Holistic Intercultural Competency: Using STM for long-term import

Presented by Mary Rayburn, Katie Rousopolis, Kat Smith, and Dr. Steve Snyder

Taylor University

Taylor University Intercultural Inventory (TUII)


TUII measures the intercultural development that occurs in a student due to an intercultural experience


•Includes demographics


•Includes 72 questions

•Uses a likert scale from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (6)

Reliability and Validity:

•Found to be highly reliable using Chronbach’s alpha and test-retest method

•Construct validity found through known-group difference method

•Content validity established through the literature review and review of previous surveys

Intercultural Developmental Scales

Intercultural Development Scales

Cognitive Understanding Levels





Interpersonal Growth

Personal Development Connections




Common Learning Objectives

Spiritual Activity

Critical Thinking

Competent Communication

Aesthetic Literacy

Civic Mindedness

Responsible Stewardship

Lifetime Learning

Core Values

Christ Centered

Biblically Anchored

Whole Person Focused

Servant Leadership Motivated

Vocationally Equipped

Liberal Acts Grounded

Lighthouse Program Analysis: Purpose 1

Pretest & Posttest Comparisons

The first purpose of this study was to assess changes of students involved in the Lighthouse program from 2008-2015 by comparing pretest and posttest scores in regards to the Intercultural Development Scales, Common Learning Objectives, Taylor Core Values, and Center for Global Engagement Outcomes.

Results: IDS Pre and Post Analysis

All 8 of the Intercultural Developmental Scales (IDS) increased significantly from pre-test to post-test, and 6 of these showed practically significant changes (η2 = .20-.44). The scales for Attitude and Intrapersonal did not show practical differences.

Results: Common Learning Objectives Pre/Post Comparison

All Common Learning Objectives had significant increases between the pre- and post-tests. (p<.000). Additionally, Spiritual Activity, Critical Thinking, and Civic Mindedness showed practical significance (η²=.20 or greater).

Results: Core Values Pre and Post Analysis

All of the Core Values increased significantly from the pre to the posttest. Four of the objectives also showed practical significance: both Liberal Arts Grounded objectives, Whole Person Focused, Vocationally Equipped and Core Values Total (η²=.27-.36).

Lighthouse Program Analysis: Purposes 2

Lighthouse vs. Control

Lighthouse Alumni Participants compared to a non-participant Control Group (5-15)on the IDS (Intercultural Development Scales)

Results: 5-15 Alumni with Controls

7 of the 8 of the IDS’s (all but attitude) were statistically higher (p<.05) for Lighthouse Alumni participants than the Control Group who had no intercultural trips while at Taylor University.

Results: 5-15 Alumni with Controls when Controlling for Study Abroad Experience

After controlling for study abroad experience, three ID’s were still significant:




This means that the Lighthouse experience has a unique long term impact on the lives of the participants!

Spring Break – One Week Intercultural Trips

Spring Break Program Analysis: Purpose 1

Pretest & Posttest Comparisons

The first purpose of this study was to assess changes of students involved in the Spring Break program from 2008-2015 by comparing pretest and posttest scores in regards to the Intercultural Development Scales, Common Learning Objectives, and Taylor Core Values.

Results: IDS Pre and Post Analysis

Six of the eight scales were statistically significant (p<.05)




None were practically significant

Results: Taylor University Common Learning Objectives

Four of the 7 objectives were statistically significant including:

Spiritual Activity

Competent Communication

Aesthetic Literacy

Civic Mindedness

There were not practically significant categories

Results: Core Values Pre and Post Analysis

Five of the 10 the Core Values categories increased significantly from the pre to the posttest. The five areas that increased statistically were Christ Centered, Liberal Arts Grounded and Liberal Arts Grounded 1, Whole Person Focused, and Core Values Total.

Preparation and Debriefing

A Multiple Regression analysis of 4 year longitudinal investigation indicated that preparation and debriefing were significant predictors for holistic growth.






Many groups go abroad without any form of preparation and debriefing. We are missing our chance!

Preparation and Debriefing are not redundant

Spring Break Program Analysis: Purposes 2

What differences occur when a one week intercultural trip is changed with a focus on preparation and debriefing of two types?

The first change was give academic credit (1 Hour) so that preparation and debriefing could be expanded but only focus on general intercultural issues.

The second change was to focusthe student’s preparation and debriefing on the country they would visit and the group they did it with during debriefing?

Three Spring Break Types Compared

Group 1 – No Preparation or Debriefing

Spring Break 2008 (n=137)

Group 2 – General Preparation and Debriefing

Spring Break 2009 (n=167)

Group 3 – Specific Preparation and Debriefing

Spring Break 2010 (n=149)

There were significant differences in all 8 scales in 2008 and 2010

What was learned?

1. Preparation and Debriefing are essential for intercultural development in participants’ holistic intercultural development.

2. Preparation and Debriefing must focus on the specific country that the participants will go to for maximum gains in holistic intercultural development.

3. With proper preparation and debriefing, a week long intercultural immersion experience provides great profit to the participants holistic intercultural development.

Lighthouse and Spring Break Trips

Purpose Statement of Spring Break Missions

Spring Break Missions offers a variety of opportunities for students to learn, serve and witness during their annual spring break through business development, children’s ministry, construction, teaching English, family ministry and evangelism. International and domestic projects are designed for the mutual benefit of those going and those receiving teams; partnering with long-term ministries in what God is doing allows participants to apply what they are learning in the classroom to meet the needs of a world in need.

Purpose Statement of Lighthouse

Lighthouse engages students in carefully chosen international service-learning projects as they share Christ’s redemptive love and truth with a world in need. Students join what God is doing around the world, step out of the familiar in faith, build relationships across cultures, develop and exercise their gifts and abilities, expand their global perspective and explore their vocational calling. Lighthouse helps students cultivate a biblical view of world mission and life stewardship. As servant-learners, Lighthouse teams partner with on-field ministries, helping to implement their long-term goals for God’s glory among the nations.