St. Jude Department Orientation Checklist

Volunteer Services Intern

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Department Orientation Checklist

Student Name
Start Date / ____ / ____ / ______/ Date Attended Orientation / ____ / ____ / ______
Position Title / Volunteer Services Intern
Department Lead Mentor

Who: All Volunteer Services Interns

Instructions: Check-off all applicable items and add others that apply to your department/area. Each item must be checked individually after it is reviewed by the student and the department mentor. When complete, file the checklist in the intern’s department file.

When: Complete the department checklist during the student’s introductory period. Intern Orientation checklist.docRevised August 2014

Checklist Item Intern Staff Date

Initials Initials

Welcome and introduce to staff
Department Training
Annual Mandatory Training: Fall only
[Explain the process for Annual Mandatory Training, the timeframe for completing it, and the courses that are required by job description.]
For all semesters:
Complete internship department orientation check list
Internship specific patient safety
Hazardous Communication
[Demonstrate what precautions will be taken and where SDS sheets can be found.] (sani wipes)
Infection prevention and control for intern’s specific learning competencies
Emergencies: fire, disaster, tornado, bomb, civil disturbance (SJCRH Policy) (See department policy)
Sensitivity to cultural diversity as relevant to the student’s specific learning competencies:
·  Populations interacted with
·  Interpreter Services
·  Sensitivity to aspects of interaction with others related to race, ethnicity, religion, language, culture, etc.
Mentor’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Physical Environment (Admin Specialist will Train You on this Section)
(Both the student and staff should initial each line indicating completion; please also mark the completed date.)
Tour of Campus (Campus Map)
Tour of Department
Tour of related departments (general use areas – list)
1. _____McCormick Bldg/ Supplies______
2. _____Inpatient/ Outpatient areas______
3. _____BMC______
Keys and door access codes (Key Policy) (Access Control Policy)
Identification Badges (Identification Badges Policy)
General office supplies
Specific supplies/equipment
Work area, files
Computer access, password, programs (Remote Access Policy)
Phone system, phone book, long distance (Intranet Phonebook)
Voice mail setup (Call Help Desk ext. 2000), voice mail retrieval (ext. 3899)
Mail (Mail Center)
Copier, supplies, repair
FAX machine, number, use
Procedures for opening/closing department
Break room & workroom
Institutional meeting locations (Conference Center Services)
Department meeting locations
Parking Services (Parking and Traffic Control on Campus Policy)
List of contact names with phone numbers
Emergency phone numbers (Emergency Information)
Housekeeping/Sanitation – waste disposal area, special disposal issues, recycling
First Aid – location, supplies
Mentor’s Signature: ______Date: ______
General Expectations (Covered by Director)
Schedule: work hours, lunch, breaks, nights, weekends, holidays (SJCRH Policy)
Attendance, absence, tardy and reporting (SJCRH Policy)
Sick/emergency call-in procedures (SJCRH Policy)
Vacation/holiday request (SJCRH Policy)
Organization and department mission
Organization and department chart
Job description/Expectations
Goal Setting
Grievance procedures (SJCRH Policy)
Review of Hospital/Department Policy and Procedures
Compliance: adheres to all laws and regulations (i.e. OSHA, Joint Commission, etc.) (SJCRH Policy)
Confidentiality (patients, hospital, IT and other records) (SJCRH Policy)
Location of safety manuals (General Safety Manual)
Code names (Example: Dr. Red for FIRE) (SJCRH Policy)
Computer Usage (intranet/internet/e-mail) (SJCRH Policy)
Misuse of hospital property (SJCRH Policy)
Personal conduct: Ethics, conflict of interest (SJCRH Policy)
Personal hygiene (in laboratory) (SJCRH Policy)
Smoking policy (SJCRH Policy)
Eating policy
Dress code, uniforms (SJCRH Policy)
Team player
Customer satisfaction: External and internal
Performance improvement (FOCUS-PDCA; Quality Patient Safety Policy) (SJCRH Policy)
Quality indicators
Reporting of incidents, occurrences (patients, employees, property) (SJCRH Policy) Intern Orientation checklist.docRevised August 2014

Checklist Item Intern Staff Date

Initials Initials

Job Specific Expectations (Covered by your supervisor)
Review intern manuals and common files on SharePoint on T Drive
Participate in joint meeting with interns/coordinators
Meet with your mentor individually
Shadow previous intern, if applicable
Review internship course of study

The mentor is required to review each applicable item with each new student and the student and the mentor/ trainer must initial after completion. When completed, the student and the mentor/designee must sign, date and the completed checklist is to be placed in student’s department file and a copy given to new student.

I verify that I have received this Department Checklist.


Student's signature Student Badge number Date

I verify that I have reviewed this Department Checklist with the student.


Mentor/Designee’s signature Mentor/Designee’s number Date Intern Orientation checklist.docRevised August 2014