Department/Program 3-Year Plan

  1. In the grid below, please describe a few (no more than five) long-term, big picture goals for your department, discipline, and/or program over the next three years. These should be goals you feel are important for you, your students, and the college and should be supported by some of the shorter-term objectives included in your annual program review updates. Please alsoindicate the status of each goal (the categories “Completed” and “Dropped” should not be selected if this is the first time you are filling out this grid),and describe how the goal(s) align with the College’s Strategic Master Plan/Educational Master Plan goals, department/program SLOs/PLOs, and/or LAMC’s Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs). Also specifythe actions and/or activities you are planning (or that are ongoing) that will enable you to achieve your goal(s). It is also important that you include measurable outcomes supported by data that signal the completion of the activities and actions.


Department/Program Goal / Goal Status / Alignment with LAMC Strategic Master Plan/ Educational Master Plan goal(s), department/program SLOs/PLOs, and/or ILOs / Specific actions or activities (ongoing or planned) required to achieve this goal / Measurable outcomes/criteria indicating that each action or activity is complete, including target dates for completion / Briefly describe any obstacles to completing these activities or actions
Develop tutor training workshops or course. / New / Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2016-2019)
Goal 1:Access, Retention, and Success: Ensure access and provide comprehensive student support that enhances retention and persistence, leading to greater student success.
Educational Master Plan (2010-2016)
Goal 1: The College will ensure student recruitment, retention, and success.
Goal 4: Improve students’ success in earning certificates and degrees, continuing their educations, seeking employment, and attaining personal goals. / Develop training manual and resources for students; provide workshop opportunities for students to improve their practice; provide networking opportunities for students; / Successful creation on in-person and online tutor training course in LMS. Target date for completion SP2018. / None.
Increase student awareness and activity in the labs at the LRC, STEM, and Science Centers / New / Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2016-2019)
Goal5: Marketing and Communications: Implement internal and external systematic outreach efforts relevant to the mission, vision, and values of the College.
Educational Master Plan (2010-2016)
Goal 1: The College will ensure student recruitment, retention, and success. / Increase the promotion of LRC services and workshops; showcase student successes to campus community; etc. / Distribution of flyers; expand in-class promotion; have a table or presence at on-campus events; participate in student-centered activities such as summer bridge, Fall Kick-Off, and other events such as movie night at LAMC. Start date 2017 – 18 school year. No end-date for completion, this will be ongoing. / Budget needed in order to finance promotion activities.
Increase our online presence and/or on-Demand instruction for students and faculty / New / Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2016-2019)
Goal 1:Access, Retention, and Success: Ensure access and provide comprehensive student support that enhances retention and persistence, leading to greater student success.
Educational Master Plan (2010-2016)
Goal 1: The College will ensure student recruitment, retention, and success.
Goal 4: Improve students’ success in earning certificates and degrees, continuing their educations, seeking employment, and attaining personal goals. / Update preexisting online content (LRC webpage) and develop new resources for students including, but not limited to, on-demand video tutorials, real-time streaming workshops, etc. Update webpages with tutor information and subjects available for tutoring. / Create Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels and build following; create Eagle’s Nest Online; Stream workshops related to students or faculty via Canvas or other communication channels. Start date: SP2017. Target date for completion is SP2019. / Budget needed to finance department activities. Technology (Screen-capture software, USB headsets, computers with Adobe software). Funding is needed to allow tutors to create and edit videos. Server space and information on how to upload/host content at LAMC.
Increase services we offer to students and faculty. / New / Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2016-2019) –
Goal 2:Fiscal/Budget: Plan academic offerings to meet student, regional, and community needs while at the same time ensuring the fiscal stability of the College. / Develop partnerships with faculty for collaboration / Attend meetings with department personnel. Develop content/workshops directly related to faculty instruction; Add multi-subject tutoring in the labs; improve training resources for tutors to assist DSPS students as needed; increase hours of service to reach evening students; continue to provide embedded tutoring to ESL/DEVCOM courses; continue to support Math with Supplemental Instruction;Start date: FA2017. No end-date, this will be on-going. / Budget needed to finance department activities. Faculty buy-in/participation is needed; better communication and access to all faculty syllabi is important as well (some content is not available online). Funding for tutors or time made available for IAs to attend meetings is needed.
Increase professional development offerings for staff / New / Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (2016-2019)
Goal 2:Fiscal/Budget: Plan academic offerings to meet student, regional, and community needs while at the same time ensuring the fiscal stability of the College.
Educational Master Plan (2010-2016)
Goal 2: Efficiently allocate resources to provide quality programs and courses that meet student needs. / Create relevant professional development opportunities for staff based on staff needs or educational trends. / Develop and sustain professional relationships with faculty at neighboring institutions; stream and archive workshops for remote faculty; etc. Start date - SP2017. No end-date, this will be ongoing. / Budget desperately needed. Lack of funding is the main obstacle the LRC. In order to provide high quality professional development services for staff, we need funding to provide honoraria for speakers and to provide stipends for adjunct faculty. We also need funding to ancillary services such as light refreshments for our presenters and guests. Staff participation is the second obstacle.
  1. In the space below, please describe your rationale (e.g., supporting data, information, reasoning, etc.) for your goal(s) described above.

In our effort to develop the Learning Resource Center (LRC) as a resource for all (students, staff, and faculty alike), I have created a plan to implement and evaluate plan to achieve these goals as outlined above. The Learning Resource Center will plan activities and amalgamate them with our respective department’s program. We intend to establish a balanced set of workshops and activities for students that contains printed and non-printed educational and learning materials that supportsdepartment curriculum. We intend to develop a thorough and continuous training program forthe student-tutors in order to develop their knowledge and understanding of resources and extend their pedagogical prowess. We will make the periodical maintenance for educational materials and resources available in the Learning Center.Our goal is to foster critical thinking skills in our students across the curriculum and enable students to be independent learners.

Students need a wide range of skills be successful in a college. They need to be tech savvy, know how to collaborate with peers, conduct research, and manage their time effectively in order to engage in the learning process by interacting with content, peers, and completing course work. Many high school and returning students often have a skill gap in one area or another when beginning a college course for the first or second time. Moreover, many first-year students do not have the requisite math or writing skills required for college-level coursework. As a result, students will often fail or withdrawdue to a lack of skills in one or more areas.

Our three-year comprehensive review outlinenoted above addresses skill gaps in three areas for first-year students: 1) technical, 2) academic, and 3) study skills. We will provide resources for writing composition, grammar and math. We will provide technical resources to include sites that provide instruction for learners in areas such as basic computer skills (email and file uploads), how to navigate and use the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Lastly, we will conduct workshops on study skills and provide a list of resources for studying skills, develop workshops for time management, and (re-)introduce to NetTutor. We will promote these student-driven activities via email blasts, a rich social media presence, and in person by tabling at events and in-class presentations.

The quality of a community’s education system directly relates to the economic success of itscommunity and faculty professional development is the most effective strategy we have to meet this expectation. High-quality professional development strategies are essential to school and student success. The days of faculty/staff development sessions consisting of roundtable workshops and expert-delivered awareness campaigns are long gone. We are now moving toward more effective and more engaging professional development models. High quality ongoing professional development that deepens an instructors’ content knowledge and pedagogical skills, provides opportunities for practice, research, and reflection, and includes efforts that are sustained and collaborative will assist in our goal to remain up-to-date. Ensuring that our educators continue to strengthen their practice throughout their career at LA Mission College will nurture student success and achievement.