Government of Jharkhand
Department of Women, Child Development and Social Security
1st Floor, Engineers’ Hostel- II, Sector-III, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834 004
(Phone No. 0651-2446216/2446127)
REOI No: JWDS/TEJ/2018-19/01 Dated: 24th April 2018
Tejaswini- Socio-economic Empowerment of Adolescent Girls & Young Women Project
Project No.: 150576
Loan/Credit No.: IDA-5868-IN
Reference No.: CS –21 (Zonal Cluster-I) : Chatra, Palamu and Koderma
CS –22 (Zonal Cluster-II) :Khunti, Lohardagaand Latehar
CS –23 (Zonal Cluster-III):Saraikela- Kharsawan, Simdegaand EastSinghbhum
CS- 24 (Zonal Cluster -IV):Bokaro, Dhanbad and Jamtara
CS -25 (Zonal Cluster- V ) : Deoghar, Godda and Pakur
- The Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS), an autonomous society set up under the Department of Women, Child Development and Social Security (DWCDSS), Government of Jharkhand is implementing the Tejaswini project with funding from The International Development Association (World Bank) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.
- JWDS seeks to hire qualified and experienced Community Service Providers (CSPs) for delivery of community level interventions in five different zonal clusters under Tejaswini project as given above. A firm/agency may express its interest as being CSP for one more Zonal Clusters. However, any one firm/agency would not be considered to be CSPs for more than two (02) Zonal Clusters. The evaluation would be done Zonal Cluster wise.
- Objective: The objective of this assignment is to mobilize community and deliver a range of services under community level project interventions to AGYWs in the respective project districts in the Zonal Clusters mentioned in the draft Terms of Reference (ToR). In particular, the consultancy firm will be responsible for: (a) establishment and operationalization of Block Resource Implementation Unit (BRIU) in the respective blocks of the project districts ;(b) community mobilization; (c) organizing AGYW to form Tejaswini clubs, registration of Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Clubs, induction training of registered AGYW and enrollment of AGYW in the Tejaswini Clubs; (d) delivering life skills education to AGYW at Club level; (e) Counseling and case assessment of AGYW; (f) identification of community level spaces that can be used as cluster locations for delivery of institutional level services (non-formal education and skills training); (g) linking AGYW to educational opportunities through mainstreaming or Non Formal Education; (h) support, coordination and facilitation with Education Service providers (ESP) for ensuring provision of bridge education / coaching for the AGYW; (i) coordination and facilitation with Training Service Providers (TSPs) for smooth delivery of market driven skills training and entrepreneurship training; and (j) other project-related activities including monitoring of services being provided by various service providers engaged under the project.
- The duration of the assignment is three years, effectivefrom the date of signing of the contractsubject to satisfactory performance determined by the JWDS and may be extended upon mutual agreement. The draft Terms of Reference for the assignment is available at in tender Section
- The attention of interested firms is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (January 2011, revised July 2014) (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment: conflict between consulting activities and procurement of goods, works or non-consulting services; conflict among consulting assignments; and relationship with Borrower’s staff.
- Firms/Agencies may associate with other firms/agencies in the form of a joint venture or a sub-consultancy to enhance their qualifications. The “Association” may take the form of a joint venture (with joint and several liability) or of a sub-consultancy, and this should be stated clearly in the submission. Firms/Agencies desirous to have sub-consultancy or JV arrangements are allowed to have one sub-consultant per district.It may be noted that technical expertise of proposed sub-consultants will be evaluated as part of EoI evaluations.
- The Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS) now invites eligible firms/agencies/service providers to indicate their interest in providing the Services.Firms/Agenciesmay apply for either one or all the fiveZonal clusters. However, firms/agencieswill not be considered for award of contract for more than two Zonal clusters. Firms/Agencies may indicate their priority for the Zonal clusters in the EoI submission.Interested firms/agencies should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services. The short-listing criteria are:
Table – 1
Sl. / Shortlisting Criteria / Sole Consultant / Lead Partner / Each Sub-consultant / Supporting Documents
The Firm/Agency should be in business for the last ten (10) years. / Must meetall / Must meet (10 years) / Must meet (3 years) / Registration certificates, PAN and GST Registrations
The Firm/Agency should have an average annual turnover for each package over a period of last three financial years[1] as per the details given below:
CS Package No. / Location / Average Annual Turnover required in INR
CS-21 / Zonal Cluster-1 / 20 Crores
CS-22 / Zonal Cluster-2 / 15 Crores
CS-23 / Zonal Cluster-3 / 18 Crores
CS-24 / Zonal Cluster-4 / 20 Crores
CS-25 / Zonal Cluster-5 / 18 Crores
/ Must meetall / Must fulfill at least 90% of the requirement / Must fulfill at least 10% of the requirement / Audited statements for the respective years.
The Firm/Agency should have at least 7 years’ experience in community development work for social sector programs preferably the programs related with adolescent girls women; / Must meetall / Must meet at least six years / Must meet at least one year / (Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed)
The Firm/Agency should have proven experience of at least 5 years in delivering community level interventions, particularly mobilization and communication and life skills training; Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed); / Must meet all / Must meet at least four years / Must meet at least one year / (Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed)
The Firm/Agency should have proven experience of at least 5 years of advisory for designing policy and Social program at National or State level. (Not Project Management) / Must meet All / Must meet at least five years / Preferred / (Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed)
The Firm/Agency should have at least 5 years’ experience in training and capacity building programs. / Must meet All / Must meet at least four years / Must meet at least one year / (Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed)
The Firm/Agency should have proven ability to work closely with Government Departments and coordinate with diverse government, non-governmental and quasi-governmental agencies. / Must meet / Must meet / Must meet / (Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed)
The Firm/Agency having prior experience of working with Government of Jharkhand will be preferred. / Preferred / Preferred / Preferred / (Proof/ Supporting document to be enclosed)
- Interested Firm/Agency is required to submit their EoI application, complete in all respect, in the prescribed performa in a sealed envelope with each page of application duly signed under the seal by an authorized signatory, including on all the pages of the supporting documents submitted along with the EoI application in prescribed performa.A soft copy of the complete Expression of Interest is also required to be submitted along with the hard copy. The prescribed performa {Annexure - 1, 2, 3 & 5} is annexed herewith. The performa is also available at the website:
- Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines would be followed to select the firms as CSP.
- Any clarification on information in draft ToR or REoI, if any, may be obtained at the address given below during office hours 10:00 to 17:00 hours (IST).
- The Expression of Interest, in hard and soft copy, must be submitted at the specified address through Registered Post/Speed Post/ Courier/ by Hand by 1700 hrs (IST)on 11th May,2018. Any EoI received by JWDS after the designated time and date shall not be considered.
- In case of any Addendum/Clarification/Corrigendum/Extension regarding this REoI Notice, the same will be published in the above website only.
- The Authority reserves right to cancel or terminate the tendering process at any stage prior to signing of the contract without assigning any reason thereof and shall not be liable to any bidder /party in any manner directly/indirectly or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of the grounds for such decision.
Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS),
Department of Women, Child Development and Social Security (DWCDSS), Government of Jharkhand
1st Floor, Engineers' Hostel-II, Sector – III, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004, Jharkhand
Attn: Project Director, JWDS-cum- Chief Operating Officer, Tejaswini Project
Tel: 0651-2446216/ 0651-2446127
E-mail: /
Project Director, JWDS
Chief Operating Officer, Tejaswini Project
[On the Letter Head of the Applicant (in case of Single Applicant) or Lead Partner (in case of a Consortium)
Place :
Project Director, JWDS – cum- Chief Operating Officer, Tejaswini Project
Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS),
1stFloor, Engineers' Hostel-II, Sector - III, Dhurwa, Ranchi – 834004, Jharkhand
Subject: Submission of Expression of Interest for providing consultancy services as Community Service Provider (CSP) for delivery of community level interventions under Tejaswini Projectbeing implemented by JWDS in the State of Jharkhand for ______(Name of Zonal Cluster(s)).
Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of ______(Name of Firm/Agency) (hereinafter referred to as "the Applicant"), and having reviewed and fully understood the Scope of Work for the consultancy, the undersigned hereby does express interest for providing consultancy services by the applicant as Community Service Provider (CSP) for delivery of community level interventions under Tejaswini Project being implemented by JWDS in the State of Jharkhand for______(Name of Zonal Cluster(s)).
We are enclosing our EoI, in the prescribed performa, in original with all the details as per requirements for your evaluation.
The undersigned hereby also declares that the statements made and the information provided in the EoI is complete, unconditional,true and correct in every detail.
Yours faithfully,
Date: Signature
Place: (Authorized Signatory)
- Duly filled EoI, in prescribed performa, complete in all respect (As per Annexure-2 of REoI);
- Self-Declaration on non-judicial stamp paper (As per Annexure-3 of REoI);
- All the supporting documents along with index (As per Annexure-5 of REoI);
Firms/Agencies are expected to provide the detailed information requested as per the format below to SPIU, Tejaswini Project, JWDS as Expression of Interest for providing consultancy services as Community Service Provider (CSP) for delivery of community level interventions under Tejaswini Project being implemented by JWDS in the State of Jharkhand.
Name ofZonal Cluster(s)applying for: Please write(Yes) in the box for applying Zonal Cluster and write (No) in the box not applyingZonal Cluster.
a)Zonal Cluster -1
b)Zonal Cluster -2
c) Zonal Cluster -3
d) Zonal Cluster -4
e) Zonal Cluster -5
Please mention the name your preferred Zonal Cluster, if any :1st Preference ______
2nd Preference______
3rd Preference______
4th Preference______
5th Preference______
- Consultant’s Profile
Organizational / Name of the Organization:
Postal Address:
Telephone / Mobile no.
Fax/ E-mail/ Website:
Name and designation contact person with contact details:
Date of establishment (DD/MM/YY):
Date and place of Registration:
Registration No (Copy to be enclosed):
Registered as Society/Trust/ Company/ PSU or as applicable:
Location of Head office:
Details of Branches if any:
Provide a brief description of the background of organization:
Does the consultant have an office in Jharkhand (Yes/No):
If Yes, then please mention the Key Contact Person along with his/her contact details.
Any other information which the consultant wants to add.
- Financial Information {Please enclose the financial statement of last three financial year. }
The firm/agency should attach the audited financial Statement
Certified from the StatutoryAuditors/Chartered Accountant. / Provide the turnover on the basis of audited financial statement of the previous three financial year in Indian Rupees.
2014-15 / 2015-16 / 2016-17
Note: In case of non- profit making agencies, annual turnover is defined to include all research grants, grants-in-aid and receipts for all activities undertaken within a particular financial year.
- Consultant’s Experience
1)List of all experience in community development work for social sector programs preferably the programs related with adolescent girls and women {Proof to be enclosed}. You may add more rows
Sl. No / Name of the Project/
Assignment / Brief details of the Service provided / Client and country / Duration of Assignment in months / Value of Contract (in INR) / Whether contract closed
or not / Please mention Page No of the supporting document to be referred
{start date}
{End date or ongoing}
DD/MM/YY / Total months
2. List of all experience in delivering community level interventions, particularly mobilization and communication and life skills training{Proof to be enclosed}. You may add more rows
Sl. No / Name of the Project/
Assignment / Brief details of the Service provided / Client and country / Duration of Assignment in months / Value of Contract (in INR) / Whether contract closed or not / Please mention Page No of the supporting document to be referred
{start date}
{End date or ongoing}
DD/MM/YY / Total months
3. List of all experience of advisory for designing policy and Social program at National or State level. (Not Project Management){Proof to be enclosed}. You may add more rows
Sl. No / Name of the Project/
Assignment / Brief details of the Service provided / Client and country / Duration of Assignment in months / Value of Contract (in INR) / Whether contract closed or not / Please mention Page No of the supporting document to be referred
{start date}
{End date or ongoing}
DD/MM/YY / Total months
4. List of all experience in training and capacity building programs. {Proof to be enclosed}. You may add more rows
Sl. No / Name of the Project/Assignment / Brief details of the Service provided / Client and country / Duration of Assignment in months / Value of Contract (in INR) / Whether contract closed or not / Please mention Page No of the supporting document to be referred
{start date}
{end date or ongoing} DD/MM/YY / Total months
5. List of all experience on working with Government Departments and coordinate with diverse government, non-governmental and quasi-governmental agencies. {Proof to be enclosed}. You may add more rows
Sl. No / Name of the Project/Assignment / Brief details of the Service provided / Client and country / Duration of Assignment in months / Value of Contract (in INR) / Whether contract closed or not / Please mention Page No of the supporting document to be referred
{start date}
{end date or ongoing}
DD/MM/YY / Total months
6. List of all experience of working with Government of Jharkhand(if any). {Proof to be enclosed}.
You may add more rows
Sl. No / Name of the Project/Assignment / Brief details of the Service provided / Client and country / Duration of Assignment in months / Value of Contract (in INR) / Whether contract closed or not / Please mention Page No of the supporting document to be referred
{start date}
{end date or ongoing}
DD/MM/YY / Total months
Signature of the Authorized Signatory under the seal on all pages.
Note Below:
- In case of sub consultancy, the firm/agency should list out the details of sub- consultants and their experience in the same above standard format of EoI along with the proof/Supporting documents.
- The ToR shared with this REOI is a draft Version, which may be changed at the time of issue of RfP.
- The Request for Expression of Interest (REoI) Evaluation Criteria for Short Listing of Consulting Firms is attached in annexure-4.
- Please mention the page no at the supporting documentation to be referred. Also Index the proposal and accordingly ensure the numbering of pages.
Annexure -3
(Self-Declaration on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper)
In Reference to the Consultancy Services to JWDS for Tejaswini Project
I,______(Name of the person), the authorized signatory of ______(Name of Firm /Agency),hereby solemnly declare thatour Firm/Agency______(Name of Firm /Agency) has never been blacklisted either by CentralGovernment of India/any State Government/any Union Territory(UT) Administration in India or by any PSU or by any agency of either Central Government of India,any State Government or any UT Administrationin India or by any other donor/partner organization or by the World Bank.
In case of any further changes which effect this declaration at a later date, we would immediatelyinform the Jharkhand Women Development Society (JWDS) accordingly.
Date: Signature
Place: (Authorized Signatory)
(Note: In case the EoI Application also has asub-consultancy, apart from lead partner, the sub-consultant is also required to submit the self-declaration as per this format on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper).
Annexure - 4
Evaluation Criteria for Short Listing of Firm/Agency: Qualification criteria for short listing of Firms/Agencies will be based on obtaining marks regardingthe applicant's response in the Expression of Interest (EoI) jointly for both the lead and its sub-consultants. With this, the consultants that are considered most qualified will be short-listed.Principal criteria and marks included for the short-listing of firms/agencies are as follows:
Sl. / EoI Evaluation Criteria / Marks allocated1. / Number of years from which the applicant firm/agency showing existence in the industry/Business. (Maximum marks -5)
1.1 Ten years of business / 2
1.3 Above 10 years: for each additional business years 0.5 mark will be allocated, maximum upto3 additional marks / 3
Sub Total: / 5
2. / Average annual Turnover in over a period of last three financial years. (Maximum marks -10)
2.1 Average Annual Turnover over a period of last three financial year as per Table -1 of Para 7 at page-2 for the respective Zonal Cluster. / 5
2.2 Above respective Zonal threshold given in Table -1 of Para 7 at page-2: for each additional Rs. 1 Crore of average annual turnover additional 0.5 mark, maximum upto5 additional marks / 5
Sub Total: / 10
3. / Experience in community development work for social sector programs (Maximum marks -20)
3.1 at least 7 years of experience in community development work / 8
3.2 Above 7 years: for each additional year of experience 0.5 mark, maximum upto6 additional marks / 6
3.3 One mark for each number of Projects in community development work for social sector programs with adolescent girls and women, maximum upto6 additional marks / 6
Sub Total: / 20
4. / Experience in delivering community level interventions, particularly mobilization and communication and life skills training (Maximum marks -15)
4.1 Five years of experience in community level interventions / 7
4.2 Above 5 years: for each additional year of experience 1 marks, maximum upto 8 additional marks / 8
Sub Total: / 15
5. / Experience of advisory for designing policy and Social program at National or State level. (Not Project Management)(Maximum marks -15)
5.1 Five years of experience in advisory in social projects / 7
5.2 Above 5 years: for each additional year of experience 1 marks, maximum upto 8 additional marks / 8
Sub Total: / 15
6. / Experience in training and capacity building programs (Maximum marks -15)
6.1 at least 5 years of experience in training & capacity building / 7
6.2 Above 5 years: for each additional year of experience 1 marks, maximum upto 8 additional marks / 8
Sub Total: / 15
7. / Proven ability to work closely with Government Departments and coordinate with diverse government, non-governmental and quasi-governmental agencies (Maximum marks -10)
7.1 for each 2 project 1 mark, maximum upto 10 marks / 10
Sub Total: / 10
8. / Prior experience of working with Government of Jharkhand (Maximum marks -10)
8.1 For each project with Government of Jharkhand 2 marks, maximum upto 10 marks / 10
Sub Total: / 10
Total Marks / 100