CBAD 350 - Marketing
Descriptive Information – Marketing (CBAD 350)
Instructor Information
- Name: Melissa Clark, Ph.D.
- Office: Wall 301H
- Office Phone: (843) 349-2662
- E-mail:
- Fax: (843) 349-2455
- Office Hours: Tuesday/Thursday 12:15-2:15 and by appointment
Course Information
- Course Title: Marketing (CBAD 350)
- Catalog Description: A study of the marketing of goods and services, including legal, social, economic, and technological considerations; consumer behavior and target markets; product; pricing; promotion; channels of distribution, and the development of marketing strategy.
- Statement of Prerequisites: Completion of 54 hours (Junior status)
- Credit awarded: 3 credit hours
Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes
Course Objectives: The chief objective of Marketing is to develop the student's understanding of the marketing function in for-profit, not-for-profit, and public sector organizations. Specific attention will be given to the following course objectives:
1)Defining the components of the marketing function
2)Evaluating the marketing environment,
3)Devising marketing strategy
4)Implementing marketing decisions in a complex global marketplace.
5)Meet the following experiential learning outcomes:
a)SLO 1.1. Students will demonstrate the knowledge and skills obtained through participation in experiential learning activities that are relevant/pertinent to their academic programs and/or career goals.
b)SLO 2.1. Students will demonstrate a high level of comprehension and skill in connecting theory with practice which is correlated to their level of participation in Experiential Learning activities.
Student Learning Outcomes: At the completion of this course, the student should be able to:
- Define the discipline of Marketing and relate its managerial and theoretical relevance to the organization as a whole.
- Identify the elements of the Marketing Mix and the creation of Marketing Strategy.
- Illustrate the use of strategic planning models to organize marketing decision-making.
- Confront the ethical decisions facing marketing decision-makers in a complex operating environment.
- Illustrate Marketing Decision-Making in a dynamic global business environment, including the sub-environments: Demographic; Competitive; Economic; Natural or Physical; Cultural; Political and Legal; and Technology.
- Profile the Marketing Research process and its importance to Marketing Decision-Makers.
- Overview the processes used to identify appropriate target markets.
- Illustrate the processes used to create and market goods and services.
- Illustrate the processes used to assign prices to goods and services sold.
- Illustrate the processes used to create, maintain, and manage a channel of distribution and supply chain.
- Illustrate the processes used to develop promotional programs to communicate with stakeholders.
- Examine and discuss current events in Business and Marketing.
- Prepare students to conduct themselves as informed consumers and marketing managers in a dynamic global marketplace.
Common Body of Knowledge: The following list of topics provides organization to the CBAD 350 – Marketing Course:
- Assessing the Marketplace
- Understanding the Marketplace
- Targeting the Marketplace
- Value Creation
- Value Capture
- Value Delivery
- Value Creation
Course Readings and Technological Support
- Required Text: Grewal and Levy (2014), M Marketing4th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
- Required Supplement: We will also use McGraw-Hill’s Connect course management system for a series of interactive marketing assignments and online exams. All students must have access to Connect. There is a nominal fee for Connect.You may purchase Connect onlineat There is a two week free trial offered, so sign up the first week of class with either the free trial or by purchasing access.You can access our course Connect site using the following URL:
Instructional Activities
This class has been designed to provide an active learning experience by using in-classdiscussions, individual assignments about current events, guided reading assignments, online exams, and interactive assignments in Connect. It is expected the student will read the chapters in the textbookusing the LearnSmart assignments on Connect and review any relevant resources.
Statement of Community Standards
This course will be taught with the backdrop of the Coastal Carolina University Statement of Community Standards:
“Coastal Carolina University is an academic community that expects the highest standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility. Members of this community are accountable for their actions and are committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. On my honor, I pledge:
- That I will take responsibility for my personal behavior; and
- That I will actively oppose every instance of academic dishonesty as defined in the Code of Student Conduct.
From this day forward, my signature on any University document, including tests, papers and other work submitted for a grade is a confirmation of this honor pledge."
The CCU Catalog and Student Handbook will serve as the standard for evaluating student behaviors and actions. Students are encouraged to interact with their fellow classmates. However, this collaboration has its limits as students must submit individual work for grading.
Assessments and Evaluations
The graded work for this course will consist of the following components:
Current Events Assignment / 50Connect Assignments / 15 @ 20 points each / 300
LearnSmart Assignments / 15 @ 10 points each / 150
Exams / 3 @ 100 points each / 300
Team Marketing Plan / 100
Team Prezi / 100
Total / 1000
Attendance Policy
Attendance will be recorded. The university’s attendance policy will be followed.
Current Events Assignment
Choose a chapter that we are covering in class that interests you and find a relevant, current (within the last 3 months) news story that relates to the topic. Write a 1-2 page double-spaced opinion paper about your thoughts on the news story and how it relates to marketing. You will be asked to present your current event in class; however, the in-class presentation will not be graded. The written assignment is the only portion of the assignment that will be graded. You will sign up for a due date using the online signup sheet at the link provided on Moodle. See the rubric on Moodle for required components of the document.This assignment is worth 50 points.
Connect and LearnSmartAssignments
There are 18 chapters in the textbook, but only 15 will be covered this semester. You will complete a LearnSmart interactive reading assignment for each chapter worth 10 points per chapter. You must answer the questions to earn the points. Each LearnSmart assignment is 30 minutes long. These reading assignments will help to prepare you for the chapter assignments, so do the LearnSmart assignment first.
Each chapter assignment will consist of 2 interactive questions worth 10 points each for a total of 20 points per chapter. The type of activity will vary and will be randomly assigned. You will have 2 opportunities to take each assignment. The system will automatically count your highest score. It will show you the average of your attempts, but I will only count the highest score. The due dates are shown on Connect. Late assignments will receive a point deduction of 1% per hour.
If you have any technical issues with Connect, then first click on the troubleshooting link at the bottom of any page ( Make sure that your computer and software are compatible with the system. If you are still having issues, then contact McGraw-Hill’s customer experience group ( Do not contact me about technical issues unless you have contact the customer experience group first. They are available by chat, phone, and email with extensive hours to serve you. You must have a case id number assigned by the customer experience group before asking me to get involved so that the issue may be tracked and solved as quickly as possible.
You will take 3 online exams in Connect for the 15 chapters we cover. Each exam will cover 5 chapters. The exams will be comprised of 50 multiple choice questions worth 2 points each for a total of100 points. You will have 2 opportunities to take each exam. The system will automatically count your highest score. It will show you the average of your attempts, but I will only count the highest score. The time limit for each exam is 90 minutes. The availability and due dates are shown on Connect. Late assignments will receive a point deduction of 1% per hour.
Team Marketing Plan
You will work with a team to create a marketing plan for a local company. The team assignments, due date and guidelines for the plan are available on Moodle. The project is worth 100 points.
Team Prezi
You will create a presentation of your team marketing plan using a prezi format ( Guidelines and due date are available on Moodle. The prezi is worth 100 points.
Grading Policy and Procedures
There are1000 total points available for your Marketing course. The following grading scale applies:
A = 900-1000
B+ = 875-899
B = 800-874
C+ = 775-799
C = 700-774
D+ = 675-699
D = 600-674
F = 599 or below
Policies and Procedures
- Instructor’s Expectations for Students – Students will commit to the timely completion of all work assignments. Students will act professionally in all interaction with their student peers and instructors. Students will abide by the Coastal Carolina University Statement of Community Expectations presented above.
- What Students Can Expect From the Instructor – Instructor will commit to the timely response to all student inquiries. Instructor will commit to facilitate student learning of the subject matter. Instructor will abide by the Coastal Carolina University Statement of Community Standards presented elsewhere.
- Communication Policy – Email is the instructor’s primary communication preference for questions related to the course. The instructor will attempt to respond to all inquiries (barring unforeseen circumstances) within 24-48 hours Monday thru Friday. For weekend inquires, the instructor will respond to all inquiries by the end of Monday. Technical support will be provided by the Student Computing Services and McGraw-Hill’s Customer Experience Group.
- Technology requirements – Students must have reliable high-speed Internet connections to complete the work assignments in Connect.
- Technical Support from Student Computing Services – The following assistance is offered:
- Check the website for hours, locations and other services (
- Student Computing Services Main Phone: 843.349.2220
- A list of on-campus Help Desks and the Help Request Form can be found at this link: (
- Learning Support – The following assistance is offered:
- Kimbel Library Website (
- University Academic Center services (website:
- Learning Assistance Center
- Statement for Students Who Require Accommodations - Any student affected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is asked to consult the Office of Disability Services. Based on their recommendations, appropriate efforts will be made to maximize the opportunity of performance for all students.
- Participation – Effective teaching is a joint responsibility of the student and instructor. Thus, it is imperative that each student assumes an active role in this class. Your active role will be demonstrated by (a) attending class on time and well prepared, and (b) participating in our discussions of course material.
- Make-up Work Policy – Our deadlines have been established. We will deviate from the plan only under extreme circumstances.
- Late Assignments – Punctuality is a skill or ability demanded by employer’s fast-paced marketplace. We seek to develop this commitment to on-time performance here at Coastal Carolina University. Students enrolled in CBAD 350 must accept this commitment to on-time performance of all assigned materials.
- Academic Honesty/Integrity – Any inappropriate behaviors will be dealt with using Coastal Carolina University’s published policies.
- Code of Conduct – Students are expected to present themselves as professionals in all communications.
- Granting Incompletes – students experiencing extraordinary circumstances will be granted the opportunity for an incomplete in accordance with Coastal Carolina University’s published policies.
- Changes in the Syllabus – Any changes to this syllabus will be made with the best interest of the students. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus in order to realize the learning objectives for this course.
- Counseling Services (
- Student Services (
- Contingency Plan – If hazardous weather or some other event causes the class not to meet in person, then content will be delivered electronically through Moodle and Connect.
Access to Instructional Materials
The Moodleand Connect sites containsupport materials for our class.
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