Meeting Minutes Pro-forma
Meeting: Parent PanelDate:04/12/13Time:4.00pmPresent: Apologies:
Item / Discussion / Action / By Whom / DeadlineInformation Evenings / These have not always been useful
The Y7 one this year was much better than previously
The KS4-5 evening was very good
Information is too late
Parents would like information much sooner with a letter to remind them nearer the time. The calendars produced by the guild in the past were useful. An evening right at the start of Y10 and Y12 would be useful with a calendar of events. / HH to suggest to DoLs and SLT that all information evenings except KS3-4 and KS4-5 are held at the end of the year with all relevant information about the year ahead.
HH to organise parentmail of all controlled assessment dates (giving out at parents evening was not successful) / HH / End of term
Marking of student work / This is definitely improving. It is still inconsistent but nearly all using WWW/EBI. Maths and Ms Streatfield were highlighted as particularly good.
Some assessments take 2 months to be marked, so the students cannot remember why they couldn’t do aspects of it and find it more difficult to then act on feedback. Year 7s particularly need time built in to respond to EBIs. If there is no marking, the Head of dept should be contacted. Exemplars of work at each level would be useful, particularly in Year 7.
Explanation of work scrutinies. Parents were pleased these took place. Request for sticker in each book to show it had been looked at by SLT. / HH to pass information to VL / HH / asap
Target and tracking grids / Not in all books. Explanation about why the same style of tracker wasn’t used in each subject. Parents don’t understand levels. Explanation about why they aren’t told their position in the class or year, but instead focus on progress towards individual targets. Request for information about national averages. Some tests don’t cover target levels (maths). Some end of year targets were changed at the start of the following year. / HH to pass information to VL and SF / HH / Asap
Edu App / Parents in favour of this for as much as possible. / HH to investigate further / HH / End of term
Website / Requested: contact details, options booklet (even if last year’s), up to date and specific content for depts, book lists, teachihg and learning information. Parent panel happy to evaluate and give feedback. / Hh to inform GG / HH / End of term