Permanent Mission of Hungary

to the United Nations

New York

Statement by Mr. Ádám Zoltán KOVÁCS,

Deputy State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary

at the World Conference of Indigenous Peoples

New York, 22, September 2014

Mr. President,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

On behalf of the Hungarian Government let me greet all of you, in particular the distinguished representatives of indigenous peoples from all over the world. I wish to express my governments’ highest appreciation to the President of the General Assembly and to his four Advisors for the successful organisation and management of the inclusive preparatory process by consulting and encompassing the views of all stakeholders.

Hungary attaches special importance to the promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples:

While there are no indigenous peoples living on our soil, numerous Hungarian communities exist as national minorities in surrounding countries. These communities in their legitimate aspirations to preserve national identity - language, traditions, culture, religion - are facing very similar challenges to those of indigenous peoples. The worldwide promotion of the respect for and the protection of the rights of minorities remains one of the major priorities of the Hungarian foreign policy. Hungary ensures the rights of minorities living under its jurisdiction by providing constitutional, institutional and other legal guarantees, including autonomous self-governance and parliamentary representation. We firmly believe that our commitment to the rights of minorities serves also the cause of indigenous peoples.

In addition, on the basis of linguistic kinship Hungary is an active and devoted member of the Finno-Ugric movement, which held its 6th World Conference in 2012 in Hungary. For Hungary this kinship means – quoting the words of János ÁDER, President of the Republic of Hungary - „that we are not alone. It means that there are people, with whom we share a past, a present and a future. It means that there are people for whom we have a responsibility beyond ourselves.” In this context we are glad to note that the Finno-Ugric World has confirmed itself since its more than 20 year existence as a “reality with its own identity and self-reliance, institutions and diverse organisations consistently introducing and implementing in its activities the international standards”, especially in the areas of social, economic and cultural rights, both in their individual and collective dimensions, in line with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Hungary had the privilege to co-chair the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals, which accomplished its mission by presenting its proposals in July. The Outcome Document of the OWG puts a special emphasis on the rights of indigenous peoples by promoting the sustainable use of ecosystems and marine resources, and by securing indigenous peoples’ access to land, productive resources and education. Hungary remains committed to taking fully into account the interests and aspirations of indigenous peoples in the ongoing process of shaping the post-2015 development agenda.

In conclusion, on behalf of the Hungarian Government let me welcome the adoption of the outcome document of the World Conference. Hungary fully shares its objectives, with special regard to provisions aiming at securing the rights of indigenous peoples in the fields of education, health, culture, housing, capacity-building based on principles of non-discrimination, equal participation and empowerment. We stand ready to contribute to its full implementation.

Thank you Mr President.