

B.A.M.S.,PG Scholar

Department of post graduate studies in SalyaTantra

T.M.A.E. Society’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospet.


The Registrar

Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Science, Karnataka


Subject- Submission of complete proforma for registration of subject for


Respected Sir,

I request you to kindly register the below mentioned subject against my name for the submission of dissertation to the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Science, Karnataka, Bangalore for the partial fulfilling of M.S.(Ayu) in ShalyaTantra.

Title of Dissertation


Place- Hospet Yours faithfully

Date- Dr.ManishSahu




  1. NAME AND ADRESS - Dr.ManishSahu

H.N-381,WN-14,Near Dal Mill

Vidisha Road BerasiaDist.Bhopal

Madhyapradesh – 463106

  1. INSTITUTION - Post Graduate Studies And

Research Center

Department of SalyaTantra

T.M.A.E. Aurvedic Medical College

And Hospital Hospet-583201.

  1. COURSE OF THE STUDY- AyurvedaVachaspathi. M.S.(Ayu)
  1. SUBJECT - SalyaTantra
  1. ADMISSION YEAR - Year 2010-11
  1. TITLE OF THE TOPIC - Comperative Study of Jalaukavacharana

In the management of Vataj, PittajKapahj

Vidradhi (Abscess).


7A – Need for the study:

In ayurveda Ayu (life) is defined as conjuction of body,soul,mind and senses. Each has been given due importance in the maintenance of health and prevention and cure of disease.

In the present scientific era,people are fed up with the side effects and after effects of the most effective and fast acting modern drugs which are lowering the human immunity at the same time when they are suppressing disease.

According to ayurveda our body is formed by combination of dosha,dhatumala.All the constitute or tissue of the body contains all three dosha,dhatu & mal are insubtleamount.out of these doshas are considered more important as they form a base in nourishment & devlopement of the body.Whenever there is state of diseqilibrium of doshas it directly affects the health.According to ayurvedasamhitaVidradhi are developed by these three doshas.

According to modern science the vidradhi is abscess.The definition of abscess according to modern science a cavity which contains pus is called abscess.

According to ayurveda there are different type of management of different type of vidradhi. Jalaukavacharana has important role in the management of vidradhi and it is less painful.It requires no Operation theater & surgical instrument.

In modern science only Incision & drainage is the treatment of abscess.It requires Operation theater,surgical instrument and it is so painful.

The study makes a humble effort in statistically analyzing the efficacy of the

Jalaukavacharana in the various type of vidradhi. There by evaluating the type of vidradhi which it is most indicated and effective.

Ayurveda classical indications

Vidradhi (abscess) Gulma (lump)  Arsha(Piles) Kushtha (skin diseases) Vatarakta (sclerosis) Kantharoga (throat diseases) Netraroag (eye diseases) Granthi (cyst) Arbuda (tumor) Shlipada (filariasis) Vidarika (rhagades) Vishadamshtra (poisoning) Visharpa (pemphigus) Siroroga (headache) Dantaveshta (dental disorders) etc.

Other indications

Boils and abscess Herpes zoster Thrombosis Thrombophlibitis AlopeciaOsteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis Gouty arthritis  Psoriatic arthritis Sciatica Wounds – diabetic, leprotic, pyogenic etc Atopic dermatitis Psoriasis etc.

7B- Review of Literature:

-Definition of Jalauka, Types of Jalauka, Habitat of Jalauka, Indication of Jalaukavacharana, Preservation of Jalauka, Methods of Jalaukavacharana mentioned in SushrutaSamhita.(Sutrasthan Chapter-13, Slok No.9-17)

-Nidana, Bedha, Lakshnan, Sadyasadyata of Vidradhi mentioned in SushrutaSamhita.(Nidansthan Chapter-09, Slok No.4-10)

-Chikitsa of Vidradhi mentioned in SushrutaSamhita.(Chikitsasthan Chapter-16, Slok No.4-26)

-Definition, Causes, Types, Symptoms, Sign and management of Abscess in relevant modern Text Books of Surgery and Internet.

-Thesis regarding Jalaukavacharana and Vidradhi studied by different scholars.

7C-Objective of The Study:

-To asses the role of the Jalaukavacharana in the different types of Vidradhi.

-To update principles of Jalaukavacharana in the management of Vidradhi.

-Compare the role of Jalaukavacharana in the different types of Vidradhi.

7D-Previous work done:

-Role of the Jalaukavacharana in the different stage of external abscess, conducted in department of Kayachikitsa, RkToshniwalAyurved College Akola.

By Dr.NavaleRajshree (2002)

-Role of Jalaukavacharana in the prevention of abscess formation, conducted in department of SalyaTantra, Govt.Ayurved College Nagpur.

By Dr.Bhagat S.(1995)

  1. Material and Methods-

8A- Source of Data-

1-Patient: Patient will be selected randomly from OPD and IPD, P.G.Dept. ofShalyaTantra, T.M.A.E.S Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital,Hospet. as per Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria.

2-Literary: Literary aspect of the study will be collected from classical Ayurvedic and Mordern text along with updated medical journals and from internet.


-Detailed history of selected patient will be taken.

-Noted in specific proforma & essential investigation will be done.

-The follow up study will continue for two months.

-Needful examination and investigation will be done before and after both treatment and 15 days after treatment.

-Result will be recorded compared & analyzed statistically.

8B-Methods of collection of Data-

1. Study Design: Randomized Clinical Trial.

2. Sample Size: A minimum of 30 patient suffering different types of Vidradhi (abscess) will be selected randomly after diagnosing by clinically and Lab investigation.

3. Selection Criteria: The cases are selected strictly as per present inclusion and exclusion criteria.

-Inclusion Criteria:

Patient with classical symptoms of different types of Vidradhi (Vataj, PittajKaphaj).

Patient above 15 years and below 60 years.

Patient with Pakvavastha of Shodh (Inflamation).

Patient with Fluctuation test positive.

Patient with fever & increase WBC count.

-Exclusion Criteria:

Patient below 15 years and above 60 years.

Patient with Internal Abscess (e.g. Liver abscess, Splenic, Purulent, Pericarditis, Appendicular abscess, Peritonsillar abscess, Lung abscess.

Patient with Amavastha of Shodh (Inflamation).

4. Diagnostic Criteria: The Patient of Vataj, PittajKaphajVidradhi will be selected after diagnosing by-


VatajVidradhi- (I) Black In Colour (II) Reddish (III) Severe Painful

(IV) Swelling Different Type (V) Pus Liquified.

PittajVidradhi- (I) Black-Reddish In Colour (II) Burning Sensation

(III) Pus Yellowish-Red.

Kaphajvidradhi- (I) White Yellow InColour (II) Cold In Touch

(III) Less Painful (IV) Matted Nodes (V) Pus White.

-Laboratory Investigation: Increase WBC Count.

5. Duration of Study: For 60 Days.

6. Follow Up: Follow up of Patient will be done once in a week for 60 days.

7. Assessment Criteria:

-Subjective Parameter: Clinically improvement will be assessed by lakshana of Vataj, PittajKaphajVidradhi after Jalaukavacharana.

Lakshana / VatajVidradhi / PittajVidradhi / KaphajVidradhi
Shawyathu(Swelling) / - / - / -
Vedna (Pain) / - / - / -
Srava (Discharge) / - / - / -
Wound Healing / - / - / -

-Objective Parameter:Regular monitoring of CBC will be taken after Jalaukavacharana. Subjective & Objective parameter of baseline data in comparison of data before and after the Jalaukavacharana. Data comparison will be used for statistical evaluation of Results.

8C- Ethical clearance obtained from your institute: Yes.

  1. List of References:


? SushrutaSamhita: AyurvedaTatwasandipika Dr. AmbikadattaShastri.

Sutrasthan Chapter-13,NidanaSthan Chapter-09,Chikitasthan Chapter-16

? CharakaSamhita: Agnivesha revised. byAcharyaCharaka andDradhabala

with commentary by Chakrapani.

? AstangaHridaya: Vagbhata with commentaries of Atridev Gupta.

Sutrasthan Chapter-26,Nidanasthan Chapter-11,Chikitsasthan Chapter-13

? AstangaSamgraha: VriddhaVagbhata commentaries by Indu.

Sutrasthan Chapter-35,Nidanasthan Chapter-11,Chikitsasthan Chapter-15

? Bhavaprakasha (Part 1 & 2): Bhavamishra with Vidyotini Hindi commentary


?MadhavNidan: Chapter-40


? Arthur C Guyton., Textbook of Medical Physiology.

? Chatterjee C.C., Human Physiology.

? Alex Thomson & Alexander Miles., Manual of Surgery, Vol. 1.

? S. Das, A manual on Clinical Surgery.

? Bailey & Love, Short Practice of Surgery , ELBS publication, 4th edition.

? K. Das., A practice Guide to Operative Surgery.

? Irwin W. T & Churchill., Scientific Basis of Surgery.

  1. Signature of the Candidate :
  1. Remarks of the Guide :

Name and Designation :

Signature :

  1. Co-Guide :

Signature :

  1. Head of the Department :

Signature :

  1. Remarks of the Chairman

And Principal :

Signature :
