Room 202
City Hall
Hall Ings
Tel: (01274) 431933
Fax: (01274) 431784
Date: 19th October 2010
To all with an interest in the Public Forum for Education
Dear Friends & Colleagues
Public Forum for Education (PFE) Half Day Conference,Saturday 13th November 2010
The third Annual Public Forum for Education Conferenceon the topic of:
“Schools Engaging With Their Local Communities”
will take place on:
Saturday 13th November 2010, 9.15am – 12.30pm(followed by lunch),
at Belle Vue Girls’ School, Thorn Lane, Bradford, BD9 6NA
This is an open event and anyone with an interest in education is warmly invited to attend.
The conference will be launched by Cllr Ralph Berry, Lead Member for Children Services.
There will be reports on community involvement and good practice, including from:
- Lynette Kirk, a “Governor of the Year” award winner
- Jane Browne,Head teacher of WoodsidePrimary School and Children’s Centre
- Representatives from the business community
- Joyce Miller,WarwickUniversityassociate on recent research findings
- The Bradford Council for Mosques on schools and Madrasahs working together.
The rest of the morning will be for you to discuss the topic and share your views. This is your opportunity to let us know what is important to you and shape the way forward in education in the district.
Cllr Berry and Kath Tunstall the Strategic Director of Children’s Services will be there to listen and respond. Margaret Platts MBE,the Chair of PFE will reflect on the impact of PFE over the last year.
There will be musical entertainment and discussions can continue over a buffet lunch. I hope that you will be able to attend what we hope will be an enjoyable and thought provoking morning. Please publicise through your usual networks. Parents and young people are particularly welcome.
Please confirm attendanceand names of others you invite, by email to:, telephone (01274) 432337 or return the reply slipas soon as possible, by 8thNovember if you can.
Best wishes,
Jackie Walters
Jackie Walters
Strategic Executive Officer, Services to Children & Young People