Florida International University
Department of Educational Policy and Leadership
Adult Education and Human Resource Development
Course: ADE 7920 Doctoral Colloquium
Semester/Year: Fall, 2009 Section: U01 Class number: 95988
General Description: ADE 7920, a doctoral-level seminar is part of a four-course sequence designed for doctoral students at the College of Education. This course introduces students to the research process as well as resources available to researchers at Florida International University. In this course, students will examine standards of academic integrity, guidelines regarding research with human subjects, relevant procedures and deadlines for submitting dissertation proposals, and guidelines and heuristics for developing interesting and relevant research questions. Additionally, a number of faculty guest speakers will join the colloquium to discuss their own research and discuss their own experiences as doctoral students.
Instructor: Marc Weinstein, Ph.D
Office: ZEB 360-A Phone: 305-348-2094
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 3:00-5:00pm and by appointment (e-mail is best means to schedule meeting).
Time & Location: Wednesday 6:25-9:05 pm. 274Graham Center
Purposes of ADE 7920:
The aims of this course are to:
1. Provide students overview of formal requirements and deadlines to complete the Ed.D program in the College of Education.
2. Provide students with a comprehensive introduction to the research resources available to FIU students.
3. Introduce students to faculty research in the College of Education
4. Introduce students to software tools that can facilitate research
5. Facilitate peer review of students’ work
6. Promote collaboration among Ed.D. students at COE
Required Texts:
Bryant, Miles. 2004. The Portable Dissertation Advisor, Corwin Press: New York.
Machi, L.A., and McEvoy, B. 2009. The Literature Review, Corwin Press: New York.
Strunk, W, and White E.B, Elements of Style, Longman: New York. (Any edition would be fine.)
Regulations for Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Manual, FIU. Herein called the FIU Manual. Downloadable from http://www.fiu.edu/~gradstud/regulation.html
Doctoral Studies Policies & Procedures Manual, COE. Herein called the COE Manual. Downloadable from http://www.fiu.edu/~docstudy
Additional Readings will be assigned later in the term.
Required Software (trail versions)
Ø Endnote version x3 (Mac or Windows) a trial version may be downloaded at: http://www.endnote.com/endemo.asp
Ø Mindmanager version 8 (for Windows) version 7 (Mac) – a trial version may be downloaded at: http://www.mindjet.com/products/trials/default.aspx
Ø Registration at wikispaces.com
Absences: Attendance at all sessions is required. If you unable to attend a colloquium meeting, you are responsible for getting notes and handouts from the missed session(s) from another student. A session is 2 hrs and 40 minutes.
Accommodation Policy: I will make every effort to provide reasonable accommodations when warranted and requested. The instructor and student will work with the Disability Services Office (or counselor) to determine effective and appropriate accommodations. It is the responsibility of any student needing an accommodation to inform the institution and the instructor of the disability, how it creates a learning impediment, and the type of accommodation needed.
Please let me know if a religious holiday will prevent you from attending class.
v Continuing and regular use of the internet is expected including electronic mail, sending attachments, using the library on-line catalog, etc. All students are required to activate their FIU e-mail accounts. Go to webmail.fiu.edu to do this.
v Students will be introduced to various software programs and will be required to download trial versions of specific programs.
v Students are required to join the AE/HRD program listserv. To subscribe to the list is send a message to: , no subject is needed. Make sure nothing is in the body of the message but subscribe adultedhrd which means turn off your signature files if you have one. Then, in the body of the message, type this one line: subscribe adultedhrd.
v To post to the listserv e-mail
v When you are no longer a student and wish to leave the listserv please follow the directions above except in the body of the message, type this one line: unsubscribe adultedhrd.
Presentation and Format of Written Work; Policies on Plagiarism and Cheating
· All written assignments are to be word processed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper using one side only. Margins, fonts, style, etc. must conform to the manuals cited in the list of required texts.
· Submit ALL assignments as Word documents via e-mail to the entire class for feedback prior to the session they are due.
· Send the revised version to the instructor as a Word document the day before class so that it can be displayed on the LCD projector.
· Label each document with your last name, the section, and draft date.
· Feedback will be supplied using Track Changes and Comments functions under the Tools menu.
Consult these resources in order of precedence: (1) The bulleted comments below; (2) FIU Manual; (3) APA/5 Manual. The bulleted comments:
· Insert tables and figures into the body of text after it is first mentioned, either on or just after the page of first mention.
· Type and single-space the figure caption below the figure.
· References: Use a hanging (left) indent; single space within reference entries; double space between entries.
· Block quotes: single space and indent block quotes (> 40 words).
· Use 4 line-spaces above and below tables/figures (along with their titles/captions) to set them apart from the text.
· Use serif typeface (e.g., Times Roman, 12 pt.) for text and sans serif typeface (e.g., Arial, 10-12 pt.) for figure captions.
Academic Misconduct Statement
Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Misconduct includes: Cheating – The unauthorized use of books, notes, aids, electronic sources; or assistance from another person with respect to examinations, course assignments, field service reports, class recitations; or the unauthorized possession of examination papers or course materials, whether originally authorized or not. Plagiarism – The use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student’s own. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas, expressions or materials taken from another source, including internet sources, is responsible for plagiarism.
Course Requirements
Attendance and Participation (30 percent)
Each colloquium meeting offers a special opportunity to meet with new faculty and administrators or to discuss important issues within our group. We will enjoy the greatest value from these meetings when everyone has prepared in advance by completing assigned readings and other activities.
Annotated list of Journals (10 percent) Due September 23, 2009
Students will be asked to develop a list of twenty journals that they feel are relevant for research. For each journal identified, students should write a paragraph summarizing the theme of the journal and include a link to the journal website where its publication policies are identified.
Annotated Bibliography (30 percent) Due November 4, 2009
Students will chose an area in which they are interested in pursuing research and develop an annotated bibliography. Students are encouraged to use a citation software program when doing this. Once the bibliography is created, it will be posted on the course wiki. More information about this assignment will be provided during the first weeks of the course.
Seminar Paper Draft due on November 18, final version due at end of term. (30 percent)
On a topic of your choosing after pre-approval and possible modification from the course instructor, you will be asked to write a paper per guidelines provided by FIU’s Office of Graduate Studies.
Agenda / ReadingsAugust 26
#1 / · Personal Introductions
· Course Aims Overview
· Review of Assignments
· Discussion of Assignment for September 2, 2009.
September 2
#2 / · Reading and understanding academic articles
· Using software to facilitate understanding / Dvir, T., et al. 2002. “Impact of Transformational Leadership on Follower Development and Performance: A Field Experiment, Academy of Management Journal 45(4): 735-744.
Kuchinke, K.P. 2007. “Birds of a Feather? The Critique of the North American Business School and its Implications for Educating HRD Pratitioners,” Academy of Management Review, 6(2): 111-126.
September 9
#3 / · Library tour and orientation in GL 245. / Review (prior to class) http://www.fiu.edu/~library/ili/
September 16
#4 / · Meeting with Dr. Linda Bliss, Associate Director, Office of Graduate Studies / Regulations for Thesis and Dissertation Preparation Manual, FIU. Herein called the FIU Manual. Downloadable from http://www.fiu.edu/~gradstud/regulation.html
Doctoral Studies Policies & Procedures Manual, COE. Herein called the COE Manual. Downloadable from http://www.fiu.edu/~docstudy
September 23
#5 / · Discussion of journals identified and annotated by students
· Review of journal list at wikispaces.com / · TBD
September 30
#6 / · Meeting with Dr. Thomas Reio, Associate Professor and Chair Education and Leadership and Policy Studies (ELPS) Department. / · Reio, T. and Ghosh, R. Antecedents and Outcomes of Workplace Incivility: Implications for Human Resource Development, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 20: 3, pp. 237-261
October 7
#7 / · A Survival Guide to dissertations / Bryant, Miles. 2004. The Portable Dissertation Advisor, Corwin Press: New York.
October 14
#8 / · Meet with COE docoral students
· The Literature Review / · Machi and McEvoy, pp. 1-58.
October 21
#9 / · The Literature Review
· Discussion of UGS review of COE program / · Machi and McEvoy, pp. 59-100
· Review of UGS documents related to doctoral program review.
October 28
#10 / · Meeting with Dr. Tonette Rocco, Associate Professor and Coordinator of AE/HRD program. / Reading to be distributed.
November 4
#11 / · Reviewing and posting the annotated bibliographies
November 11 No Class
November 18
/ · Peer-review of final papers / · Strunk and White
November 25
/ · TBD / · TBD
December 2
/ · Presentation and discussion of final papers / · TBD