
Cite specific history/social studies textual evidence to support analysis of primary and secondary sources.


Read and comprehend history/social studies texts in the grade 6-text complexity band independently and proficiently.


Describe how a history/social studies text presents information

Research the culture of the Incas, Mayas, or Aztecs. Focus your research on their religion, technology, cities, economy, art, agricultural, architecture, and social structure.

Discuss how the eight characteristics shaped and changed the culture of your group.

Select three of the characteristics and explainthe similarities and differences to your culture.

Create a museum exhibit to teach younger students about this culture.

Include these specific text features:

  • Photographs or drawings of artifacts (identify if they are PRIMARY or SECONDARY)
  • Timelinesor graphs(specific to your assigned culture or one of the required areas)
  • Informative captions to explain the features
  • All photos, timelines, etc MUST have a source citation

Let’s Evaluate the Evidence: Formative 1 Unit 2
SS.6.1 and SS.6.2
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Quality of Information / Information clearly relates to the main topic. It includes several supporting details and/or examples. / Information clearly relates to the main topic. It some supporting details and/or examples. / Information clearly relates to the main topic. Few details and/or examples are given. / Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic.
Research Report: Formative 2 Unit 2 Source Citation
SS.6.1 and SS.6.2
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Sources / Multiple primary and secondary sources were used.All sources (information and graphics) are accurately cited in the desired format. / Some primary and some secondary sources were used.All sources (information and graphics) are accurately cited, but a few are not in the desired format. / Some primary OR secondary sources were used.All sources (information and graphics) are accurately cited, but many are not in the desired format. / Few primary OR secondary sources were used. Some sources are not accurately cited.

Timeline and due dates:

Description / Date due / Teacher initial
  1. Pre-test
  2. Select group to research using the random generator.
  • Aztec
  • Inca
  • Maya
  1. Assign Cooperative Job roles for the group.
/ 10/20
  1. Read the appropriate section and complete the note-taking sheet as a group.
/ 10/19
  1. Determine who will research each of the following topics and record on Unit Process Planner:
  • Religion
  • Technology
  • Cities
  • Economy
  • Art
  • Agricultural
  • Architecture
  • Social structure
/ 10/21
  1. Using the text find key facts and details about your assigned topics. (Use the Let’s Evaluate the Evidence handout). FORMATIVE 1
/ 10/26
  1. Using the computer to research your topics. With teacher permission print pictures / artifacts relating to your topics (think primary / secondary sources). Make sure to complete the SOURCE CITATION handout for each source used.
FORMATIVE 2 / 10/29
Lab 105
Description / Date due / Teacher initial
  1. Write the rough draft abstract using Power Writing :
  2. 12332332221
  3. You must have one primary and one secondary artifact in the paper.
  4. The elaborating details need to describe why the artifact is primary or secondary and why it is important.Be SPECIFIC and use text evidence when appropriate.
  5. The last part of the paper should be the THREE similarities or differences to your culture.
EACH member of the group MUST have a paper for the presentation. / 11/5
For items 9-11 create your captions, headlines, title, and timeline and get approved by the teacher. After they are approved you will be able to type and print. Lab 105
  1. Create captions and headlines for each item to be placed on the board.
/ 11/9
  1. Create board title.
/ 11/9
  1. Create timeline with major events.
/ 11/9
  1. Type all information for project. Print a map showing the location of the culture.
/ 11/12
Lab 105
11/19 is reserved as a lab day for make ups
  1. Create a rough draft detailing how the board will be organized. The teacher MUST approve this.
/ 11/18
/ 11/20
Description / Date due / Teacher initial
  1. Identify presentation positions (EVERYONE must present)
Name / Job during presentation
Introduces the group and the project.
Explains the eight characteristics of the civilization.
Identifies and explains at least 4 primary /secondary sources.
Presents the similarities and differences, this can be from one or all of the group members.
Gives out any papers that the group has. This is optional but students might what to create a paper with interesting facts.
/ 12/1
  1. Practice presentation
Students will present AT LEAST twice in class. / 12/1 -12
  1. Present
/ 12/15