Famous Scientist “Most Wanted” Poster Project


Period #_____________Due Date:_____________


1. Must be on an 11 x 20 sheet of paper.(10 pts.)(provided by your teacher) ________pts.

2. Must include a hand-drawn picture of the scientist.(20pts.) ________pts.

3. Must include the first and last name of the scientist. (5pts.) ________pts.

4. Must include the birth date and year of death or if the scientist is still alive. (5pts.) ________pts.

5. Must include the country they were born in and the places where they did most of their work/went to college(worked on research). (5pts.) ________pts.

6. Must include (10)words/phrases/pictures that explain or represent what the scientist is most famous for and how they discovered or accomplished it.(30pts.)


7. Describe the significant historical events occurring in his lifetime. (10pts.) _______pts.

8. Famous quote by the scientist written under his picture. (10 pts) _______ pts.

8. Name (last, first) and period # should be printed in the lower right corner of the poster. (5pts.) _______pts.

TOTAL POINTS (100pts.) _______pts.

This rubric MUST be paper-clipped (no staples!!) to your poster!

