Oldham Learner Entitlement Project
ENRICHMENT AUDIT: Roundthorn Primary Academy January 2015
Current Practice and Uptake / Year/Key Stage / Skills being developed? / Character development? / How measured/ recorded?
Fine Art Club
4 Boys / 4 Girls
2 PP / 6 Non PP
0 SEN / 8 Non
0 D / 8 Non / KS2 / *Developing children’s knowledge of drawing / sketching, observation skills, colours and their effect on mood, use of paint and using different mediums. / *Collaborative learning.
*Development of self-esteem and art skills. / *Targeted at talented children.
*Photographic evidence and outcome of art work.
Art Club (Afterschool)
8 Boys / 12 Girls
4 PP / 16 Non PP
6 SEN / 14 Non
1 D / 19 Non / KS1 / KS2 / *Collaborative art project through use of sculptures, range of media and use of natural elements and resources. / *Collaborative learning
*Collective purpose
*Responsibility for their own work.
*Developing independence.
*Use of art leaders to prepare and set up resources / *Collaborative art project displayed around the school.
*High numbers attended during all sessions due to level of enjoyment.
Roundthorn Robins
6 Boys / 23 Girls
10 PP / 20 Non PP
2 SEN / 27 Non
0 D / 29 Non / KS2 / *Listening to and responding to music
*Developing musicality
*Singing in rounds and harmony / *Part of a choral group
*Developing performance skills / confidence.
*Raise of self-esteem and pride in performance, / *Weekly Roundthorn robins following auditions for children in Year 3 to Year 6.
*Performance termly and Oldham Music Festival.
Gardening Club
4 Boys / 4 Girls
8 PP / 0 Non PP
3 SEN / 5 Non
0 D / 8 Non / KS1 / *Developing the children’s knowledge of how plants and vegetables grow.
*Developing knowledge of the natural world and how to conserve the natural environment e.g. gardening, wildlife, shelters & eco Systems etc. / *Using equipment safely and managing risks e.g. use of tools and gardening equipment.
*Development of fine and gross motor skills.
*Collaborative learning.
*using the produce within the school kitchen e.g. from seed to table. / *Children selected following pupil progress meetings who need additional support re. S&L, social and communication skills and fine / gross motor skills.
*Use of targeted children from DSEN and Pupil Premium.
Gardening Club
8 Boys / 12 Girls
14 PP / 6 Non PP
9 DSEN / 11 Non
1 D / 19 Non / KS2 / *Developing the children’s knowledge of how plants and vegetables grow.
*developing knowledge of the natural world and how to conserve the natural; environment e.g. gardening, wildlife, shelters & eco Systems etc. / *Using equipment safely and managing risks e.g. use of tools and gardening equipment.
*Development of fine and gross motor skills.
*Collaborative learning.
*using the produce within the school kitchen e.g. from seed to table. / *Children selected following pupil progress meetings who need additional support re. S&L, social and communication skills and fine / gross motor skills.
*Use of targeted children from DSEN and Pupil Premium.
Cooking Club
3 Boys / 3 Girls
4 PP / 2 Non PP
1 DSEN / 5 Non / Y6 / *How to use equipment correctly and safely.
*Development of language of steps and processes.
*Opportunities to try different types of foods outside cultural experiences. / *Teamwork
*Staying safe
*Develop independence skills
*Sharing resources
*Sharing what they have made with family at home. / Photographic evidence of children using and making different types of foods.
*Fruit salad
*Cheese and tomato swirls
Critical Thinking club
4 Boys / 7 Girls
5 PP / 6 Non PP
0 SEN / 11 Non
0 D / 11 Non / Y1 & Y2 / *Problem solving, reasoning and application of skills. / Collaboration
Applying knowledge to a range of situations. / Children selected through pupil progress meetings focusing on more able mathematicians within year 1 and year 2.
Educational Visits
(247 children – Nursery to Year 6) / N – Yr6 / *Developing children’s first-hand experience linked to curriculum areas of learning.
*Providing children with opportunities to explore the world outside their usual experiences (broadening horizons)
*Raising aspirations and knowledge of the world around them. / *Empathy
*Promotion of British Values
*Developing curiosity and enquiry skills.
*Understanding and tolerance of others’ beliefs.
*Social interaction skills
*Risk management
*Collaborative learning.
*Development of questioning skills
*Research skills / *Educational visits matched to the Learning Challenge Curriculum and measured through children’s responses e.g. verbal, written and artistic.
*Through how children engage in the visit.
*Through pupil initiated reflection of the visit – What did they learn? What inspired them? What did they enjoy?
Educational Visitors to Roundthorn
(247 children – Nursery to Year 6) / N-Y6 / * Developing children’s first-hand experience linked to curriculum areas of learning.
*Providing children with opportunities to explore the world outside their usual experiences (broadening horizons)
*Raising aspirations and knowledge of the world around them. / *Development of questioning skills
*Promotion of British Values
*Developing curiosity and enquiry skills.
*Understanding and tolerance of others’ beliefs.
*Social interaction skills
*Risk management
*Collaborative learning. / *Educational visitors matched to the Learning Challenge Curriculum and measured through children’s responses e.g. verbal, written and artistic.
*Through how children engage with the visitor.
*Through pupil initiated reflection of the visit – What did they learn? What inspired them? What did they enjoy?
Heart Start
4 Boys / 4 Girls
2 PP / 6 Non PP
0 SEN / 8 Non
1 D / 7 Non / Year 5 / To be able to deal and respond to incidents including severe bleeding, choking, CPR, recovery position and correct way to make an emergency call. / *Self esteem
*Confidence to act independently if somebody was hurt.
*Decision making
*Communication skills
*Sense of achievement / 10 week program using Heart Start materials and CPR dummies. Children need to attend all sessions to complete course.
Practical assessments build in within the program with theory assessment at the end.
Change for Life
4 Boys / 4 Girls
5 PP / 4 Non PP
2 SEN / 7 Non
0 D / 9 Non / KS1 & KS2 / *To develop children’s understanding of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle (exercise, positive mental attitude and diet) / *Self esteem
*Positive mental attitude towards themselves and their lifestyle.
*Develop Health and Well Being / *Children selected based on medical information and those with low self-esteem.
*Have the children developed a greater of what constitutes a healthy lifestyle and attitudes within school.
0 Boys / 4 Girls
2 PP / 2 Non PP
0 SEN / 4 Non
0 D / 4 Non / Year 4/5/6 / *To be able to play the keyboard using one and then two hands.
*To be able to play repeated musical phrases.
*To read musical notation.
*To be able to perform in front of an audience. / *Self-confidence and self-esteem
*Listening and responding skills.
*Sense of achievement
*Reading musical notation. / *Weekly sessions provided by the music service.
*Assessment carried out by music service against national curriculum with effort grade.
*Termly performances in-front of an audience.
*Signposted to Oldham Music Service.
*Attendance at Oldham Music Festival.
Ongoing Opportunities Violins
2 Boys / 9 Girls
4 PP / 7 Non PP
1 SEN / 10 Non
0 D / 11 Non / Year 5 / *To read music accurately and play the correct musical note using fingers and bows.
*To complete Grade 1 and Grade 2.
*To play more challenging pieces of music with increasing number of musical notes, incorporate musical slurs and perform in-front of an audience. / *Self esteem
*Self confidence
*Listening and responding skills
*Sense of achievement
*Reading musical notation. / *Weekly sessions provided by the music service.
*Assessment carried out by music service against national curriculum and effort grade.
*termly performances in-front of an audience.
*Attendance at Oldham Music Festival.
14 Boys / 16 Girls
9 PP / 21 Non PP
4 SEN / 26 Non
0 D / 30 Non / Year 4 / *To be able to prepare the violin and bow, hold the violin and bow correctly and use the correct fingers to bow the correct note.
*To be able to copy and repeat musical phrases with body percussion and use of voice.
*To be able to perform in-front of an audience as part of a group presentation. / *Self esteem
*Self confidence
*Listening and responding skills
*Sense of achievement
*Commitment / *Weekly sessions provided by the music service.
*Assessment carried out by music service against national curriculum and effort grade.
*termly performances in-front of an audience.
*Attendance at Oldham Music Festival.
Brilliant Books Project & Read for my School / Y1 – Y6 / *Increasing the frequency of reading and access to newly published fiction and opportunities to read a wider range of books. / *Development of the love of reading.
*Responding to incentives and opportunities to read a wider range of books.
*use of technology (online) to produce a book review.
*Opportunity to interact with authors and ask questions about the books the authors have written. / *Read for my school – ECAR lead able to track the number of books the children have read.
*Brilliant Books – the number of votes for each book.
*More children engage in wider reading activities.
Science Club
4 Boys / 4 Girls
2 PP / 6 Non PP
SEN / 8 Non
0 D / 8 Non / Y4 – Y6 / *To develop investigation skills.
*To be able to plan and carry out a fair test.
*Use equipment and resources safely.
*Work in collaboration with Oldham Science centre.
*To be able to draw conclusions and make generalisations ‘What if…’ / *Listening
*Taking Risks
*Develop enquiry skills
*Developing the love and enjoyment of science.
*Apply knowledge from other areas of learning. / *Certificates awarded at the end of Crest Science Scheme (10 week block)
Reading Buddies
8 Boys / 8 Girls
10 PP / 6 Non PP
2 SEN / 14 Non
0 D / 16 Non / Y2 & Y6 / *Supporting and sharing their individual love of reading with younger children.
*Provides extra opportunities to read and share books.
*Developing effective reading strategies. / *Modelling of effective reading behaviours and attitudes.
*Learning to empathise with children who are early stage of reading development compared to themselves.
*Building relationship with their partner.
*Children volunteer their own time / *For the children in Year 2 measured by the development in reading.
*Records of attendance and books read and evaluative comment on the reading experience e.g. “…improving slowly, trying hard and picking up what I said”
Reading Café / Reception / *Upskill parental skills in engaging in reading with their children. / *Modelling how to share a story with a child to parents.
*Opportunities to discuss with teachers in an informal way.
*Opportunities to interact with other parents in an informal setting. / *Record kept on the number of books borrowed to read at home.
French Club
3 Boys / 6 Girls
2 PP / 7 Non PP
0 SEN / 9 Non
0 D / 9 Non / Year 3 / *Development of speaking and listening skills
*Developing familiar vocabulary
*Role play
*Developing cultural understanding. / *Listening and responding to others.
*Taking risks
*Opportunities to express opinions and learn more about the world they live in. / *Certificates awarded for completing programme and play produced to showcase skills learnt.
Film Club
8 Boys / 10 Girls
4 PP / 14 Non PP
2 SEN / 16 Non
0 D / 16 Non
2 LAC / 0 Not LAC / Year 4 / *Developing children’s understanding of the world through media.
*How media has been developed over a period of time.
*Developing the understanding of classic films, films from other countries and expressing personal views. / *Provides children with opportunities to explore media and express their own personal thoughts and opinions in a safe non- judgemental environment, / *Register taken each week and children can express from a choice what they would like to watch and review.
Forest School / Nursery – Year 6 / *Developing the children’s understanding of the natural world.
*Children to take risks and risk management.
*Children to use a wide range of equipment safely including bow saws, axes, fixed blade knives and fire.
*Developing ore and wonder of the natural world through challenges.
*Developing social communication skills, speaking and listening skills.
*Survival skills e.g. building fires, making shelters and making use of the resources they have got.
*Listening to and responding to others as part of circle time activities.
*Fine and gross motor skills being developed / *Development of children’s self- esteem and self- confidence.
*Development of social communication skills.
*Development collaboratively to complete a common goal.
*Development of problem solving skills.
Developing independence skills.
*Children opportunities to reflect on their learning.
*Child initiated learning.
*Developing peer support.
*Develop / *Additional Forest School selected following pupil progress meeting who require additional support to narrow the gap with their peers.
*Individual S&L targets provided from the class teacher in form of provision map.
*Importance of contextualising learning back into the classroom.
Extra-Curricular Sport
Boys 22 / 1 Girls
PP 5 / Non PP 17
D / Non D / Y5 & Y6 / *Increasing participation in PE and Sport (Sports Premium Priority 1)
*Developing sporting excellence (Sports Premium Priority 2)
*Development of physical wellbeing (Sports Premium Priority 3)
*Developing healthy lifestyles (Sports Premium Priority 4)
*Hand-eye coordination
*Tactics and tactical awareness
*Using equipment correctly
*Fitness and stamina
*Development of skills into gaming situations. / *Teamwork
*Developing healthy lifestyle and well-being.
*Sporting excellence
*Social development / *Record of attendance
*Breakdown of groups (Gender, SEND, Pupil Premium)
*Individual children targeted towards sporting activities
Extra-Curricular Sport
Boys 19 / Girls 0
PP 6 / Non PP 13
D / Non D / Y3 & 4 / *Increasing participation in PE and Sport (Sports Premium Priority 1)
*Developing sporting excellence (Sports Premium Priority 2)
*Development of physical wellbeing (Sports Premium Priority 3)
*Developing healthy lifestyles (Sports Premium Priority 4)
*Hand-eye coordination
*Tactics and tactical awareness
*Using equipment correctly
*Fitness and stamina
*Development of skills into gaming situations. / *Teamwork
*Developing healthy lifestyle and well-being.
*Sporting excellence
*Social development / *Record of attendance
*Breakdown of groups (Gender, SEND, Pupil Premium)
*Individual children targeted towards sporting activities
Sports Leaders
Boys 13 / Girls 17
PP 10 / Non PP 20
SEN 1/ Non SEN 29
D 1 / Non D 29 / Y5 & 6 / *The planning and delivery of sporting activities to children at lunchtime from Y1 to Y6.
*Working in partnership to promote physical wellbeing and healthy lifestyles.
*Listening and acting appropriately at all times as a sporting ambassador. / *Collaboration
*Self-esteem and self-confidence
*Listening and acting on feedback from peers.
*Decision making
*Promoting peer support and effort.
*Leadership skills. / *All sports leaders trained by Sports Development.
*90% of all children participate in sporting activities led by the sports leaders at lunchtime.
*Sporting Ambassadors
Participation in Inter School Competitions
Attendance at 13 events since September 2014
(School target that all children Y1 – Y6 will participate in at least one inter school competition) / Yr1 – Y6 / *Increasing participation in PE and Sport (P1)
*Developing sporting excellence (P2)
*Development of physical wellbeing (P3)
*Developing healthy lifestyles (P4) / *Collaboration
*Development of sporting excellence
*Raising self-esteem and self-confidence
*Healthy lifestyles and well-being. / *Record of the number of: events participated in, the number of boys / girls, DSEN / Non DSEN & Pupil Premium and Non PP.
*Record of performance over three year period.
Andrew Hulmes
Assistant Principal / Sports Premium Lead
Roundthorn Primary Academy