Descriptions for PTO Positions

After School Movie: This committee chooses movies to show after school several times a year. Committee members supervise children and help purchase and serve a light snack and pizza to the children during movie time. Movie nights occur on Fridays after school until 6 PM.

After School Programs: Chairpersonsfind and set up programs (Chess, Mr. Boronyak and Reading Club offered on regular basis), work with instructors to set up dates, time and cost , fill out appropriate paper work with school secretary to use school property for programs. Chairpersons can use resources they want to find programs and typically start working on these in Mid-July. Chairs also compose flyers for each program to be shared with parents and work with PTO officer to have programs set up on pay schools website for registration.

Art Show Liaison: Sometime in March-April. Committee chair meets with Mrs. Knapp (in person or email) about 2 months out just to touch base. A google doc sign up form is made. An email goes out through the PTO Thursday eblast soliciting volunteers to help hang art. The liaison then keeps track of the google doc form/volunteers and sends a reminder email.

Assembly Coordinator : Committee chair/co-chair works with the PTO and the principal to identify assemblies of interest for the school year. The chair/co-chair is then responsible for coordinating all assembly bookings while ensuring that they take place during designated windows provided by the principal and do not exceed the provided budget. Coordination with the PTO treasurer is necessary to ensure prompt payments for the assemblies.

Back to School Event: Chair and co-chair plan activities for kids and solicit parent volunteers to run the activities. Also organizes entertainment for the evening.

Bingo Night: The chair/co-chair are responsible fororganizing the bingo games for the evening, ordering/packaging bingo cards, getting bingo markers to sell. Getting and organizing donations for prizes (Chantel did this). Organizing volunteers, especially a caller. Setting up concessions and price listof their choice and also promoting the event.

Book Fair: Committee Chairs are responsible for meeting with IES librarian to make a timeline of tasks several weeks before the book fair. At this time, the theme for the fair is revealed by Scholastic Books. The committee decides on a plan for decorating the library entrance/hallway, makes and hangs decorations several weeks before the fair to promote enthusiasm in the school. When the committee receives the list of book fair volunteers, a schedule is set and emailed to the volunteers. Several eblasts are sent through the IES website to remind parents about the fair times, special events and online fair. The Friday before Book Fair week, the committee along with several volunteers, set up the cases of books and prepare the library for the start of the fair. Several volunteers are needed each day of the fair to assist children in selecting and paying for books. The committee and volunteers are also needed for one evening event as well as the tear down on Friday evening.

Box Tops: The chair and co-chair solicit a volunteer from each homeroom to count unexpired Box Tops. They are redeemed for cashfor IES twice a year. Organize a contest in January with the top class receiving Paw Shop coupons.

Cookie Walk: This event is in early Dec. The chair will contact HR parents prior to the eventand are responsible forsoliciting cookies from classroom parents. Volunteers are needed to that morning (about 1- ½ hrs) to help receive the cookies at the beginning of the school day and transport them to storage. Volunteers are needed at end of school day to help set up for event and for the event itself, collecting money, handing out containers and cleaning up during and after the event.

Donuts with Dad:(fall) Dads are invited to come to the school and have breakfast with their child(ren) from 8:15 am - 9:00 am. The chair & co-chair select the dates of the events, design the flyer & submit it to the PTO for distribution, collect the registration forms & money, tally the donut/muffin/bagel/drink selections, order the donuts, muffins & bagels, contact food services to provide the drinks, contact the custodian to have cafeteria set-up, set-up & clean-up the day of the event & work at the event. Volunteers are solicited to help the day of the event.

Elementary Advisory Committee (EAC): Volunteer will attend monthly EAC meetings as designated by the district school calendar and report informationat the monthly PTO meetings.

Field Day Committee: Chair and co-chairstart planning in early May. Parents are solicited through Sign up sheets posted at curriculum nights at the beginning of the year. Parents are then contacted directly via personal email addresses to notify them of their assignments (early - mid May). Volunteers are needed to help run the activities and competitions and are expected to stay for the duration of your child’s session (morning for grades K-2 / afternoon for afternoon K and grades 3-5).

Fifth Grade Team: Plan and implement Sarris Sale, which funds extra field trip. Design, purchase and distribute 5th Grade tee shirts. Plan 5th grade picnic (dates in conjunction with teachers, reserve venue, food, games) Class picture.

Food Truck Rally: will happen on Election Day in November. The school is closed for the polls and Parent/teacher Conferences. The trucks will pull up into the bus line and sell their food. They will donate 20% of their sales to the school.

The Coordinator of the event will email food trucks (from a maintained contact list) and get signed contracts statingthey will appear and make the donation. (Contract will be written by the Treasurer)

Then the coordinator publicizes the event to the school, school district, and general public by using online newspapers, signage, etc. The day of the event the coordinator will meet the trucks and tell them where to park. After the event follow up with thank you’s and payments.

Gifted Advisory Committee (GAC): Volunteer will attend monthly GAC meetings as designated by district school calendar and report information at monthly PTO meetings.

Homeroom Parent Coordinator: The chair and co-chair solicit parent’s (mom or dad) to be Homeroom Parent, Party Coordinator and Party Helpers. A form is sent home at the start of the year and individuals are contacted by late Sept.

Kindness Committee (formerly Bully Prevention): This Committee serves as a liaison between staff, parents, and children. The committee explores what is working and what can be improved upon in creating and maintaining a welcome and working environment for all students, free from hostility. The committee, along with cooperation from staff, parents, and students works to promote an atmosphere of respect, open communication, and accountability for all. It is our goal to support the school in preparing all students to become more conscious of continuous mistreatment, more capable of providing peer support and/or the need to request staff and parental support, and more self-aware and empowered in dealing with conflict situations. We hold monthly meetings to discuss way to improve and/or assist in implementing new programs.

Muffins with Mom: (spring) Moms are invited to come to the school and have breakfast with their child(ren) from 8:15 am - 9:00 am. The chair & co-chair select the dates of the events, design the flyer & submit it to the PTO for distribution, collect the registration forms & money, tally the donut/muffin/bagel/drink selections, order the donuts, muffins & bagels, contact food services to provide the drinks, contact the custodian to have cafeteria set-up, set-up & clean-up the day of the event & work at the event. Volunteers are solicited to help the day of the event.

Paw Shop: The chair and co-chair for Paw Shop will order supplies, solicit volunteers thru Thursday eblast and curriculum nights, schedule/train the volunteers, and keep track of monies. They might also work in the Paw Shop as well. The chair provides the paw shop coupons to parents and/or teachers.

School Board Reporter:Volunteer will attend monthly school board meetings as designated by the district school calendar and report information at the monthly PTO meetings.

Shoebox Science: The chair/co-chair review the boxes every couple of months to assess their completeness and then update them as necessary and submit receipts to treasurer for materials. You can also make up new boxes with new experiments if you are so inclined. There is a big bin inthe PTO closet with extra supplies that can be used to replenish the boxes. Shoeboxscienceis comprised of a bunch of Tupperware boxes that are kept in the library and starting in 2nd grade kids can check outscienceexperiments in addition to library books.

Staff Appreciation Week: (typically in May) A series of appreciative gifts and food is provided to the staff over the course of the week, with a different focus/theme each day.Daily eventswill primarily be planned by the Chair and Co-Chairwhile homeroom parents, other volunteers, and studentswill helpimplement the ideas. Some of the tasks involved include: contacting HR parents forbreakfast/snack/school suppliesdonations,decorating, ordering food, setting up, and cleaning up.

Student Directory:Chair should be proficient with Microsoft Word. You will take previous directory and add/delete names, verify that information is correct, work with Mrs. Silbaugh to obtain new family information and class section lists. It is beneficial to attend Curriculum nights with a rough draft for parents to do a last check and make any changes at that time. If possible, it is helpful to attend any of the Kindergarten round up/Storytime to gather incoming families info.Take printed final copy to Print Pro, collect when done and take to school to divide into each classroom section. Total time spent is about 30 hours with project starting in August and completed by early October.

Superintendent Parent Liaison Committee (SPLC): Volunteer will attend monthly SPLC meetings as designated by the district calendar and report findings at the monthly PTO meetings.

Talent Show:The committee chairs for the Talent Show promote the event in the Thursday email blasts, make marketing posters to be placed inside the school and put together a description for the morning announcements to promote the event and entice talent (students) to sign up to be in the show and also sign up to be the Stage Crew. After finalizing the acts, the co-chairs plan the other parts of the evening (concessions, etc.). The King & Queen Program is also part of this event.

Traveling Art Gallery (TAG) : The chair and co-chair solicit aparent from each homeroom to present information on a painting and lead a simple classroom activity.For the 2015-16 school year TAG will be in the spring. For more information regarding TAG, visit the district website

Website: New for 2015-2016 school year and beyond…..The chair and co-chair would maintain an IES website. Yearlong position.

Yearbook : Chair is responsible for overseeing yearbook committee including submission of the yearbook. Other responsibilities include creating the theme, taking photographs, and assembling the yearbook online on the Lifetouch website. Also, overseeing online sales and the cash only sale at the Art Show.

The Yearbook Co-Chair works closely with the Chair doing a lot of the same duties of creating a theme and taking photographs etc. Is responsible for creating pages that are assigned to them by the Chair for online creation the yearbook. The yearbook Committee can get together once or twice in the year to discuss thoughts and ideas or brainstorm to come up with a theme and to see what pages they are responsible for in the yearbook. You work alone if you want or you can collaborate with others in your pages. Your assigned pages and photographs you need in them are your responsibility to complete. The pages will be proofread but he Chair to ensure they are completed before submission.

Executive Board Positions

President: The President shall preside over meetings of the IES PTO and the Executive Board and shall serve as the primary contact for the Principal, represent the PTO at meetings outside of the PTO, and coordinate the work of all of the Officers and Committees in order to serve the objectives of the PTO. The President prepares the monthly PTO/Executive Board meeting agendas. The President shall also cast the deciding vote in case of a tie at all monthly PTO/Executive Board meetings.

Vice-President(s): The Vice President(s) shall assist the President and carry out the President’s duties in his/her absence or inability to serve. The Vice President(s) shall coordinate the collection of the Activity Fee at the outset of each school year.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep all records of the IES PTO, take and record minutes, handle correspondence, and forward a copy of the monthly PTO meeting minutes to the IES Teacher or Staff Member responsible for maintaining the IES PTO Webpage on the Ingomar Elementary School page on the North Allegheny School District Website. The Secretary shall also send the weekly PTO Update email each week on Thursday to all parents, guardians or adults standing in loco parentis for a student at the School who request to receive the PTO Update. The Secretary shall also maintain a copy of the meeting minutes, bylaws, rules and other important organizational documents.

Treasurer(s): The Treasurer position involves writing checks for various reimbursements and purchases authorized under the PTO annual budget. This is approximately 10 checks per month. In addition, the treasurer prepares a once per month excel or similar format spreadsheet that tracks deposits and expenses during the preceding month. Finally, the Treasurer is responsible for putting together a draft PTO budget for the following year in conjunction with input from the other PTO officers and committee chairs. All deposits are handled by the Assistant Treasurer and the Vice President handles all of the electronic payments that are direct-deposited into the PTO's bank account. Although attendance at monthly PTO meetings is important for the Treasurer, this position is great for someone who is looking for a volunteer opportunity that does not require availability during the regular school day. The total time commitment is 5-10 hours per month maximum.