Depositing records in the MRC

Please follow the guidelines below, the MRC accepts records on the basis that they are required andtherefore may needed for future reference. Following these guidelines will ensure that records are ableto be located when required.

  1. Before depositing any records in the MRC contact Suzie Cross to ensure that there is suitablespace available.
  1. Only use boxes provided by the MRC, this ensures the optimum use of space.
  1. Do not overfill the boxes, they should be no heavier than 15kg they need to be manually carried up a ladder and lifted onto shelves in the MRC.
  1. Ensure that all records are weeded (See guidance on What can be deposited?). It is no good just lifting files from a cabinet and placing them in a box.
  1. Ensure that the records within each box are ordered (alphabetically, chronologically etc) in such a way that if a record is required it can be easily located. The contents should have the same retention period.
  1. Label each box with a number/code which will tie up with those listed on the schedule of
  2. transferring records. E.g. Finance01, Finance02. These numbers will only be used to match up the boxes with the schedule, the MRC will issue the formal box numbers after processing.
  1. Complete the electronic Schedule for Transferring records. This ensures that we know what is being deposited in the MRC and can easily retrieve records. When completing the schedule please use the following definitions:

-Restrictions on use - indicate who is able to access the records

-Box/file number - this will match with the label on the boxes and will be amended with theformally allocated code by the MRC

-Description - this indicates what records are in each box, please provide enough detail sothat the records can be found. Please refrain from using a general description ie departmental correspondence... be more specific!

-Covering dates - this should be the period covered by the records.

-Retention period - this should indicate the period for which the records should be held. Itshould be calculated from the date of the record and not from the date of transfer.

-Review date - the date at which the records will be reviewed - i.e. the end of the retentionperiod. Wherever possible try to put records with the same review date in the same box.

  1. Arrange for the boxes to be delivered to the MRC please complete a ‘Move it’ form onlineand email the completed schedule to Suzie Cross before the boxes are delivered.
  1. Upon receipt of the boxes and schedule of records transferred the MRC will allocate codes and storage to the boxes. The MRC will add storage details to the schedule for transfer and return the final version to the depositor. Please keep the final copy safely, it will be required to retrieve the records

November 2013