Department ofhealth Care Administration
College of Health and Human Services
California State University, Long Beach
HCA 417 – 01: Technology, Ethics, and Society
Fall 2014
Instructor: Henry O’Lawrence, Ph.D.On Campus: Henry.O’
Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:00 to 7:00 By phone anytime and by appointment – Mondays and Wednesdays
Office Location: HHS1 001 –
Phone: (562) 985-8103 (Office) / Course: 4355
Class Meets: 100% Online
Class Room: online
Additional Contact Information:
HCA Program Administrative Coordinator: Deby McGill,
Tel. 562/985-5694; fax 562/985-5886
Course Description
A framework for understanding the ways in which human societies transform themselves through technological innovation; and understanding ethical questions concerning the social effects of technological change and students’ understanding of health care ethics, ethical issues, and ethical behavior in contemporary health care settings. Letter grade only (A-F).
Teaching/Learning Objectives
Students who have completed this course should be able to:
Learning Objectives, Domain and Competency Table
Learning Objective / Domain / Competency / Activity (A1), Assignment (A2) or Assessment (A3) /Define “technology” and “ethics” and discuss the various worldwide impacts of technology upon society / 5 / A. General Management / Online exercises and reflection/critical commentary for each major function
Synthesize basic concepts and principles of organizational, biomedical, and business ethics and demonstrate the ability to apply them in defining and analyzing critical issues in health care settings / 2 / A. Leadership Skills and Behavior / Questions on Midterm and Final Exam
Compare and contrast the effects that technology has had on the human-made environment. / 1 / C. Facilitation / Conducting Meetings on Internet media as Skype, Google Docs, and BeachBoard
Develop a framework for ethical decision-making, especially as it applies to the export of technology / 3 / A. Personal and professional accountability / Team presentation via PowerPoint/Prezi and peer feedback
*Instructor reserves the right to alter or change assignments. Changes in the syllabus will be announced via email and on the beachboard. It is a student’s responsibility to remain updated on course changes.
Required Text (get the most recent versions in the book store):
/ Morrison, E. E., & Furlong, B. (2013). Health careethics: Critical issues for the 21st century. (3rd
ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Methods of Instruction
· Discussion Board
· Small group problem-solving activities
· Informal peer content critique/feedback
· Informal and formal critique/feedback by the instructor
· Readings from class texts, class notes/material, and from additional sources
· Individual field and research activities/case report
Your unit grade will be based on the following criteria:
Profile with Picture / 40Introduction on Discussion Board / 10
Cultural Relativism Web Exercise / 60
8 Discussion Board Assignment @ 10 points each / 80
Discussion Participation to others’ Board Submissions – 8 @ 6 points each X 2 / 96
Quizzes over Weekly Readings 12 @ 10 points each / 120
500 Word Essay / 80
Movie Critique - Gattaca or The Island or Erin Brokovich or Wall-e or The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 version) / 80
Midterm / 100
Group Project Proposal / 40
Group Project (PowerPoint Presentation) / 80
Group Project Comments 2 @ 7 points each / 14
Final Examination / 100
Final Research Paper / 100
Total Points / 1000
Attendance: There is no attendance policy in this class in a traditional sense—the students are not required to participate in the class activities at any specific time each week. However, every assignment in this class has a due-date—such assignments must be submitted/presented on time.
Late Work: No late work will be accepted or rewarded any credit unless the failing to submit an assignment on time is due to those circumstances outlined in the CSULB Attendance Policy as Excused Absences (Academic Senate Policy #01-01). Please refer to the CSULB Catalog or visit the CSULB Academic Senate site to get familiar with the policy (http://www.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/policy).
Participation: In this class, Participation is a set of specific weekly activities with the established deadlines. The nature of these activities and the evaluation criteria for them are described in detail further in this syllabus.
Mandatory Essay
It is a University requirement to ask students to submit a 500-word essay by the end of the second week and/or before the third week of school. This written requirement is in addition to the course assignments required for this class. However, it is required by the school. You can use any topic about technology and/or ethics. Remember, it has to be at least 500 words. Use MS Word. Please follow APA guidelines. You must cite at least 3 references. Be sure to cite them in the text and in the reference list at the end.
Contacting Instructor
Please always show the course number and section in the subject line.
Example: HCA 417 01
Assignments, other than discussion boards and exams will be submitted to dropbox.
If you must submit a document by email to Henry.O’ – Please save any files that you send in the following format:
Example: Jones.X.Quiz1
Please submit in word files
Basic Technical Requirements:
Internet access, E-mail account and access, Word Processing with MS Word compatibility: many of the class notes, documents, and additional readings are stored as MS Word files and documents; the exam is also written in MS Word--you will need this program in order to retrieve and open these documents and files; you will also need to use a MS Word compatible program to submit some of your work to the instructor.
Individual Assignments:
· All individual assignments must be computer-typed and word-processed, in the format described in the latest APA manual. It is very important that you note that the writing style guide that the department requires for citations is APA 6th Edition. It is highly recommended that all students have a copy of the book. A quick style guide can be accessed through the University Library at: www.csulb.edu/library/eref/vref/style.html. More information about APA style is on beachboard content for the course.
· YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES - Successful students follow both oral and written instructions. The syllabus and information on BeachBoard are the primary sources of instructions; so successful students should read the instructions carefully and refer to them regularly. Successful students ask question before due dates. Successful students look up information first so that they ask informed questions. If they can’t find the answers, they contact the instructor via voice mail or email or texting.
Successful students pay close attention to how they can best and most easily learn the material in a particular subject area. You may find it helpful to take a learning styles inventory to guide your study habits. You can access one online at http://www.metamath.com//1sweb/dvclearn.htm. If you have difficulty figuring out how best to learn the material in this class, please make an appointment to see me.
Discussion Questions:
Discussion Board Lessons
Must show a word count
350-400 word essays addressing the questions stated in the assignment. The essays should demonstrate your familiarity with the reading material and concepts, understanding of the topic discussed and your ability to conduct additional relevant topic research and integrate the knowledge from the class material and other sources with your personal and professional experience. You are expected to cite and reference a minimum three sources of information in APA format; it might include the class textbook, lecture notes, and any other sources you find during your research activities for each lesson.
You will lose one point for your postings each day after the due date. For example, if the due date is 8/30/13 and you do not post until 8/31 and your score is 10/10, you will receive 8/10 of posting a day late. If you are two days late, you will receive 6/10 and so forth.
Evaluating Criteria for Discussion Questions
The responses to each lesson’s Discussion Questions will be assessed according to the following rubric:
10 points per lesson--relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson;
well-organized, good writing mechanics (check spelling and grammar), evidence of relevant research; at least 3 sources are cited and referenced according to APA format
8 points per lesson—relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson, well organized, good writing mechanics, and evidence of relevant research at least 2 sources are cited and/or referenced according to APA format
6 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics is acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, and at least 1 source is cited showing evidence of relevant research
5 points per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the lesson, reasonably well organized, writing mechanics are acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, BUT no evidence of relevant research (no citations or references)
0 points per lesson—no response posted OR the content is insufficient, no organization, no evidence of research.
Discussion Participation Lessons
Constructive comments on other classmates' postings, respectful communication style and overall active participation in the discussion board.
Evaluating Criteria for Discussion Participation:
Must show a word count
Your comments must at least 150 words each. The comments to each lesson’s Posting will be assessed according to the following rubric:
6 points per comment—at least two comments are posted per lesson; the comments are constructive, acknowledge some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting(s) to which the comments are made. Comments must be at least 5 sentences for each one.
3 point per comment—the comment is constructive, acknowledges some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in the discussion posting to which the comment is made. Comment does not have the required amount of words or sentences or does not acknowledge the points in the posting.
0 points per comment—there are no comments posted; OR the comments are openly hostile; OR the comments are limited to simple greeting-like statements (“I agree/disagree”; “Well said,” etc.) without explanation or justification
Discussion Board Introduction – Must show a word count
The initial discussion board assignment, titled “Introduction” is to introduce yourself and your interests. You do not need references for this posting and you do not have to post comments on your classmates. You must have at least 300 words.
Profile Page – this is the page on your BeachBoard home page – complete it there and I will check it there.
The requirements for each section of the profile page are listed below:
Must have picture of yourself for full credit
Interests/Hobbies: / At least 3Favorite Music: / Favorite type and favorite song
Favorite TV Shows: / At least 3
Favorite Movies: / At least 3
Favorite Books: / At least 3
Favorite Quotations: / At least 1
Favorite Websites: / At least 3 with description – describe even if it is a common site – be creative on the sites
Future Goals: / At least 3
Most Memorable Learning Experience: / At least 1 with the reason it is your most memorable experience
“I don’t have one is not an acceptable answer for any of the above.”
Cultural Relativism Web Exercise - Do the web exercise
Go to
then click on Exercises
then click Cultural Relativism and follow directions
Take a screen shot of the last page showing you completed it and submit it to the dropbox.
Movie Critique Essay – Choose one of the following movies - Gattaca or The Island or Erin Brokovich or Wall-e or The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 version)
This written essay should be typed using MS Word or RTF, it should not exceed two (2) pages, and should be double-spaced. The objective of this written assignment is to help you identify the key ethical implications of the technology presented on the chosen film. Your essay should attempt to provide an analysis of the ethical implications to society brought about by the technology presented in the film selected. I am NOT looking for a recount of the movie, but a summary of the key ethical aspects of the technology(ies) in question if it were to be applied to society. You should have at least 2 references other than the movie, the movie will the third reference. References are to be listed on the bottom of the second page. Submit the essay to the dropbox.
You will have 12 true/false/multiple choice quizzes over the reading assignments from the textbook. You will be allowed take the exam two times and the computer will save the higher score. Once you open the exam, you must finish it. You cannot save it and return later. All weekly exams and the midterm will be opened 8:00 am on Friday and closed 11:59 pm on Sunday. The final will open 8:00 am on 12/11/14 and close 11:59 pm on 12/14/14.
There will also be a midterm and a final exam. The exams are multiple-choice and true/false. They are a random selection from the same question pool as the weekly quizzes. The final will cover material covered after the midterm.
Group Assignments:
There will be one group assignment in this course—Team Power Point Presentation. Each student will be assigned to a team by the instructor. Each team will be able to communicate through its own discussion section on BeachBoard; team members can also communicate via e-mail, phone, or any other preferred and accepted mode of communication by all members. Please note, that it is NOT expected that the team should meet in person; however, this decision is within each team’s discretion as long as all members consent.
Group Project Proposal: The proposal is to be between ½ and 1 page long. Using APA style, define your topic and explain why your group chose this topic. You must use at least one reference for the proposal.
Group Project: You will be assigned to groups of 3 or 4 and together as a group you will select an area of technology and present how this technology has helped to change the world. Together, you will develop a PowerPoint presentation of at least 12 slides and post it to the discussion board. The team leader will submit the Presentation to BeachBoard and the dropbox. Be sure every member’s name is on the cover page. I expect to see creativity, graphics and information that is thorough enough for the reader to understand. Since this is strictly posted and not presented in person, the information must be clear and concise. Each member of the group is responsible for at least 3 references which will be cited in the text and in a reference list on the last slide. The last slide does not count as one of the 12 minimum.