Department of Health Science

Faculty meeting

On February 23, 2011 at 1:00pm

In room #319, CHSS

1)  ATTENDEES PRESENT: Dr. Mark Kittleson, Dr. Stephen Arnold, Dr. Sue Forster- Cox, Dr. Charles Kozel, Dr. Cynthia Kratzke, Dr. Rebecca Palacios, Dr. Satya Rao, Dr. James Robinson, Dr. Michael Young, and Bertha Perez.

2)  ABSENT: Pearl Hawe (excused)

3)  Meeting called to order at 1:15pm by Dr. Mark Kittleson.

4)  Minutes from last Faculty meeting back in November 2010 unavailable.

5)  Announcements:

Expectations of faculty meeting are for everyone to attendant. Starting in fall 2011 a list of all future faculty meetings will be released.

Emergency Cell Directory: please e-mail Bertha with your cell phone number and carrier. You’ll be included in an emergency directory for the department that will send your cell a text.

A.  Fall schedule is being revised. Your input will be asked for future, but at this time changes needed to quickly be made. I was told that the likelihood of Distance Ed funds will be diminished this fall. This will hurt the part-time faculty and the Overloads. At the moment we DO NOT have enough faculty to teach the courses that need to be taught for the BCH and MPH programs.

B.  CEPH: Did a good job got things done and I value your input

C.  Epi position has been sent to HR for approval It will be Associate Professor of Epidemiology instead of Professor of Epidemiology.

D.  Dr. Kittleson and Dr. Young: Nursing is looking for a new director and are having a candidate coming in., and if you could please attend the presentation

E.  Department of Health will also be having Dr. Anup Amatya coming to interview for the Biostatistics position in February and will also have Dr. Jose Guardiola coming in March. Please make some time to be part of the presentation and to meet with the candidates. Dr. Robinson will need all of the faculties response about the candidates.

F.  Faculty are asked to consider attending the Ethical training to be part of the Search Committee for the epi position.

G.  Academic Advisor: five candidates will be interviewed for this position and then a second interview will be set up with final four to meet with Dr. Mark Kittleson.

H.  Web Page: still working on it with Matt. It will be cleaner and easier to navigate. More space will be added to add minutes and other important dates.

I.  AAHE is at the end of March the beginning of April. A NMSU Social has been scheduled for Thursday, March 31st. If attending I can cover the registration fee.

SoPHE in May 2011 in Albuquerque. We’ll be having a social there also.

J.  Dr. Young: Research Grants are available it can help with travel expense you might have. If interested please contact Dr. Young.

K.  SABPAC Approval: site visit will be in October 2011. Dr. Sue will be chairing it.

O. Evelyn Hobbs (Dean of Dental Hygiene at DACC) would like to collaborate with the Department, and have GA’s or faculty to teach the Intro to Public Health. If there is anyone interested please let me know.

6) ESG and MPHSO Presidents Report:

A. ESG Dr. Palacios: There will be more and new elections.

B. MPHSO Naomi: We have a great group and have been doing fund raisers for different Groups. Will be doing the relay for life and also will be attending the SOPHE conference in Albuquerque.

5) Committee Reports:

A. P & T: Dr. Sue Chair No report.

B. Curriculum: Dr. Kozel Chair No report.

NOTE: in the future we will need copies of minutes for these committees.

6)  Faculty Senate Representative Report: Dr. Kozel

A.  Grade changes (couldn’t hear what he was saying in the recording)

7)  Graduate Council; Dr. Sue

A.  Scholarship Committee: (couldn’t hear what she was saying on the recording)

8)  Undergraduate Coordinator Report; Dr. Sue. Received 18 PBCH applicants, but will only be accepting about 15 for the Fall 2011.

9)  MPH Graduate Coordinator Report: Dr. Robinson;

A.  Need to add a Column on the list of MPH applicants to know if they are international students.

B.  International Students can’t apply for the On-line MPH Program.

C.  Spring review of applications will be in mid April 2011.

D.  Will need to have volunteers to be part of the committee to review the applications.

Dr. Palacios comments: do we need to set-up a meeting time or can the faculty review them on the next faculty meeting and get an evaluation response and send out letters at the end March.

Dr. Arnold comments: MPH handbook and Graduate School hand book needs clarification on evaluating graduate students (couldn’t get the rest of Dr. Arnold’s comments)

10) Albuquerque Center; Dr. Sue: there is a lot going on. (could hear the rest of Dr. Sue Comments)

Dr. Kittleson will be taking a trip to visit the center at the beginning of March.

11) New Business:

A.  Dr. Kittleson asked for input on faculty’s thoughts on what is the by-product of a 20% research allocation (using publications, presentations, grants). Recognizing that individuals who are up for promotion may have more expectations OR that sometimes people have ‘dry’ years, what should be expected? Each faculty had input…generally speaking 1 publications, 2 presentations, and 2 grant submissions should be expected.

12) Future Business:

NEXT MEETING will be on April 13, 2011 @ 12:45pm, in room # 319 (Aggie Tower)

If you have any items that you would like to have added on the agenda for the next meeting please let me know.

Thank you and have great day.

Minutes take by: Bertha Perez, Administrative Assistant for Department of Health Science