User Support / Quick Reference Guide
VISA/Permit Data - Add/Change
In this lesson, you will record Kyra Forum’s J1 Visa status and other associated work authorization data.
1. / Navigation to the Visa/Permit Data page is:Workforce Administration --> Visa/Permit Data
Click the Visa/Permit Data link.
2. / Search for the Person you wish to work on .
If the VISA/Permit Data page already displays effective dated data, you will need to click the plus button in the upper right corner of the section to add a new effective dated row.
In this example, you will be adding the person’s J1 Visa data for the first time and youdo not need to add a new row.
3. / Effective Datedefaults to today's date, the date of entry. You can change the date if needed.
4. / Visa Type is required for all non-citizens.
You can enter the Visa code directly if you know it, or click the Magnifying Glass to pick the code from a list. Click the Look up Visa Type (Alt+5) button if needed.
5. / In this example, the person has a J1 Exchange Visitor Visa.
Therefore, you would click the J1 link.
6. / SEVIS is the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System, an electronic system by which student and scholar data is transmitted directly to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The SEVIS ID# is associated with a J1 Exchange Visitor Visa and an F1 Student Visa. SEVIS issues a "Certificate of Eligibility" (DS-2019 for J1 and I-20 for F1) which includes the assigned ID#. A SEVIS ID# begins with "N" followed by 10 numbers.
NOTE: J1is the only Visa for which you will enter a SEVIS #; for all other Visa types, leave this field blank.
For this example, you will be entering the SEVIS ID #for Kyra Forum's J1 Visa.
Click in the SEVIS ID# field.
7. / Enter the SEVIS ID #.
In this lesson, the SEVIS ID # is N0987654321.
8. / Date of Entry into Country is found on the I-94received by the employee upon entry into the U.S.
Click in the Date of Entry into Country field.
9. / In this example, Kyra Forum entered the U.S. on January 1, 2009.
Enter "01/01/2009" in the Date of Entry field.
10. / Departments are required to obtain and keep copies of all insurance policy information for each nonimmigrant/J scholar in their HR file.End Date of Coveragewill be indicated on the actual insurance policy/document.
The Certificate of Health Insurance Coverage Form referenced on the Non-Citizen Checklist is used when the insurance source is other than Berkeley. This form should also reference the End Date noted on the actual policy.
For more details, refer to the Non-Citizen Checklistand Health Insurance Requirements resource links provided at the end of this lesson.
Click in theHealth Coverage Expiry Datefield to enter the actual end date of coverage noted on the insurance documentation.
11. / In this example, Kyra Forum's Insurance coverage ends on December 31, 2010.
Accordingly, enter the expiration date of "12/31/2010".
12. / The expiration date of the Employment Authorization is provided on the specific authorization document noted in the field below.
Click in the Employment Auth Expires field.
13. / In this example, Kyra Forum's DS-2019 Certificate of Eligibility - J1 Status indicates her employment authorization expires December 31, 2012.
Therefore, enter "12/31/2012" in theEmployment Auth Expiresfield.
14. / You must select the specific Employment Authorizationdocument used for the employee.
Click the Look up Employment Authorization (Alt+5) button.
15. / In this example, Kyra Forum's Work Authorization Document is the DS2019, Certificate of Eligibility - J1 Status.
Click to select theDS2019link.
16. / Note:
If you make an error in selecting theEmployment Authorization, use the minus button' - ' located on the same row on the right side of the page to deleteandclear the field.
17. / You are now ready to Save your data.
(Note:The "Notify" button functionality is not being used.)
Click the Save button.
18. / The VISA/Permit Datahas now been saved and you will now see Last Updated By and Time Stamp information recorded near the bottom of the page.
Please pay attention to any 'warning messages' that may appear when you take SAVE action; the message may be an alert as to other information needed.
Note:If the record saved is incomplete, the information will not pass properly to the Payroll system and this person's record will display on your Worklist the next day.
19. / The VISA/Permit Data page must be completed for any employee who is NOT a U.S. Citizen (US Citizen Status code other than "C").
For additional information and support:
Berkeley International Office(BIO) web sites for immigration information:
> Heath Insurance Requirements for J-1 Exchange Visitors:
Non-Citizen Supporting Document Checklist:
UC Berkeley PAYROLL - GLACIER Tax Compliance System for foreign individuals
GLACIER is a secure on-line tax compliance software system that collects tax related information from foreign individuals receiving funds from Berkeley. All foreign individuals receiving funds from the University must have a GLACIER record. GLACIER determines residency status and tax treaty eligibility for the foreign individual.
The GLACIER web site includes links for information on VISA Classifications, Work Authorization, Resident vs. Non-resident Status, etc.
HR Records Management Unit -510-642-5470
Reminder: As applicable, submit photocopies of documents, the I-94, and the "Statement of Citizenship and Federal Tax Status" along with all other necessary documents to the appropriate University offices.
20. / Congratulations, you have completed the VISA/Permit Datalesson.
For transaction support, you can access the Quick Reference Guides(step sheets) and full Manual(w/screen shots) at:
End of Procedure.
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Date Created: 7/8/2009