All branches of art are governed by the elements and principles of design and the ideas necessary to use them effectively. The painter works with canvas and paints; the architect works with blueprints and computer plotters; the flower arranger works with plant materials, supporting mechanics and components to create a unified, harmonious and beautiful design.
Components of designs are:
PLANT MATERIALS - fresh, dried or treated dried. Plant Materials are living plants: Flowers, grasses, branches, bushes, or trees. In rose arrangements a rose or roses must be included and must be the dominant flower. Outdoor garden grown roses, whether fresh or dried, must be used in all arrangements.
CONTAINERS – used to hold plant materials and other components of a design. A container may be an integral part of a design or a state for a flower arrangement, subordinate to the design. Containers may be wood, pottery, glass, plastic, metal or other material and may be any color or design. It should be suitable for the type of design: Traditional, modern and Oriental containers each have particular characteristics.
MECHANICS – hold the materials of a design together. Commonly used are floral foam, needlepoint, floral water tubes, wire and other devices and supports. Mechanics should be as unobtrusive as possible.
BACKGROUNDS – the surface or scent behind the design. It may be a wall, or a freestanding background. Designs must be confined with the area of the background.
BASES – anything placed under the design except the underlay and are considered part of the container and design. They add weight and stability to the design, as well as contrast in color, texture, or they can simply add height.
ACCESSORIES – any accent added by the arranger to emphasize an interpretation of expression. It is considered part of the design, and must be in harmony with the rest of the design and subordinate to it. A well-chosen accessory may add visual weight and balance, help interpret a theme, add interest, or help express a feeling.
FEATURES – objects that dominate in a design. A feature may be used if the schedule specifically states that it is permitted. A feature should be used if the schedule specifically states that it is required.