Scoil Iósaf,
Co. Cork
Telephone: (021) 4667689
Uimhir Rolla: 13647B
“Let the rooms be full of happiness”
Scoil Iósaf Staff
Principal:Mrs. Jane Flannery
Deputy Principal:Mrs. Fiona O’Callaghan
Teachers:Mrs. Una McKevitt
Mrs. Ellen O’Neill
Mrs. Bernadette O’Brien
Mr. Barra Ó Tuama
Ms. Eleanor Murphy
Ms. Chrys Quirke
Ms. Úna O’Brien
Ms. Fiona Santry
Ms. Valerie Hunt
Ms Maria Sheehan
Non-Teaching Staff: Mrs. Nancy Horgan,SNA, Mrs Maria Fleming, SNA, Mrs. Eileen McCarthy, Mrs. Helen Murphy,
Mr. Piotr Morawski,
Ms. Karen Dowley ( Traffic Warden Cork, Co. Council).
School Song.
This is our school, let peace be found here.
May the rooms be full of happiness.
Let love abide, love for one another.
The love of life itself and the love of God.
Our Motto:
“Let the Rooms Be Full of Happiness”
Mission Statement.
Scoil Iósaf is a co-educational, Catholic, primary school which strives to provide a well-ordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral and cultural needs of the pupils are identified and addressed.
Scoil Iósaf, baile na Martra.
Scoil Iósaf is a twelve teacher school, nine classroom teachers, a Learning Support Teacher, a Resource Teacher and an Administrative Principal. The school also has fifteen hours learning support provided in three five hour blocks throughout the week by arrangement with Ballycotton NS, Whitegate NS and St Mary’s NS Carrigaline. Scoil Iósaf is one of two primary schools in the Parish of Imogeela. It was constructed in 1980. We have bright, spacious, airy classrooms, carpeted throughout with safety flooring on wet areas. All rooms have ensuite bathrooms. Our campus includes a generous hall with full stage facilities and amplification system, a large playground area and grass playing field. Current enrolment: 260 pupils. (Sept 2016).
Recent Refurbishments
The Green Room 2015
Window and door replacement – summer works scheme 2015
Classroom No 9 built – 2014
Resource Room built – 2014
New Fitted Kitchen - 2014
2 New Classrooms built - 2012
PVC Double-Glazed windows (Except Hall) 2012 & 2013
Water Conservation Grant – 2010
Natural Gas Heating - 2010
Rainwater Harvesting - 2010
Electrical and Mechanical Refurbishment - 2008
C.C.T.V. & Intruder Alarm - 2009
Fire-alarm Secure Access Control - 2009
Intercom System- 2009
Cavity Wall Insulation - 2009
High Spec Ceiling Insulation -2008
O.P.W. Asbestos Removal - 2007
Complete re-decoration and floor covering. 2007 & 2010
School Schedule
A Roman Catholic School (which is established with the Minister for Education) aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil; intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual, including a living relationship with God and with other people. The school models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Catholic school provides Religious education for the pupils in accordance with thedoctrines, practices and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes the formation of the pupils in the Catholic Faith.
Board of Management.
The patron of the school is the Bishop of Cloyne, Dr. William Crean. The Board of management is composed of: Two members appointed by, and representative of, the Patron –David Fleming and Fr Frank O’Neill. Two parents representatives – one mother, one father – Anne Leahy and David Lane. The Principal, Jane Flannery and another teacher Barra O Tuama. Two member’s representative of the wider community – Alice Olaniran and Catherine Scully.
The Chairman of the Board, David Fleming, nominated by the patron, is charged with direct management of the school. Responsibility for the school lies withinthe Board of Management. A Board serves 4 years. The current Board took office in 2015
Parents Association
In Scoil Iósaf there is an active and co-operative Parents Association. The Parents Association works for the betterment of education, leisure and the environment of the school. It helps financially and organises some annual events for the children’s enjoyment – Halloween Bingo, Santa’s visit, Sports Day, First Communion, & Daffodil Day. They also organise events for parents, recently a Parenting Talk, A Health and Beauty Night and a Workshop on Transfer from Primary to Secondary School.
The Parents Association meets on the first Tuesday of each month. All are welcome. The current Chairperson is Ms Lisa O’Donovan.Facebook: Scoil Iósaf Castlemartyr-Parents Association
School Hours:
9.10am–2.50pm; Junior & Senior Infants finish at 1.50pm
The children are supervised from 9.00am.
Breaks: 11.05am – 11.15am and 12.50pm – 1.20pm
Break time is spent in the school playground, weather permitting. Break-time is intended for eating, drinking, using toilet facilities and play. The children are allowed 5-10 minutes to eat lunch in their classrooms before going into the playground. They remain in their classrooms if it is wet. Children cannot remain unsupervised in their classrooms during lunchtime. Please do not make such a request. (Extreme exceptions must be arranged through the Principal)
Punctuality is expected.
Regular attendance is very important. The school is governed by the Education Welfare Act 2000. If a child is absent for 20 days or more in a school year the School Welfare Officer/TUSLA must be notified by the Principal. Each day of non-attendance must be accounted for, in writing or verbally, by a parent or guardian. This is done by means of a note recorded in the school HomeworkJournal or a phone call to the office or a personal note. The school actively fosters an attitude whereby: “The children come to school, on time, every day and stay for the whole day.” The school would prefer if children are not taken out of school during term time for family holidays. If this is unavoidable, please be courteous and inform the Class Teacher and the Principal. School holidays are governed by the standardised school year as agreed with the Dept. of Education & Skills. A school calendar is sent to each home in June with details of the following school year – This is also posted on the Website
Promotion of Pupils.
Scoil Iósaf is governed by Rule 64 of the Rules for National Schools in the promotion of pupils. The Primary Curriculum is an eight year programme, including a two year infant cycle followed by six years in standards First to Sixth with children progressing to the next grade at the end of each school year. Children should only repeat a year for educational reasons. Rule 64 is further clarified by Circulars 10/67 and 11/01 (
Division of Classes.
The Principal determines the formation of classes and the allocation of classes among teaching staff. In Scoil Iósaf when a class must be divided age and gender balance will be the deciding factor. The older boys and girls, by two(initially), will go to the higher level class grouping. Friendships, ability or personal preferences are not considerations in the division of classes. The division rule has been amended to avoid the same children being placed in the lower division more than twice. The Principal will implement this policy on behalf of the Board of Management. This policy may be reviewed from time to time as the Board of Management decides.
The Curriculum at Scoil Iósaf is determined by The Revised New Curriculum 1999. All eleven subjects; Gaeilge, English, Maths, SPHE, Science, Geography, History, PE, Visual Arts and Drama are taught. As a Catholic school time is also given to the teaching of Religion. Grow in Love/Alive–O are the programmes used. The school frequently adopts whole-school collaboration. The staff co-operates to promote whole-school activities. These include Assembly, Paired-Reading, Quizzes, Active School Week, whole-school subject exploration and School Self Evaluation Targets. The school is open to modular pursuits such as Irish Dancing, Hurling, Gaelic Football, Athletics, Cricket, Gymnastics, Basketball and School Performance. Parental support, when needed, is always forthcoming and welcomed for such activities.
The School Playground
In the playground the children play with their own peer groups within specified zones. Each playtime is supervised by two teachers and SNA support where necessary. Our playground arrangements are intended to promote harmony andenable manageable supervision. They are in keeping with our motto “Let the rooms be full of happiness”.
Home – School Links.
Parent/Teacher Meetings: Scoil Iósaf fully embraces the good practice of annual parent-teacher meetings. These meetings will take place in the first term. Strengths and weaknesses will have been established by that time and ample time remains in the school year to effect changes. If a parent is unable to attend at a formal parent-teacher meeting then an appointment time, suitable and convenient, to both parties must be arranged.
School Reports are sent to parents at the end of the school year. Standardised Assessment Tests (1st to 6th Class) are administered in English, Maths and Spelling in May/June each year. The results, in writing, are given to parents. Senior Infants are administered the M.I.S.T. (Middle Infants Screening Tests) every February.
Information: Short messages are sent to the parents/guardians by text message – each family supplies one mobile number & must notify the school if that number changes. For other information, notices, letters or newsletters are issued to the parents/guardians through the children. Children are encouraged to keep these in their Homework Journals. It is school policy to give such notices to the eldest members of each family. The school website regularly updated and is increasingly used as a means of communication.
Parental Support: Scoil Iósaf actively encourages parents to support the school in many aspects of school life. The school needs the support of parents, from time to time, with transport and supervision. Parents who have particular skills and talents to share with the school are encouraged and welcomed to do so.
Parent/Teacher Contact: The staff of Scoil Iósaf recognises its obligation to meet and discuss issues that may arise with parents. Informal contact before and after the school day, to trade information, has always been part and parcel of the Irish Primary school system and, where appropriate, will continue. In the interest of fairness to all parties, however, an appointment system must be used in order to facilitate more serious discussions. The agenda of such a discussion must also be made known in advance, to allow for consideration, research and preparation.
Party Invitations / Cards/ Presents.
Party Invitations have no place in schools. They are never given out during school hours or on the school premises. Talk of forthcoming parties must be kept “low-key”. There is no present giving among pupils. Christmas cards? The staff would prefer if this practice stopped please.
It is the policy of Scoil Iósaf to give homework on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday evenings to all classes. Homework is both written and oral, especially reading aloud for younger children. Homework often includes Rote/Memory work. i.e. tables, poetry, rhymes and prayers. Homework should be age appropriate. Work on the learning of spellings should be carried out as a written activity, for sound educational reasons. Differences in assignments and expectations should reasonably allow for ability differences within a class group. It is school policy to use Homework Journals from Senior Infants onwards to log homework. These should be monitored by parents and serve as a useful point of communication between home and school. Please sign the Homework Journal each evening. It is established practice that homework ceases in Scoil Iósaf in the weeks that remain following the June Bank Holiday until the end of the school year.
School Uniform.
The pupils of Scoil Iósaf wear a school uniform. Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore. Grey V neck jumper, bearing school crest. Red shirt, grey tie with red stripes. School track-suit and red polo shirt worn on P.E. days. We encourage the wearing of black school shoes. The wearing of a school uniform is seen as a leveller, removing the competitive elements associated with fashion & clothing choice. The Parent Body was surveyed in January 2014. The Parents gave a very definite “Yes” to maintaining the status quo. If temperatures rise sufficiently in the final month of the school year uniform rules are relaxed and the children are encouraged to wear summer clothing.
School Lunch Policy
Scoil Iósaf has in place a healthy lunch policy, The children eat in their classrooms for 10 minutes before each playtime. Lunchtime is dignified and pleasurable; in Scoil Iósaf we sit down to eat. Plain healthy foods with a strong emphasis on sandwiches, dairy products & fruit are encouraged. Water and milk are the preferred drinks. Fizzy drinks, foods with chocolate and a high sugar content, crisps, biscuits and cereal bars are not welcomed. During class the children are encouraged to drink plain water to aid good health, performanceand concentration. Parents, please support our healthy lunch policy, in the long run it benefits everyone.
Food / DrinkYes / NO / Yes / No
Fruit/Veg, Rice Cakes,Popcorn, Fruit or Nut Yogurts, Soda Bread / Biscuits, Cakes,
Crisps, Nuts,
Chocolate, Breakfast Bars, Winders,
Chewing/Bubble Gum / Milk
Fruit Juice? / Fizzy
The wearing of jewellery must be kept to a reasonable minimum. As a safety precaution watches and rings should be removed. Stud Ear-rings ONLY please.
Hair should be maintained in a clean and neat condition. It is expected that long hair will be tied back, or up, during school hours. Teachers must be able to make eye contact with their pupils so pupils may be requested to take hair away from their eyes. Be vigilant for head-lice. They are a bigger problem with the younger children. A high standard of personal hygiene is presumed and expected. During S.P.H.E. lessons the children are encouraged to take ownership of cleanliness with regard to their own bodies, clothing and footwear.
Scoil Iósaf does not permit the children to have mobile phones in school. The children are allowed to use the school landline if necessary. Confiscated phones must be collected from the office by an adult.
Accident and Illness
In the event of an accident or illness occurring during school hours it is the policy of Scoil Iósaf to contact the parents concerned as soon as possible. If this should prove impossible, the Principal will contact the child’s doctor, as listed in the child’s profile, or whatever doctor is available to come to our aid.
Scoil Iósaf, School Calendar 2016/2017
September 2016
Thursday 1st: School re-opens for term at 9:10am
October 2016
Monday 31st –Friday Nov 4th School closes-Standardised mid-term
November 2016
Wednesday 15th & Thursday 16th – Parent/Teacher Meetings. New arrangement necessary as the school increases in size. More details in due course
December 2016
Thursday, 8th: School closed-Church Holiday. Catholic School.
Thursday, 22nd: School closes at 12.30pm for Christmas Holidays.
January 2017
Monday, 9th: School re-opens at 9:10am
February 2017
Thursday, 23rd- Friday 24th School closes -Standardised Mid-term
March 2017
Friday, 17th:School closes - St Patricks Day
April 2017
Friday, 7th:School Closes at 2:50pm – Easter Holidays
Monday, 24th:School re-0pens at 9:10 am
May 2017
Monday, 1st:School closed - Public Holiday
June 2017
Monday, 5th:School closed – Public holiday.
Wednesday, 28th:School closes for Summer Holidays at 12.30pm
Total = 183 days in school. You will be notified of any change to the calendar as soon as it arises. (Schools have been directed to alter Calendars should events such as “snow days” arise again)
Code of Conduct
The code of discipline aims to promote good communication, co-operation, respect and discipline in a safe and friendly atmosphere.
- Good manners and politeness are expected. Show respect for teachers, other adults and your classmates.
- Be punctual – arrive on time each morning.
- Wear correct uniform each day.
- All homework must be completed and handed up on time.
- AGGRESSIVE VERBAL behaviour; Aggressive PSYCHOLOGICAL behaviour; OR aggressive PHYSICAL behaviour IS NOT ALLOWED.
- Keep your hands, your feet and your comments to yourself.
- Obey the school buzzer / bell and line up in an orderly fashion.
- Keep the school and playground litter free.
- Walk in the corridor – on the right hand side.
- Chewing Gum is not allowed in the school or playground.
- Be quiet and remain at desks if your teacher has to leave the room.
- Always allow others to work undisturbed.
- Abusive substances are not allowed.
- Weapons are not allowed
Scoil Iósaf Castlemartyr: Roll Number: 13647B
Child Protection Policy Statement
Scoil Iósaf is fully aware of its obligation to provide students with the highest possible standard of care in order to promote their well-being and protect them from harm. School personnel are especially well placed to observe changes in behaviour, failure to develop or outward signs of abuse in children.
- Mindful of this primary duty of care, the Board of Management of Scoil Iósaf fully endorses “Children First”, the designated guidelines for the protection and welfare of children as issued by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, 2011 and also Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures DES 2001. The Board nominates Jane Flannery as the designated liaison person (DLP) to act as a liaison with outside agencies such as TUSLA and as a resource person to any staff having child protection concerns.
- In the absence of Jane Flannery, Fiona O’Callaghan will act as Deputy Designated Liaison Person (DDLP).
- The Board will ensure that appropriate and on-going training as necessary will be available for DLP and the DDLP.
- The Board fully endorses arrangements for the vetting of teaching and non-teaching staff as outlined in Circular 0063/2010 for the Department of Education & Skills and endorsed by the Teaching Council.
- Recognising that the safety and well-being of children attending the school is a priority, the Board undertakes to include Child Protection & Health & Safety matters as items on the agenda of all Board meetings forthwith.
- The Board will ensure that all school staff, teaching and non-teaching are aware of their obligations under the guidelines detailed in Children First and the procedures to be followed in the event of concern.
- The Board recognises that it has two duties of care. The primary duty is the protection, safety and welfare of the children attending Scoil Iósaf. The Board as an employer also has duties and responsibilities towards its employees.
- As an employer, the Board will seek legal advice if an allegation of abuse is made against a school employee.
- The Board will adhere to the protocols outlined in Chapter 3 of Children First 2011. The Board notes that school employees may be subject to erroneous or malicious allegations. Any allegation of abuse should be dealt with sensitively. The Board accepts that the principles of natural justice and fair procedures must be adhered to in all child protection matters.
- The Board believes that the academic, personal and social development of children flourishes in a culture where good relationships are encouraged, people feel valued and respected and appropriate support is available for those in difficulty.
- The Board is committed to the maintenance of an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to express themselves and are listened to. All children in the school will be made aware that there are adults in the school whom they can approach if they are worried. In addition, opportunities will be included in the SPHE curriculum for children to develop the skills they need to keep them safe.
- The Board undertakes to circulate this Child Protection policy statement to all parents and guardians at time of enrolment and on a regular basis thereafter. This policy statement and “Children First” will be available for viewing at the school office. “Children First” can be viewed also on the Internet.
- This policy statement regarding Child Protection at Scoil Iósaf applies to all staff, members of the Board of Management, volunteers and contractors working in the school.
- This policy statement will be subject to review at the start of each academic year.
- Full Policy Documents A&B available on
Signed __David Fleming______ChairpersonDate:___16/05/2016______