1261 Golden Gate Drive, #2E
Papillion, NE 68046
Phone (402) 593-2156 Fax (402) 593-4335
Ken Tex, Planning & Building Director
April 16, 2008
Sarpy CountyBoard of Commissioners
SarpyCounty Courthouse
1210 Golden Gate Drive
Papillion, Nebraska 68046
To The Sarpy CountyBoard of Commissioners:
The Sarpy County Planning Commission held a regular meeting on April 16, 2008 in the County Board Room at the Sarpy County Courthouse, Papillion, Nebraska. Vice-Chairman Wear called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the following members present: Susie Bliss, Don Fenster, Greg Gonzalez, Bill Krebs, Bernie Marquardt, andAlan Wear. Absent were: Courtney Dunbar, David Fanslau, Stacy Gross and Tom Wees. Also in attendance and introduced were the staff members: Ken Tex, Planning & Building Director, Nicole O=Keefe, Deputy County Attorney and Cindy Gilbert, Recording Secretary.
Vice-Chairman Wear stated that, in Chairman Wees’ absence, he would be conducting the meeting.
Vice-Chairman Wear noted a letter of resignation, effective immediately, was received from David Fanslau and Alan accepted it on behalf of the Chairman and the Planning Commission members.
Vice-Chairman Wear noted that a copy of the Open Meeting Law is posted in the Board Room.
Vice-Chairman Wear asked for a motion to approve to agenda.
Bliss moved, seconded by Marquardt to approve the agenda as submitted. Ballot: Ayes- Bliss, Fenster, Gonzalez, Krebs, Marquardt, and Wear. Abstain – none. Absent – Dunbar, Gross, Whitfield and Wees. Motion carried.
Vice-Chairman Wear asked for a motion to approve the minutes.
Bliss moved, seconded by Gonzalez to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2008 meeting as submitted. Ballot: Ayes- Bliss, Gonzalez, Krebs, Marquardt, and Wear. Nays B none. Abstain B Fenster. Absent –Dunbar, Gross, Whitfield and Wees. Motion carried.
I. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS: Note: All consent items are automatically approved when the consent agenda is approved unless removed by a board member. Removed items will be placed under Regular Agenda Items for action by the Planning Commission. None.
A.Lyman-Richey Corporation, 4315 Cuming Street, Omaha, requests approval of an amendment to their Special Use Permit to add an adjoining parcel of property and to establish a small temporary portable plant site to allow for the excavation, processing, stockpiling and selling of aggregates on the additional parcel of ground on the following described property, to wit: East 100 acres of the SW1/4 of Sec 20, Twp 13N, Rng 10E of the 6th P.M., Sarpy County, Nebraska. (252ndPflug Road)
Ken Tex stated that Lyman-Richey had a Special Use Permit approved for a period of 30 years. This is an amendment to that Permit that would allow the addition of 100 acres to the permit.
Carol White, Lyman-Richey, noted they also intend to establish a portable concrete plant on the property. The property will be mined for Mr. Bundy, the owner of the land.
Ken noted the road access had been improved a couple of years ago to help improve the traffic flow and that nothing else should be needed in the way of additional access or improvements. In addition,Tom Lynam stated that, if necessary, dust control measures would be used.
Carol White indicated they were already participating in dust control and would continue to do so.
*Public Hearing Closed at 7:09 p.m.*
- Fenster moved, seconded by Marquardt, to recommend approval of the amendment to the Special Use Permit as it meets the zoning regulations. Ballot: Ayes – Bliss, Fenster, Gonzalez, Krebs, Marquardt and Wear. Nays – none. Abstain – none. Absent – Dunbar, Gross, Wees and Whitfield. Motion carried.
B.Proposed addition to the SarpyCounty Comprehensive Development Plan to add an area on Figure 5.1 (Development Structure Plan), formerly an “urban service area”.
Ken explained why we needed to amend the Comprehensive Development Plan. He stated it was an area left void when the City of Gretna rescinded their annexation. Part of the area is already developed as a mixed use area. That type of use is consistent with our comp plan up to that point and is consistent with what Gretna had intended. He did indicate that Gretna was in the process of revising their comp plan and wasn’t sure what, at this point, they will do with the ground adjacent to this. A developer has recently shown preliminary plans that would conform to the comp plan as presented. He also noted the City of Omaha is using 180th Street as a north/south connector, which would continue into SarpyCounty.
*Public Hearing Closed at 7:15 p.m.*
- Bliss moved, seconded by Krebs, to recommend approval of the amendment to the Comprehensive Development Plan as presented as it is consistent with the area for mixed use. Ballot: Ayes – Bliss, Fenster, Gonzalez, Krebs, Marquardt and Wear. Nays – none. Abstain – none. Absent – Dunbar, Gross, Wees and Whitfield. Motion carried.
Ken noted Nebraska Land Trust had received a substantial amount of money from the Nebraska Lottery for the purchase of conservation easements.
Don Fenster would like to schedule a tour for the Planning Commissioners and CountyBoard to see the areas that have been changed by zoning and platting. It was tentatively scheduled for the May meeting date if arrangements can be made.
Being no further discussion, Marquardt moved, seconded by Bliss to adjourn the meeting.By a unanimous oral vote, Vice-Chairman Wear declared the meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Alan Wear, Vice-Chairman
Cindy Gilbert, Recording Secretary