POST TITLE / Head of Early Years Education
LOCATION / 1st Place Children and Parent’s Centre
PURPOSE OF JOB / 1. Developing, implementing and evaluating policies and procedures to secure the highest standards of teaching and learning within 1st Place’s Early Years Programmes.
2. Responsible for the compilation of the Early Education development plan and oversight of the Self Evaluation of each 1st Place nursery.
3. To take overall responsibility for monitoring, evaluation and reviewing of the quality of learning and teaching in the nurseries.
3. To take strategic lead in the development of training and the co-ordination of CPD for the Early Educationteam and mentoring of staff, ensuring that they contribute effectively to the development and learning of children 0-5 years.
4. To have strategic responsibility for developing the range and potential of 1st Place’s educational resources.
5. Undertaking the role of Special Educational Needs and Inclusion co-ordinator (SENDCo) for 1st Place nurseries, supporting both internal and external colleagues in assessment and planning for children with additional needs.
6. Establishing and maintaining links with other childcare settings, primary and schools and other relevant professionals, and representing 1st Place as required.
HOURS OF WORK / 36 hours per week
SALARY RANGE / £40,000- £45,000 dependant on experience
RESPONSIBLE TO / The 1st Place Director
RESPONSIBLE FOR / Line management of Early Education Managers and Atelierista
Summary of Responsibilities and Personal Duties
- To lead the continued development and progression of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum at 1st Place, including reviewing planning, ensuring consistency of curriculum implementation through planned termly monitoring.
- To work with Early Education staff and parents/carers, to ensure that each child attending the 1st Place nursery has an up-to-date, appropriate, individual learning and development plan which is based on regular, recorded observations and which is used in planning that child’s activities and experiences. To regularly review with relevant Early Years staff these plans and the child’s developmental progress.
- With Early Education Managers, to maintain develop an Early Years Education development plan which underpins 1st Place’s work with children 0-5 years in line with 1st Place’s Reggio Emilia approach.
- To work with Early Education Managers at 1st Place to create a culture in which all staff have a full understanding of children’s learning and development and where they work together and with parents to produce an environment that both supports and challenges, where children flourish, and where the outcomes sought by Ofsted’s framework are achieved.
- To act as SENDCo and work with Early Education Managers to ensure that all children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities are appropriately supported in accordance with the 2014 Code of Practice and the inclusive ethos of 1st Place as an organisation
- To support families with children with special educational needs and disabilities by working with (and leading on, as appropriate)other partners in a Team Around the Child model.
- To act as the named person for promoting positive behaviour within 1st Place and take prime responsibility for ensuring all staff are aware of and confident in the implementation of the 1st Place Behaviour policy.
- To undertake co-ordination of provisions for children with SEND through close liaison with Early Education managers, staff, parents and external agencies. To co-ordinate all Annual Reviews and reviews of Education, Health & Care Plans and CAFs where appropriate and attend / chair when necessary.
- To take strategic lead to ensure that there is a stimulating and well-resourced environment that will enable learning to take place both indoors and outdoors. Support theEarly Education Managers to plan and monitor budgets for resources, materials and activities.
- To have strategic responsibility for the continuous professional development and mentoring of all Early Education staff and, where appropriate, students and volunteers.
- Identify, develop and maintain strategies thatengage parents as partners, in their children’s early learning and development
- To be responsible for ensuring that a the developmental progress of each child attending 1st Place nurseries is tracked, monitoredand provision made to ensure children are making expected progress.
- Working with family Support managers, ensure the learning provision within in 1st Place’s wider community programmes supports children’s early learning and school readiness.
- To keep up-to-date with best Early Years practice and Ofsted requirements, and to take lead responsibility for 1st Place’s Early Years policies, procedures and practices.
- To establish and maintain links with local primary schools, childcare settings and other relevant professionals.
- To be the line manager of the Early Education Managers and the Atelierista(s). To ensure all staff within the nurseries receive regular, high quality supervision and appraisal.
- To be responsible for the provision of data and reports for the Director and Board of Trustees in relation to children’s progress As required
- To represent 1st Place as required.
General Duties:
- To act as second named person under the Children Act and share leadership of policies for the protection of children and adults at risk
- To comply with Equal Opportunities policies at all times.
- To comply with Health & Safety policies at all times
N.B. All staff are expected to provide support for each other, to cover for each other’s areas of work during absences, to share information and to contribute generally to the smooth running of the office. Staff may also be required to undertake other duties within their capabilities.
Person Specification
The person specification describes the characteristics (skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications) that are needed to carry out the duties in the job description, and will be used as the basis for short-listing and interview.
Essential / DesirableEducation & qualifications /
- Qualified Teacher Status
- A record of Continuous Professional Development in the last five years related to Early Years education and care both as a participant and facilitator
- Commitment to continuing professional development
Experience & Abilities /
- Experience of working within an Early Years environment in a senior position
- Experience of managing a staff team of Early Years practitioners
- Experience of planning, facilitating, assessing and monitoring the Foundation Stage curriculum, a good understanding of the Birth to Three framework and of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Daycare Standards
- Experience of supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and working with a range of professionals to ensure a child’s individual needs are met
- Experience of multi-agency working in relation to children under 5 years and their families
- Experience of supporting and engaging parents as partners in their children’s education
- Experience of working with children under 3
Planning & Organising
Information resources
Communication /
- Thorough knowledge of EYFS
- A full understanding of children’s development and learning from 0-5 years and a commitment to the provision of an appropriate learning environment indoors and out
- Knowledge and understanding of the statutory requirements of legislation concerning Safeguarding Children practice and procedures, Equal Opportunities, Health and Safety, Special Educational Needs and the Children Act
- Knowledge of current legislation, research and practice relating to Early years education
- Knowledge of the Ofsted framework for inspection of Early Years settings
Personal Qualities
Interpersonal skills
Team/Collaborative working
Attitudes & Values /
- Demonstration of excellent written and verbal communication skills
- Exemplary Early Years Practice with a full understanding of child development