for
☐ Frequencies are applied for as alternatives for each other regarding the same program content (provide a more detailed clarification below)
The frequency/frequency unit applied for is wished to be paired with a frequency unit that is in accordance with the valid licence ☐yes ☐no
More detailed clarification of the wishes related to the pairing (identifier of the frequency unit subject to the pairing etc.)

Statement regarding the applicant's solvency

A written statement regarding the applicant's solvency and ability to carry out regular radio broadcasting must be annexed to the application. In addition, the application must includea plan of profits/operations or other free-form written statement regarding the financial ability to carry out regular radio broadcasting. The adequacy of the statement is assessed case-specifically. Tick below the documents annexed to the application.
Select one or several:
☐ Plan of profits/operations ☐Draft budget ☐Other written statement, please specify
Select one:
☐ Copy of the latest adopted financial statement and the auditors' report on the applicant's
current economic situation.
☐ Written financing plan and loan decision
☐ Other written statement regarding the solvency, please specify


Place and date
Signature and name in block letters
☐The signatory above is authorised with a separate power of attorney
☐sent in advance
☐annexed to this application

The application can be submitted:

By email: radiotaajuudet(at), with the following text in the subject field: "Application for a programming licence for radio broadcasting"

By mail: FICORA's registry / Application for a programming licence for radio broadcasting, P.O. Box 313, 00181 Helsinki, Finland

By fax: +358 295 390 270, with the heading "Application for a programming licence for radio broadcasting"