



Jerry Gale


Department of Human Development and Family Science

Recipient of the AFTA 2006 Distinguished Research Award

The University of Georgia

Athens, Georgia 30602

(706) 542-8435 work

(706) 340-5643 cell


Ph. D.Texas Tech University, 1989

Major: Marriage and Family Therapy

Human Development and Family Studies

Dissertation:Conversation analysis of a marital therapy session: Pursuing a therapeutic agenda.

M. Ed.University of Arizona, 1979

Major: Counseling and Guidance

B. A. University of Michigan, 1974

Major: PsychologyMinor: Philosophy

POSITIONS HELD (Academic Appointments)

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Child and Family Development, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Fall, 1989 to Spring 1995

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Child and Family Development, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA

Summer 1995 to present

ProfessorDepartment of Human Development and Family Science, The University of

Georgia, Athens, GA

Summer 2014 to present



FACULTY APPOINTMENTS (The University of Georgia)

Graduate Faculty1992 - present

Chair, Certificate 1994 - 1996, 2002 –2009, 2013- 2015.

Program in Marriage

and Family Therapy

Executive Committee2002 - 2010

Certificate Program in

Qualitative Inquiry

Director of Clinical Training2007-2012

MFT Program, HDFS

Director, Marriage1996 - 2007

and Family Therapy2012-present

Program, HDFS

UGA Teaching Academy2001 – present

Affiliate Faculty Member:

Institute for Evidence-Based Health Professionals 2012-present

FACULTY APPOINTMENTS (University of Calgary)

Adjunct Faculty2008 to present

Department of Psychiatry


  • Selected for receiving Education Program of the Year by the Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries, February 1, 2017 Georgia Association of Museums and Galleries, Georgia (starting and leading a bi-monthly meditation class at the GMOA
  • Invited to be a Senior Teaching Fellow, UGA, 2014/2015
  • Invited to teach at Nordhausen University, Germany, May 15-19, 2017, April 25-29, 2016, May 4-8, 2015 (Topic: relational financial therapy)
  • Invited to teach at Universidad Andes del Cusco in Peru, August 10-23, 2014 (topic: family therapy and domestic violence)
  • Selected to attend the NSF program on Developing and Sustaining Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs. October 7-8, 2012 Coeur d’Alene, ID
  • Teaching Fellow Mentor for the Teaching Academy 2012-2013
  • Invited to serve on the Advisory Board and Review Panel of the International Narrative Therapy Research Fund 2008-2012
  • Selected as a Fellow to the Taos Associates 2008 to present
  • Recipient of the 2006 AFTA Outstanding Research Award.
  • Recipient of the 2009 CHFD Teacher of the Year Award
  • Recipient of the 2006 CHFD Teacher of the Year Award.
  • Invited to be a Lilly Fellow Mentor 2008
  • Selected as Institute of Behavior Research Fellow for 2003-2004.
  • Selected to the UGA Teaching Academy 2002.
  • Selected as a Fellow for the Institute for Children, Youth and Families Workshop: Economic Invited to attend Hardship for Children, Youth, and Families - The Intersections of Public Policy,Planning, Private Research, and Local Programming. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, July 11 - 16, 1993.
  • Selected as a University of Georgia Lilly Fellow for 1990-1991.
  • Member of Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society 1988 to present.
  • Received the Janice Helen Jordan Scholarship for 1988-89.
  • Received the 1988 Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award at the College of HomeEconomics at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas.



Gale, J. (in press). Improvisation and meditation: Theory and practice for drama therapy for couples. DramaTherapy Review,Dr.Daniel J. Wiener Guest Editor,Drama TherapyReview(new journal that began in 2015, and does not have an impact score)

*Morrisssey Stahl, K., Gale, J., Lewis, D.L., & Kleiber, D. (2017). Pathways to pleasure: Older adult women’s reflections on being sexual beings. Journal of Women and Aging 30(5). DOI: 10.1080/08952841.2017.1409305. Published on line, (impact score of 1.049)

Li, Pei-Fen, & Gale, J. (in press). Reentry Experiences and Professional Developments of International Marriage and Family Therapy Graduates in Taiwan. Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy. (Impact score .68)

*Boe, J. L., Gale, J. E., Karlsen, A. S., Anderson, L. A., Maxey, V. A. & Lamont, J. L. (2017). Filling in the gaps: Listening through dialogue. Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy. 39(4), 337-344. DOI 10.1007/s10591-017-9432-z. (Impact score of .68)

Stinson, M. A., Bermudez, J. M., Gale, J., Lewis, D. A., Templeton, G. B. (2017). Marital satisfaction, conflict resolution styles, and religious attendance among Latino couples: Using the actor-partner interdependence model. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families,25(3), 215-223. DOI:10.2277/1066480717710645 (impact score of .28)

Gale, J. (2017). Meditation skills for the mediation process: Complementary Practices and epistemological considerations. Journal of Mediation Theory and Practice, 2, (1), 54-68.

Ross, B., Gale, J., Goetz, J. (2016). Ethical issues and decision making when mental health and financial professionals collaborate to provide financial therapy. Journal of Financial Therapy, 7, Issue 1, 17-37.

McCoy, M., Gale, J., Ford, M., & McCoy II, R. (2013). A therapist’s perspective of a financial planning course: Implications for financial therapy education and trainings. Journal of Financial Therapy, 4(1). doi:10.4148/jft.v4i1.1763

Lee, B. Y., Kozak, M. S., Nancoo, C., Chen, H. Middendorf, K., & Gale, J. (2013). Exploring dominant discourses: Creating spaces to find voices & cultural identity. Journal of Cultural Diversity.Volume 20, Number 1.

Strong, T., Gale, J. (2013). Postmodern clinical research: In and out of the margins. Journal of Systemic Therapies,32, 46-57.

Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Britt. S. (2012). Considerations in the development of the financial therapy association. Journal of Financial Therapy, 3, 2.

Gale, J. (2012). Challenges and benefits in the creation of an interdisciplinary clinic. Context, April, 16-17.

Kim, J. H., Gale, J., Goetz, J., Bermudez, M. (2011). Relational financial therapy: An innovative and collaborative treatment approach.Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy. 33:229–241 DOI 10.1007/s10591-011-9145-7

Aholou, T. M. C., Gale, J. E., & Slater, L. M. (2011). African American Clergies Perspectives on Addressing Sexual Health & HIV Prevention in Premarital Counseling Settings: A pilot study. Journal of Religion and Health, Volume 50, 2, 330-347. DOI: 10.1007/s10943-009-9257-7

Kennedy, K.S, Godlas, A, Gale, J, & Parker, ML (2010).Building Bridges: Cross-disciplinary collaboration between Family Therapy and Islamic Studies. Journal of Muslim Mental Health, 5: 350-367. DOI: 10.1080/15564908.2010.551289


Zak-Hunter, L., Marshall, L. E. , Arnold, A. L., Consiglio, S., Gale, J., Liddy, C., Magwitz-Greyson, D. P.(2010) 'Finding Our Voices in the Face of Dominant Discourse: A Closer Look at Gender Roles' Impact on Student Clinicians', Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 22: 3, 187- 202

Gale, J. (2010). Discursive analysis: A research approach for studying the moment-to-moment construction of meaning in systemic practice. Human Systems: The Journal of Systemic Consultation and Management, 21, 2 7-37.

Green-Pimentel, L., Goetz, J., Gale, J., Bermudez, M. (2009). An innovative collaboration between financial and relationship experts: Counselors’ perspectives and opportunities for Extension professionals. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues (FFCI) 14(2).

Chung, H. & Gale, J. E. (2009). Family functioning and self-differentiation: A cross-cultural examination. Contemporary Family Therapy, 31, 1, 19-33.

Templeton, G. B., Bush, K. R., Lash, S. B., Robinson, V., & Gale, J. (2008). Adolescent Socialization in Rural Appalachia: The Perspectives of Teens, Parents and Significant Adults. Marriage and Family Review, 44, 1, 52-80.

Gale, J. (2007). Joining for change: An intervention of state change or an interaction or

unforeseen consequences? Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 33, 1, 56-58.

Chung, H., & Gale, J. (2006). Comparing Self-differentiation and Psychological Well-being between Korean and European American Students. Contemporary Family Therapy, 28, 3, 367-392.

Gale, J. (2004). Experiencing relational thinking. Context, 75. 10-12.

Herrman, M. S., Hollett, N., Eaker, D. D., Gale, J. (2003) Mediator Reflections on Practice: Connecting Select Demographics and Preferred Orientations. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 20, 4.

Gale, J. (2002). Five (plus or minus 2) guiding principles of improvisational performance relevant to the practice, research and teaching of therapy. Journal of Clinical Activities, Assignments, & Handouts. 2, 2, 77-88.

Hollett, N. L., Herrman, M. S.,Eaker, D. G., Gale, J. (2002). The assessment of mediation outcome: The development and validation of an evaluation technique. The Justice System Journal., 23, 3, 345-362.

Gale, J., Mowery, R., Herrman, M., Hollett, N. (2002). Considering effective divorce mediation: Three potential factors. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 19, 4, 389-420.

Herrman, M. S., Hollett, N., Eaker, D. G., Gale, J., Fogarty, K., & Foster, M. (2002). Supporting accountability in the mediation Profession. Negotiation Journal, 18, 1, 29-49.

Faulkner, R., Klock, K., & Gale, J. (2001). Qualitative research in family therapy: Trends in the field from 1980 to 1999. The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 28, 1, 69-82. .

Lawless, J. J., Gale, J., Bacigalupe, G. (2001). The discourse of race and gender in family therapy supervision: A conversation analysis. Journal of Contemporary Family Therapy 23, 2, 181-197.

Herrman, Margaret S., Nancy Hollett, Jerry Gale and Mark Foster. (2001). Defining Mediator Knowledge and Skills. Negotiation Journal. 17, 2, April, 139153.

Harris, T., Moret, L. B., Gale, J., Kampmeyer, K. L. (2001). Therapists' gender assumptions and how these assumptions influence therapy. Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, 12, 2/3, 33-60.

Gale, J. (2000). Patterns of talk: A micro-landscape perspective. The Qualitative Report, Volume 4, Numbers 1/2, January, 2000. (

Goettler, D. E., Herrman, M. S., Gale, J. (1999). Background characteristics and incentives of mediators in Georgia: Exploring differences in public, private and government agency mediators. Mediation Quarterly, 16(3),221-234.

Kogan, S. M. & Gale, J. E. (1997). Decentering therapy: Textual analysis of a narrative therapy session. Family Process, 36, 101-126.

Beels, C. C., Kogan, S. M., & Gale, J. E. (1997). Mapping and/or discovering meaning in family therapy: An e-mail conversation. Family Process, 36, 127-132.

Flemons, D., & Gale, J. (1997). Attending to relationships: Editor's introduction. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 16, 2, 93-100.

Gale, J., Chenail, R., Watson, W., Wright, L., Bell, N. (1996). Research and practice: A reflexive and recursive relationship. Three narratives, five voices. Marriage and Family Review, 24, 3/4, 275-296.

Gale, J., Dotson, D., Huber, M., Manders, J., Nagireddy, C., Young, K., & Carter, B. (1995). A new technology for teaching/learning marital and family therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 21, 2, 183-192.

Quinn, W. H., Sutphen, R., Michaels, M. & Gale, J. (1994). Juvenile first offenders: Characteristics of at risk families and strategies for intervention. Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling, 15, 15, 2-23.

Stewart, S., & Gale, J. (1994). On hallow ground: Marital therapy with couples on the religious right. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 13, 3, 45-54.

Gale, J., Dotson, D., Lindsey, E. Manders, J., & Nagireddy, C. (1993). A response to "Violence - The dark side of the family." Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 19, 1, 195-198.

Gale, J. (1993). A field guide to qualitative research and its clinical relevance. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 15, 1, 73-91.

Gale, J. & Newfield, N. (1992). A conversation analysis of a solution-focused marital therapy session. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 18, 2, 153-165.

Gale, J. (1992). When research interviews are more therapeutic than therapy interviews. The Qualitative Report, Volume 1, Number 4, Fall, 1992 (

Gale, J., & Morris, G. H. (1991). A window into conversation analysis. The International Society for the Study of Personal Relationships Bulletin, 8, 1, 9-11.

Gale, J. (1990). A novel experience: A classroom exercise for exploring patterns. The Qualitative Report. 1, 1, 6-7.

Chenail, R., Douthit, P., Gale, J., Stormberg, J., & Morris, G. H., Park, J., Sridaromont, S., Schmer, V. (1990). "It's probably nothing serious, but...": Parents' interpretation of referral to pediatric cardiologists. Health Communication, 2, 3 (165-188).

Gale, J., & Brown-Standridge, M. (October, 1988). Ratification and utilization: Hypnotic techniques to facilitate reframing during early marital therapy. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 14, 4, 371-382.

Professional Journals

Gale, J., Goetz, J., & Bermudez, M. (2009). Relational Financial Therapy. Family Therapy Magazine, 8, 5, 25-30.

Gale, J. (2006). Challenges in operating a community crisis response team. Family Therapy Magazine. 5, 2, 16-19.

Gale, J., & Chenail, R. (1998). Teaching, training and technology: Multiple relationships to the cyberworld. AFTA Newsletter, 71, 21-24.

Gale, J. & Kogan, S. (Winter, 1996-1997). The local accomplishment of power: Dialogic selves in participation. AFTA Newsletter, 67, 19-20.

Gale, J. (1992). Qualitative research: A description in search of a frame. AFTA Newsletter, 47, Spring, 49-51.


Gale, J. (in press). University MFT Program Update.GAMFT Newsletter

Herrman, M., Goettler, D., Gale, J., & Kogan, S. (1997). Who mediates in Georgia: An initial report from the Mediator Skills Project. Program Materials for: ADR for the Georgia Attorney, Annual Meeting of the State Bar of Georgia.

Gale, J. (1994). An abbreviated field guide to qualitative documenti: Volume I. Questions to ask. Qualitative Family Research Newsletter, 8, 1, 4-5.

Gale, J. (1991). The use of self in qualitative research. Qualitative Family Research Newsletter. 5, 1, 3-4.

Gale, J. (1988). The Family Trance: Insight is not necessarily the antidote. Colorado Trancework, 1, 3, 3, 11.

Flemons, D., Gale, J., & Ray, W. (1987). A metalogue on Angels fear. Continuing the Conversation: A Newsletter of Ideas in Cybernetics, 10, 3-5.

Articles in Monographs

Gale, J., Trimble, D., Propst, J., Dillon, L., & Elliott, M. (2007). A meta-conversation on crisis response work. AFTA Monographs.


Gale, J. (2009). Conversation analysis for family therapy researchers and practitioners. (English and Korean translation). Published by the Korean Association for Family Therapy (129 pages).

Steffe, L., & Gale, J. (Eds.) (2002) Chinese translation: Constructivsim in education. East China Normal University Press.

Steffe, L., & Gale, J. (Eds.). (1997). Korean translation: Constructivsim in education. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Steffe, L., & Gale, J. (Eds.) (1995).Constructivism in education. Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Gale, J. E. (1991). Conversation analysis of therapeutic discourse: Pursuit of a therapeutic agenda. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.


Gale, J., & Ross, B. (2017). Relational Financial Therapy. Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Editors: Jay Lebow, Anthony Chambers, & Doug Breunlin. Springer International Publications.

Gale, J., & Abrams, B. (2016)Triangles/Triangulation in Family Systems Theory, Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. Editors: Jay Lebow, Anthony Chambers, & Doug Breunlin). Springer International Publications. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_758-1

Gale, J., Ross, D. B., McCoy, M. A. (2105). Training the narrative therapist. In K. Jordin (Ed.)Couple, Marriage, and Family Therapy Supervision. New York: Springer.

Seay, M., Goetz, J, & Gale, J. (2014). Collaborative Relational Model (pp. 161-172) in B. T. Klontz, S. L. Britt & K. L. Aruchleta (Eds). Financial therapy: Theory research and practice. New York: Springer.

Goetz, J. W., & Gale, J. E. (2014). Financial therapy: De-biasing and client behavior. In H. K. Baker & V. Ricciardi (Eds.). Investor behavior: The psychology of financial planning and investing. John Wiley & Sons.

Gale , J. & Dolbin-MacNab, M. L. (2014). Qualitative research for family therapy. In R. B. Miller & L. N. Johnson (Eds.), Advanced methods in family therapy research: A focus on validity and change (pp. 247-265) New York, NY: Routledge.

Dolbin-MacNab, M. L., Parra-Cardona, J. R., & Gale, J. (2014). Mixed methods clinical research with couples and families. In R. B. Miller & L. N. Johnson (Eds.), Advanced methods in

family therapy research: A focus on validity and change. (pp. 266-281). New York, NY: Routledge.

Gale, J. (2008). Meditation and relational connectedness: Practices for couples and families. In F. Walsh, (Ed.), Spiritual resources in family therapy (pp. 247-266). New York: Guilford Press.

Gale, J., Bermudez, J. M. (2008). Clinical Research (pp. 79-84). In L. M. Given (Ed.) The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods (Vols. 1 & 2). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Herrman, M. S., Hollett, N., & Gale, J. (2005). Mediation from Beginning to End: A Testable Model. In M. Herrman (Ed.), The Blackwell Handbook of Mediation. Blackwell Publishers.

Gale, J., Lawless, J., Roulston, K. (2004). Discursive approaches to clinical research. (pp. 125-144). In T. Strong & D. Pare (Eds.) Furthering the talk: Advances in the discursive therapies. NY, NY: Kluwer Academic Press/Plenum

Kogan, S., & Gale, J. (2000). Taking a turn: Social constructionism and family therapy. (pp. 210-244). In A. Horne & J. L. Passmore (Eds.). Family Counseling and Therapy. Itasca, Illinois: Peacock Press.

Gale, J. E. (1999). A response to Barbara Held’s “How brief therapy got postmodern.” (pp. 164-174). In W. Mathews & J. Edgette (Eds.) Current thinking and research in brief therapy, Volume 3. Philadelphia, PA: Taylor & Francis.

Gale, J., Chenail, R., Watson, W., Wright, L., Bell, N. (1996). Research and practice: A reflexive and recursive relationship. Three narratives, five voices. In M. B. Sussman & J. F. Gilgun (Eds.) The methods and methodologies of qualitative family research. (pp. 275-296). New York: Haworth Press.

Gale, J. (1996). Conversation analysis: Studying the construction of therapeutic realities. In D. Sprenkle & S. Moon (Eds.). Family therapy research: A handbook of methods. (pp. 107-124). New York: Guilford.

Gale, J., & Long, J. (1996). Foundations of family therapy. In D. Sprenkle, F. Piercy, & J. Wetchler (Eds.) Sourcebook of marital and family therapy. (pp. 1-24). New York: Guilford.

Huber, M., Lawless, J., Gale, J., Dennis, A., Scott, W. (1996). Open sesame: An investigation of the effects of a group support system on a men's counseling group. Proceedings of the Second Annual Association for Information Systems Conference for Americas.

Lawless, J., Huber, M., Gale, J., & Scott, W. (1996). Computer facilitated group dialogues: Many voices, one narrative. In J. Knuf (Ed.) Unity and Diversity: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Narrative (pp. 171-179). Lexington: Kentucky: College of Communications and Information Studies of the University of Kentucky for the Narrative Studies Group.

Stewart, S., & Gale, J. (1995). We have a story: The construction and maintenance of Protestant Evangelical marriage. In J. Knuf (Ed.). Texts and identities. Studies on Language and Narrative, Series A, Volume 3. University of Kentucky: College of Communication and Information Studies of the University of Kentucky for the Narrative Studies Group.

Gale, J., Odell, M., & Nagireddy, C. (1995). Marital therapy and self-reflexive research: Research and/as intervention. In G. H. Morris & R. Chenail (Eds.) The talk of the clinic. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Gale, J. (1995). Preface. In L. Steffe and J. Gale (Eds.) Alternative epistemologies in education. Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Gale, J. (1995). Postscript. In L. Steffe and J. Gale (Eds.) Alternative epistemologies in education. Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers.

Gale, J., & Lindsey, B. (1994). Activities for educators in "teaching" students epistemologies of subjectivity. Subjectivity: Perceptions and biases.

Gale, J. (1991). Therapeutic discourse and conversation analysis. In M. J. McGee-Brown (Ed.). Diversity and design: Studying culture and the individual. College of Education, University of Georgia. (pp 282-291).


Gale, J. (2015). Mindfulness, mediation and dialogue, Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute and Neutral Conference. Atlanta, GA. December 11, 2015.

Hosted by the Georgia Supreme Court Commission on Dispute Resolution, Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution, and State Bar of Georgia Dispute Resolution section. PP. 1-11.

Goetz, J., Gale, J., Bermudez, J. M., Palmer, & L., Johnson. (2010). Relational Financial Therapy: An Interdisciplinary Approach. In Proceedings of the Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education, (p. ). Denver, CO: Association of Financial Counseling and Planning Education.


Herrman, M. S., Gale, J., Hollett, N. L., Goettler, D. & Fogarty, K. (1998) Assessing the

Relative Contributions of Personal and Professional Backgrounds, Programmatic Setting and

Mediator Training to the Skills of Mediators -- A Year End Report. Report for the William and

Flora Hewlett Foundation, Palo Alto.

Herrman, M. S., Gale, J., Hollett, N., Goettler, D. E., Kogan, S. M., Fogarty, K. & Dismuke, K. (1998). An interim report of the mediatior skills project: Assessing and supporting effective mediation. State Justice Institute.


McCoy, M., Kim, J.H., & Gale, J. (2011). A review of Dr. Harris’ video interviews with leading MFT researchers.Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 37, 3, 371-373.

Gale, J. (In press). Review of Flemons, D. (2002). Of one Mind. NY: Norton. In the AFTA Newsletter.

Gale, J. (In press). Review of McLeod, J. (1997). Narrative and psychotherapy. London: Sage. In the Journal of Family Psychotherapy.

Gale, J. (in press). Review of Zimmerman, J. L., & Dickerson, V. C. (1996). If problems talked: Narrative therapy in action. New York: Norton. In the Journal of Family Psychotheray.

Gale, J. (1996). Review of Cecchin, G., Lane, G., & Ray, W. (1994). The cybernetics of prejudices in the practice of psychotherapy. London: Karnack Books. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 22, 1, 139-140.

Gale, J. (1996). Review of I. B. Inger and J. Inger's Co-constructing therapeutic conversations: A consultation of restraint. London: Karnac Books. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 22, 1, 139-140.

Gale, J. (1992). Review of Anderson and Bagarozzi (Eds.) Family myths: Psychotherapy implications. In The Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. 18, 1, 87.


Family Process. Editorial Board July 2014 – present.

Journal of Financial Therapy. Editorial Board, January 2013 to present.

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy. Editorial Advisory Board, January 1997 to 2002, 2005 to 2016.

The Qualitative Report. Associate Editor. 1991 to present.

Journal of Systemic Therapies. Editorial Advisory Board. June 1993 to 2005.