Award Category / Nominee / Recognizes:
**Dan Wolz Clean Water Award for Environmental Excellence / MWEA’s highest honor and awarded to a person of chief prominence in the water environment field.
**Excellence in Service / Extraordinary service to the Association in a non-leadership role
**Loring F. Oeming Award / Outstanding performance in an industrial facility
**Donald M. Pierce Award / Outstanding performance in a municipal facility
**Honorary Membership / Exceptional contribution/s to the Association
James R. Rumsey Award / Best paper given at an MWEA or WEF Conference
Willard F. Shephard Award / 20 years of membership in Association
Life Membership / 35 years a member + 65 years of age
Collect. Systems Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellence in collection systems
Educational Professional of the Year / Professionalism and promotion of water resource education
Groundwater MGT Professional of the Year / Professionalism and promotion of groundwater mgt
Health & Safety AwardIND / Commitment to health & safety at an industrial facility
Health & Safety Award MUN – Small Facility / Commitment to health & safety at a small municipal facility
Health & Safety Award MUN – Large Facility / Commitment to health & safety at a large municipal facility
Health & Safety Professional of the Year / Professional excellence & promotion of health & safety
Industrial Waste Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellence of indus waste field
IPP Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellence of the IPP field
Maintenance Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellence in plant maintenance
New Professional of the Year / Dedication to MWEA while relatively new in the field
Outstanding Engineer in the Field / Outstanding dedication to profession & Association
Outstanding Env. Consultant / Outstanding dedication to profession & Association
Outstanding Vendor Support / Outstanding dedication to profession & Association
Operations Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellence as a mun. operator
P.K. Sarda Lab Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellence of lab analyst field
Public Utility MGT Professional of the Year / Professionalism and excellent public utilities mgt
Regulatory Professional of the Year / Outstanding regulatory role in protecting the water environment
Residuals MGT Professional of the Year / Professionalism and promotion of residuals mgt
Watershed MGT. Professional of the Year / Professionalism and promotion of watershed mgt

Complete award descriptions and criteria are available at the MWEA office or on the MWEA website, . ** Special Awards

Please furnish the requested information on the reverse side of this form.

Why was this person nominated? (Please give as much information as possible, including any stories or significant events. This information will help personalize the presentation during the Awards Ceremony. Attach additional sheets, if necessary): ______

Is the nominee an MWEA member?




Duties, if known:

Educational Background, if known: