PRESENT: Councillors Mr. Fryer (Chair), Mr. Comer, Mrs. Crane, Mrs Houghton, Mr. Morris, Mr. Pratt, and K. Wright (Clerk)

Councillors Mr. Bessant and Mr. Sprason

Parishioners: Mrs. Gudger

764. APOLOGIES: Councillors Mrs. Camamile, Mr. Hutt and Mrs. Sanderson


1.  The Minutes of the meeting held on the 20th February 2008, having been circulated, were taken as read and with the amendments that item 750.1 should read A47 not A46, and that item 752.15b should be in pounds sterling not dollars, accepted as a true record of the meeting.

2.  The Actions Arising sheet was filled in as per Appendix 1. Some of the outstanding actions were covered under Correspondence or specified Agenda items and Appendix 1 reflects decisions taken.

3.  Appendix 2 is the Outstanding Actions Arising sheet.


No interests were declared at this point.


1.  The Chairman stated that only one parishioner had expressed an interest in standing for co-option and introduced Mrs. Gudger whose details had been previously circulated. Mrs. Gudger then left the room and the councillors voted by secret ballot on the decision of co-option

2.  It was agreed to co-opt Mrs. Gudger and the Chairman welcomed her back to the table as a parish councillor.

At this point in the meeting, with agreement, the Chairman moved the order of business to Correspondence as this needed to be discussed prior to Accounts.



1.  Email from Leicestershire County Council replying to Highway and footpath queries. The Clerk is to reply on those matters still outstanding.

2.  Email from Leicestershire County Council replying to query on cycle path suggestion at A47 junction – email has been circulated. Scheme is at early stages and additional signage for left hand lane will be considered within scheme. Councillor Mr. Sprason noted that path suggestions for new cycle routes were being requested and Councillor Mrs. Crane noted theDesford –Newbold path that had been in the Hinckley Cycle Plan. Councillor Mrs. Crane is to give the details to the Clerk who is to pass them onto Councillor Mr. Sprason. Councillor Mrs. Crane also suggested a cycle route along both Leicester Lane and Dans Lane.

3.  Email from Outback Landscapers with revised quote for Pickard fencing- chainlink £3274 + VAT and weldmesh £4235 + VAT. The Clerk reported the other present quotes and it was agreed and voted on to accept the weldmesh fence and the Clerk is to contact Outback.

4.  Estimate from LA Maud to roughcut proposed cemetery field of £95 per cut and suggestion that field is rough cut at least once per month during growing season for a year. It was agreed to postpone the tender for a year and to accept the estimate for one year’s rough-cutting. This was voted and agreed to and the Clerk is to accept the estimate

5.  Notice from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council that next parish forum meeting will be on 3rd April (6.30pm) and agenda will be circulated shortly.

6.  Newsletter from LRALC with offer of subscribing to a Business Support Helpline in relation to employment issues at cost of £10 per year plus VAT unlimited use. This was voted on and agreed to subscribe.

7.  Email from Councillor Sprason regarding query on gritting on Leicester Lane. Email has been circulated. The Chairman queried if the whole length of Leicester Lane was gritted and Councillor Mr. Sprason replied that he had been told that the whole length was treated.

8.  Email from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council re request for parking enforcement outside Buttylicious. Request for restrictions has been passed to County but if vehicles are blocking pavement, police should be informed. Details of any vehicles should be passed on to PCSO Raxter and the Clerk is to contact him regarding this issue.

9.  Invitation from Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council to the Event Safety Forum 3rd April 2-4pm. Reply by 25th March and Clerk has RSVP slip.

10.  Email from Leicestershire County Council re Newtown Unthank scheme (email circulated) suggesting that any site meeting is deferred until VAS sign has been connected and scheme assessed in its entirety. After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would contact LCC and ask when the report would be done and request a copy.

11.  Copy of letter sent by Mrs Thorpe to County Council as she has been informed that the County Council has funds available to plant trees and she suggests planting flowering cherries on the land between Manor Road and the service road. It was agreed that the parish council would support the request and also suggest that trees be planted on the verges (both sides) coming into the village from Newbold.

12.  Letter from Mr. Atkinson, Chief Executive Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council re query on Buttylicious. The specific questions still have not been answered and the Clerk is to write back.

13.  Copy of the plans to be submitted for planning approval for the new scout building. The councillors agreed to submit the plans.


14.  Letter from LA Maud accepting additions of Warwick Close and the Garden of remembrance.

15.  VAT form from HM Revenue & Customs

16.  Employer Payslip Booklet for 2008/09 from HM Revenue and Customs

17.  Eighteen allotment agreements (with one letter of query answered by the Clerk) and one notice of vacancy.

18.  Certificate of attendance for clerk at SLCC conference

19.  Notice of Bosworth Community Forum meeting on the 13th March (circulated)

20.  Email from Leicestershire County Council regarding request for a site visit in regard to pedestrian refuge on Manor Road. A traffic survey of the area has been commissioned and is awaiting results. No further action can be taken until these results are received. However, Mr. Cox has visited site and agrees that the hedges may reduce visibility and has issued instructions to have small sections trimmed back further.

21.  Email from Leicestershire County Council re A47 crossroads stating that request for update had been received and would be answered (see above)

22.  Estimate from LA Maud to

23.  Erect post and rail fence in new cemetery field £280.00

24.  Cut access through to new cemetery £60.00

25.  Dig hole for new sign (estimate based on information to date) £95.00

26.  Tidy shrub area on Pickard jitty £210

27.  Estimates a,b,d accepted and estimate c held for later date.

28.  Letter from Leicestershire County Council re request for waiting restrictions High St/Kirkby Lane. Sites have been logged as holding traffic restriction order waiting prioritisation and programme for 2008/09 is about to be set. However, there are many sites to be considered and we will be updated once the programme has been set. Councillor Mr Sprason noted that he had requested the TRO’s as well and that this request carried additional weight.

29.  Notice of meeting of Standards committee

30.  Email from Councillor Mr. Sprason regarding request for update on double yellow line request on Station Road. Email has been circulated.

31.  Email from Councillor Mr. Sprason stating that he will look into the gritting on Leicester Lane (see above)

32.  Email from Inspector Ball stating that he was to have a meeting with driver of vehicle parked inappropriately in December. Subsequent phone call to say that police were dealing with a 999 call – email circulated with this information.

33.  Email from Sally Crossfield re signs for Sport in Desford and Peckleton Lane – she will look into it and also noted the report of damage to sign at Ratby junction.

34.  Copy of official application to extinguish highway rights over land adjacent to Hillside, Main St, Botcheston

35.  Copy of LCR

36.  Copy of letter sent to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council planning department objecting to a planning application. Details of letter had been circulated to planning committee.

37.  Letter and email giving notice of Bosworth Community Forum 13th March

38.  Information for clerks attending the SLCC conference

39.  Copy of the Clerk

40.  Five letters from residents of Leicester Lane re suggested re-naming. Residents have been given until April to reply.

41.  Email from resident querying who own the car park on High St as the fence has been damaged and Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council were apparently unsure as to ownership. Resident and Borough Council have been contacted.


42.  Invitation to ‘Events Safety Forum’ 3rd April 2-4pm from HBCC. Clerk has RSVP slip

43.  Copy of letter from LCC re request for waiting restrictions at High St/Kirkby Lane

44.  Village Voice

45.  Notice of proposed local planning application requirements – comments requested by 19th April

46.  Borough Bulletin

47.  Information from ‘4 Counties’ drainage contractors

48.  Letter from Mr Tredinnick, MP and information on GP contract scheme


49.  Copy of ‘The Bulletin’ from the Standards Board

50.  Invitation to a ‘Funding Fair’ with Voluntary Action on Tues 11th March 10.30-1.30pm

51.  Invitation to seminar on ‘Green Routes for New Urban Growth’ 26th March 9.15am – 12.45pm

52.  Copy of School Travel Plan News from LCC


53.  Information on upcoming Market Bosworth Festival (June 2008)

54.  Information on ‘celebrating St George’s Day’

55.  Information on Older Voices Forum, HBBC 3rd March 2pm

56.  Information on Standards Training on Code of Conduct, HBBC, 26th Feb 5pm

57.  Agenda of HBBC council meeting 26th Feb 6.30pm



ABB Ltd £159.38

HBBC £80.57

HM Revenue (PAYE) £306.33

Francis W Keyworth £1590.00

Andy Kirk £587.50

Leics Rutland Playing Field Assoc £15.00

LRALC £385.59

LA Maud £1166.36

Severn Trent Water £150.11

Sport in Desford £90.00

Wicksteed Leisure £54.00

K Wright £1075.45

Yates Smith £19.68


HM Revenue (VAT) £1392.91

Bank Interest £1.64

Scouts (poppy wreath) £18.00

Allotment rent £330.00

The question of a donation to Desford Free Church for use of their hall was raised (Councillor Mrs. Houghton declared an interest at this point) and it was agreed that a donation of £25.00 be made and a cheque made out

Desford Free Church £25.00

The accounts were accepted and passed for payment.

There were no parishioners’ questions at this meeting.


The Clerk had received no police figures.


1.  Councillor Mr. Sprason stated that he would get more information on the tree planting scheme to the Clerk.

2.  Councillor Mr. Sprason noted that following the Budget meeting, the County had agreed a 3.9% increase with a 15.4% increase for the police although this was likely to be capped. Councillor Mr. Sprason also noted that for council tax band D, Desford had the cheapest price for Mr Sprason’s division.

3.  Councillor Mr. Sprason noted that the community forum was now running and that there needed to be more publicity to the general public. Councillor Mr. Sprason also noted that there might be funding available for the forum.


1.  Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that Desford, Newbold Verdon and Peckleton had now all agreed to join in the Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator Scheme and the Chairman noted that there was a meeting to be held on April 2nd between the chairmen to discuss the division of time and costs and that the understanding was that the police would advise as to the hiring.

2.  Councillor Mr. Sprason noted that trading standards were promoting the ‘no cold calling’ zones and smartwater scheme and the Chairman noted that the new co-ordinator could help with these schemes.


1.  Councillor Mrs. Crane noted that Mr. Lee, Leicestershire County Council had suggested that the jitty along Pickard Recreation Ground needed scaping back and retaining. The Clerk has contacted the Land Registry to clarify ownership.

2.  Councillor Mr. Pratt noted that the gulley on the downside of Station Road was leaking again and the Clerk is to notify Highway and Footpaths

3.  Councillor Mr. Pratt requested an update from the County Council on the resurfacing of Leicester lane as there were still yellow marks but no obvious work in progress. The Clerk is to contact Highways and Footpaths

4.  Councillor Mr. Morris suggested requesting a zebra crossing on Kirkby Road at the junction of Peckleton Lane as this would help provide safe crossing and reduce the parking problem. The Clerk is to raise the issue with Highways and Footpaths and note the issue of cars leaving Caterpillar at end of shift.

5.  Councillor Mr. Sprason noted that he had been in contact with a resident of The Grove over parking issues and had suggested a disabled access for the resident may help.


After discussion, it was agreed to act in accordance with Standing Orders section 36c.


1.  The Clerk reported that at the SLCC conference, the speaker from the Audit Office had recommended that the letter of instruction be simple and not restrictive and to state that a full audit under all present regulations covering parish councils be carried out and that full access to all records and the responsible financial officer be made available.

2.  This was agreed to and the Clerk is to instruct the internal auditor of this at the time of the internal audit.

3.  The Clerk also noted that due to the new accounts package, assistance was being provided with the end of year accounts and the date for this was the 20th June so the accounts would not go to the internal auditor until after this date.


1.  Details of the proposed new system had been circulated at the previous meeting. Councillor Mr. Pratt stated that he felt it was important to be able to justify capital expenditure programmes and that the new system would enable this.

2.  The plan was voted on and accepted and will be used for the next precept.