A new team: to Get Queensland Moving

Monday, 8 May, 2016

As we travel around this great state people stop us in the street, at coffee shops, at community events and ask us what’s happening in Queensland.

They are worried Queensland is grinding to a halt because of a frozen at the wheel Labor Government.

Thousands of Queenslanders used to go to work each and every day without worrying about their government, but this has clearly changed. Queenslanders are unsure if this minority Labor/Independent/Katter Party Government is going to look after them or its union mates.

Rightly, Queenslanders want to know how the Labor Government is transitioning the Queensland economy from the mining boom to a more diversified economy with greater opportunity for all Queenslanders.

Sadly Queenslanders are being let down. Labor has no plan to manage the transition of the Queensland economy, grow jobs or invest in the services Queenslanders need and deserve.

The LNP is determined to Get Queensland Moving.

The team we announced today is the right mix of experience, enthusiasm and new ideas, combined with a deep understanding of the issues affecting all Queenslanders from Cape York to Coolangatta and from Brisbane to Bedourie.

Queenslanders can have confidence that our team will deliver the plans and policies to Get Queensland Moving.

While New South Wales and Victoria continue to create more jobs, invest in more infrastructure and deliver more services, Queensland is frozen. Our children’s future is being put at risk as Queensland falls further behind and opportunities dry up.

We are determined to hold this incompetent Labor/Independent/Katter Party Government to account.


We all know that a strong economy is the foundation of a more prosperous Queensland. It supports jobs, growth, opportunity, innovation and, most of all, the aspirations of millions of Queenslanders. Our economic team, made up of myself and my Deputy Deb Frecklington, Scott Emerson, Jarrod Bleijie, Andrew Cripps, Andrew Powell, Ian Walker, Dale Last, Michael Hart and Jon Krause will focus on plans and policies that will build a more diverse and robust Queensland economy, now and for future generations. This team will hold Labor to account for its lack of action in creating jobs and growth.

Given the importance of small business to the Queensland economy and the hard work of millions of small business owners, we have combined the portfolio of the Shadow Treasurer with the Small Business portfolio.

Productivity growth is essential to Queensland’s economy. Easing congestion and building the infrastructure to ensure we get product to market and people to work on time will be the focus of Deb Frecklington and Andrew Powell as they develop a plan to unleash Queensland’s potential.

Communities champion Tracy Davis moves to the vital portfolio of Education. Education in the 21st century is more about job readiness, employment and participation in the fabric of Queensland society than ever before. Focusing on outcomes, rather than inputs, Tracy, assisted by Jarrod Bleijie, will work to ensure Queensland students are the best in the nation.

The rapidly changing nature of work resulting from the shift away from the mining boom challenges the way we think about employment now and into the future. The jobs of tomorrow and the technological advances that make innovation possible will be Tarnya Smith’s focus.

Of critical importance to Queensland’s future is our agricultural sector. Rural champion Dale Last, with his family background in canefarming and cattle,has more than 15 years’ experience in the agriculture sectorand will bring energy, understanding and experience to this vital portfolio.

Strong advocates for North Queensland, Andrew Cripps and Jason Costigan, will continue the LNP’s commitment to this region’s development and highlight Labor’s neglect of a part of Queensland that plays a critical role in Queensland’s economy.


Queensland is a place of natural beauty and wonder, with an abundance of environmental heritage. The protection of our natural environment for future generations is critical to both our economy and the envied Queensland lifestyle. Recognising this, Dr Christian Rowan and Andrew Cripps will lift the profile and importance of our environment within our team.


Critical to all Queensland families is the provision of quality and timely health services. John-Paul Langbroek, as the new Shadow Health Minister, with an abundance of experience and first-hand knowledge, will hold Labor to account for deteriorating patient outcomes within Queensland’s health system and ballooning waiting lists.

Ros Bates, with her personal experience and commitment to caring for Queenslanders as a nurse, takes on responsibility for Communities, Child Safety, Disability Services and the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence. Former QBuild employee Stephen Bennett will take on the important task of highlighting Labor’s mismanagement of the Housing and Public Works portfolio.

Each day thousands of Queenslanders go to work to protect and serve our community. Tim Mander, together with Ian Walker, will continue to fight against the Labor Government’s watering down of anti-criminal gang laws. The LNP is determined to ensure criminal gangs aren’t allowed back in business.

Ethnic communities across Queensland have made, and continue to make, a huge contribution to our economy and social fabric. Fiona Simpson, an experienced servant of the people of Queensland, has the important role of building relationships and bringing issues of concern to the Shadow Cabinet table. Fiona will be a strong advocate on behalf Australia’s first people.

Matt McEachan will be an important asset to the Leader of the Opposition as our LNP team focuses on holding Labor to account.

With energy, experience and enthusiasm, the LNP team will Get Queensland Moving.

The new team to Get Queensland Moving is:

Tim Nicholls / Opposition Leader and Shadow Minister for Arts and Major Events
Deb Frecklington / Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Minister for Infrastructure, State Development, Trade and Investment
Scott Emerson / Shadow Treasurer and Shadow Minister for Small Business
John-Paul Langbroek / Shadow Minister for Health and Ambulance Services and Shadow Minister for the Commonwealth Games
Tracy Davis / Shadow Minister for Education
Jarrod Bleijie / Shadow Minister for Employment, Industrial Relations, Skills and Training and Shadow Minister for Fair Trading
Andrew Powell / Shadow Minister for Transport and Main Roads and Shadow Minister for Local Government
Tim Mander / Shadow Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services and Shadow Minister for Corrective Services
Andrew Cripps / Shadow Minister for Natural Resources and Mines and Shadow Minister for Northern Development
Dale Last / Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Dr Christian Rowan / Shadow Minister for the Environment and Heritage Protection and Shadow Minister for National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef
Ian Walker / Shadow Attorney-General and Shadow Minister for Justice and Planning
Fiona Simpson / Shadow Minister Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships and Multicultural Affairs
Ros Bates / Shadow Minister for Communities, Child Safety, Disabilities Services and the Prevention of Family and Domestic Violence
Michael Hart / Shadow Minister for Energy, Biofuels and Water Supply
Tarnya Smith / Shadow Minister for Science, Innovation and the Digital Economy
Stephen Bennett / Shadow Minister for Housing and Public Works
Jon Krause / Shadow Minister for Tourism, Sport and Racing
Matt McEachan / Shadow Assistant Minister to the Leader of the Opposition
Jason Costigan / Shadow Assistant Minister for North Queensland
Jeff Seeney / Leader of Opposition Business
Trevor Watts / Chief Opposition Whip
Steve Minnikin / Deputy Whip

Media contact: Kate Haddan 0437 334 769