RISK ASSESSMENT For Local visits (SCHOOL groups)

Name of Assessor: Assessor’s Signature: ------Date ------

Activity/ Process/ Operation / What are the Hazards to Health and Safety / What Risks do they pose and to whom? / Risk Level
H/M/L / What precautions have been taken to reduce the risk? / Risk Level Achieved H/M/L / What further action is needed to reduce the risk
Walking around Thorp Perrow site, including play area, woodland, mammals & birds of prey /
  • Adverse weather conditions – heat, cold, snow/ice, rain, storms
  • Walking on uneven ground
  • Using play equipment in play area
  • Interface with traffic
movement at entrance
  • Pupils becoming separated from rest of party
  • Crowded areas
  • Interface with public
  • Dehydration, exhaustion, hypothermia, cold
  • Slips, trips, falls leading to breaks, fractures, cuts, bruises
  • Road traffic accident leading to injury
  • Loss of pupil(s)
  • Loss of pupil(s)
  • Theft/assault
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  • Suitable clothing is to be worn including sunscreen and sunhats where necessary
  • Suitable footwear to be worn
  • Supervision of children whilst playing
  • Disembark from coach
outside entrance.
  • At least the minimum number of adult to young person ratios
  • Site map/contact telephone number available to each group
  • Pupils to wear school uniform or school colours so that they can be identified in a crowd.
  • Pupils carry a minimum amount of valuable possessions. Mobile phones are not to be used or held where they can be seen by members of the public
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  • Contingency of using bungalow as an alternative indoor venue where possible
  • Additional precautions to be put into place for those with any specific needs.
  • Good supervision
of children’s behaviour.
  • Additional supervision to be considered where it is known that the area will be crowded.
  • Group or Party Leader to take action if any person is acting in a way that endangers themselves or others

Activity/ Process/ Operation / What are the Hazards to Health and Safety / What Risks do they pose and to whom? / Risk Level
H/M/L / What precautions have been taken to reduce the risk? / Risk Level Achieved H/M/L / What further action is needed to reduce the risk
Walking around Thorp Perrow site, including play area, woodland, mammals & birds of prey /
  • Presence of stream
and lake
  • General environmental conditions eg. Grasses, plants, insects, animals
  • Touching/handling of small animals/birds of prey
  • Micro-organisms
  • Drowning from falling into water
  • Allergic reaction from contact with certain plants or insects (stings) for susceptible individuals
  • Allergic reaction to fur, straw, dust, feathers
  • Bites/pecks from animals/birds
  • Infection to those exposed, particularly young children and pregnant staff
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  • Adults to be extra vigilant when group is required to walk near water edges.
  • Chn to be reminded to stay on paths
  • If feeding ducks, small groups by waters edge, throw food to ducks rather than reach forward
  • Emergency medication to be taken as necessary for pupils with a known allergic condition and emergency procedures known to staff.
  • As above
  • Remind chn to remain quiet around animals/not to run/ensure chn remain seated during flying display
  • Ensure exposed cuts/grazes covered with waterproof dressing
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  • Assess behaviour needs of group of children before allowing ducks to be fed.
  • Supervision of children. Remind not to eat berries/leaves.
  • Wash hands before eating
  • Adequate supervision of children
  • Wash hands before eating

