Approved minutes



Minutes of the meeting of the Excellence and Experience Committee

held on 21 November 2016 in the Boardroom, Cornwall College Camborne at 4.00 pm

Present / Alan Tuckett / AT / Chair
Karen Burrows / KB
Wilf Hudson / WH
Ian Tunbridge / IT
Peter Walker / PW
Apologies * / Raoul Humphreys / RH
Leave of absence / David Parker / DP
In Attendance / Alison Phillips / AMP / Corporation Secretary
Andrew Counsell / ASC / Group Director for Curriculum
Chris Sampson / CS / Director of Quality Improvement
Observing By phone / Sonia Blandford / SB
Tessa Counsell / TC / HE Development Director
Ed Esche / EE / QAA
Adele Robson / AR / CCSU President
*number of consecutive meetings at which apologies for absence have been given.
The Chair welcomed colleagues to the meeting and apologised that the September meeting had had to be cancelled. He specifically welcomed Adele Robson, CCSU President, and Ed Esche from QAA who were observing the meeting and explained that Sonia Blandford would be joining the meeting by phone. Noting that the committee membership and executive responsibilities had changed since the last meeting around the table introductions were made.
The minutes of the meeting, as circulated, were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.
All matters arising from the previous minutes had been addressed or were agenda items for this meeting.
3.1 / Planning for Special Educational Needs and Disability
The Chair updated the committee on progress with this review and confirmed that there would be a full update at the next meeting. / AMP
3.2 / Safeguarding Annual Report
The report presented to the June meeting had been revised to reflect the committee’s comments and presented and approved at the October Board meeting,
3.3 / Committee terms of reference
The draft terms of reference had been revised to reflect the committee’s decision about quoracy and reviewed and agreed at the July Board meeting.
4.1 / Learner Voice
4.1.1 / Leaner Voice/CCSU update
The report was received and reviewed briefly by Chris Sampson, Director for Quality Improvement. He highlighted plans to respond to student feedback in a ‘you said; we did’ format and the engagement of the Local Student Executive Committees with local college management. Responding to the Chair’s enquiries, Adele Robson, CCSU President, confirmed that she was enjoying the role and reported that the Corporate Student Executive Committee had agreed there would be roadshows to raise student awareness of CCSU, and to participate in the NUS green impact scheme. CSEC was also starting to plan for the student conference in February which would be a question and answer session with senior college managers.
Following a brief discussion the Chair commended the excellent report and congratulated all those involved in the revitalisation of CCSU.
4.1.2 / Safeguarding – Termly Update and Policy Review
The Chair welcomed Jayne Ninnes, HR Director, to the meeting and the report was received and reviewed. JN outlined the development of the safeguarding team in response to the increased number of safeguarding referrals and assured the committee that the team was extremely well trained. The committee discussed the revised safeguarding policy together with the drugs and substance misuse policy and external speakers’ policy. Governors recognised the safeguarding challenges of shared premises which were addressed with learners as a part of their induction programme. Following further discussion of the external speakers’ policy the committee suggested the addition of an opening paragraph to contextualise the requirement to protect learners from extreme views and the need for learners, specifically HE learners, to be exposed to challenging debate.
Cognisant of the Board’s responsibilities in relation to safeguarding the committee considered the appointment of a safeguarding lead governor and specifically the possibility of co-opting a specialist onto the committee. Following discussion it was agreed that the specific TCCG need was for an individual with some professional understanding of safeguarding and education to act as a sounding board for the team. The Chair suggested that concerns should be raised with the chair of this committee and the committee agreed that the filling the position should be progressed quickly.
The committee noted that an Ofsted Monitoring Visit had been scheduled for 8 December following the Ofsted inspection of the residential provision earlier in the year.
The Chair thanked colleagues for their comments and the committee agreed to recommend the revised policies to the Board for approval subject to the changes proposed.
During this discussion Mike Carnall, Designated Safeguarding Lead, joined the meeting and apologised for his late arrival.
/ IT/AT/
4.1.3 / Annual Complaints Report
The comprehensive report was received and CS presented a brief overview. He confirmed that there were more complaints during 2015/16 than the previous year and explained that there were some common issues and it had been a year of significant changes. Complaints had been analysed by cluster and campus. The majority of complaints related to Camborne and Bicton campuses but there were satisfactory explanations. CS also confirmed that complaints were monitored weekly and any concerns picked up with the Head of Campus or Cluster Director. Going forward complaints would also be considered as a part of the termly Impact Review meetings.
The committee discussed the report and members asked several questions to clarify their understanding of the process, percentage of complaints from learners, and analyses undertaken to identify trends. Responding to a question CS confirmed that no complaints had been referred to the SFA. The committee acknowledged the value of informal resolutions before commending and noting the excellent report.
4.1.4 / Annual Equality and Diversity Report
The report, which had been circulated by email separately, was tabled. Andrew Counsell, Group Director for Curriculum Innovation, reported that the data was much the same as the previous year with some improvement. Going forward the plan was to continue embedding E&D in the curriculum with the emphasis on staff using IT and to develop areas of work with the University of Plymouth, Unlocking Potential and the use of e-learning for students.
Discussing the report the committee noted that the success of BME students appeared to be significantly lower than others and suggested that this should be monitored. The rise of racial abuse post Brexit was also discussed and the committee noted that E&D training was included in the student induction to ensure that students were clear about what was acceptable. Following further discussion, focusing on self disclosure and gender differences in apprenticeship success rates, the committee noted the report and agreed to recommend it to the Board.
4.2 / Staff
4.2.1 / HR Annual Report
The report was received and JN highlighted key matters. She confirmed that the focus of the HR team during 2015/16 had been on restructuring and reassured the committee that the position was now different. She also confirmed that staff had been grateful for the additional holiday given in recognition of the positive Ofsted report and the implementation of the National Living Wage. Responding to questions JN confirmed that a staff engagement survey was usually undertaken every other year and would be undertaken in February 2017.
The Chair thanked JN for her excellent report and the committee agreed to recommend it to the Board. / JN/amp
Following this discussion JN and MC left the meeting and Mark Nason, Cluster Director Science and Natural Environment and Access to Higher Education.
5.1 / TCCG Self-Assessment Report 2015/16 and Quality Improvement Plan 2016/17
The report, which had been emailed separately, was tabled. CS highlighted the three key strengths and three aspects for improvement for both further education and higher education detailed in the cover report. The committee discussed the FE aspects for improvement specifically timely completion and English and maths. Committee members understood that there had been a variety of issues affecting the apprenticeship data and recognised that management was acting but were keen that the positive performance identified in the 2015 Ofsted report was restored. The committee also acknowledged that English and maths was a challenge for the sector but were reassured that a new management group was being established to drive improvements, and asked to be kept informed on developments.
Mark Nason reviewed the HE strengths and aspects for improvement with the committee in greater detail. He explained that success rates were improving as a result of improved retention but course teams were particularly proud of the high proportion of students from backgrounds least likely to participate in higher education. MN also highlighted the research and scholarly activity taking place. Moving forward the new role of HE Senior Tutor had been created to provide pastoral and study skills support. The committee commended the excellent work being done and, recognising the importance of the National Student Survey, endorsed plans to develop NSS participation alongside quality and experience. The committee also noted that the University of Plymouth would be undertaking a periodic review of TCCG during the 2016/17 academic year.
The committee reviewed the comprehensive quality improvement plans in the report and commended the clear completion dates included.
Closing the discussion the Chair requested that the excellent cover paper detailing key strengths and aspects for improvement be shared with the Board. The committee agreed to recommend the SAR for 2015/16 and QiP for 2016/17 for Board approval.
The committee recognised that governors attended termly Impact Review Meetings and this committee received regular reports from these meetings including an operating grade profile. Mindful of the need to monitor progress against the SAR the committee suggested a mid-year progress update report should be prepared. / CS/amp
5.2 / HEFCE Assurance Statement
The report was received and following a brief discussion the committee agreed that the Board had received and discussed reports on student outcomes and experiences. Accordingly the committee agreed that the Accounting Officer should sign the statement on behalf of all governors. / AMP
5.3 / Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)
The report was received and reviewed by MN. He explained that TCCG’s review had been very positive and TCCG had been confirmed as eligible for year one of the TEF. The committee, following discussion of the merits of being involved, agreed TCCG should participate in the TEF and apply for year two in January 2017. / MN
6.1 / HE Academic Board minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 26 July 2016 were received and noted.
6.2 /
E&D Committee minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 21 October 2016 were received and noted.
7. /
27 February 2017
26 June 2017

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