Department of Education and Science, Young People and Sport of Ukraine

Department of Education and Science, Young People and Sport of Ukraine

Department of education and science, young people and sport of Ukraine

Odesa national polytechnic university

Scientific and technical library

Introduction to the course of library-bibliographic knowledge

Practical recommendations

for the students of a 1 course

Odesa 2013

Introductory part. A role of libraries is in modern society.

An important part of the course «Introduction to the organization and content of the scientific process in ONPU is acquaintance with the content of the library and learning the basics of scientific and technical information, library science and the bibliography.

This section of the course lasts three classes, including one practical lesson in the library.

Librarianship is an integral part of the educational, scientific, informational, educational, cultural-educational activity of the University, providing its research work and training of specialists. The transition of the University of practice on the Bologna process, the introduction of credit-modular system of knowledge assessment, distance learning implies an increase of the time of independent work of students, which is not possible without the services of the library.

In its activities, the library is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, Law of Ukraine «About education», Law of Ukraine «On Libraries and Librarianship», laws of Ukraine on information and scientific and technical information, scientific-technical documents on standardization, which have a group designation 7 «System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing» (SSILP).

The library provides carbon storage and accessibility of books, documents and other information carriers that contain and preserve the knowledge acquired in the process of development of mankind.

Scientific and technical library of ONPU (brief history, points of service, conditions of use).

University library - the large libraries with huge and valuable in its composition funds.

Library of ONPU established in September 18, 1918

The Fund of scientific and technical library of ONPU exceeds 1.3 million books, brochures, magazines, STST, SSTU, and other documents. Of them 656 thousand textbooks and 638 thousand scientific publications. The library Fund is formed in accordance with the objectives of the University in training process organization, scientific research, cultural-educational, educational-methodical work.

The Foundation is included technical, natural-scientific, socio-economic, philological literature, the literature on art, sport, artistic literature, literature in foreign languages. Annually the library subscribes to about 230 to 300 periodicals.

Our library serves employees and students of our University. Readers are 5 reading rooms 550 beds: reading room for teachers, reading room information editions reading hall of philological Sciences, reading room of the Humanities and social Sciences, reading room of the natural and technical Sciences, 5 subscriptions, catalogue hall. The main document, which are serviced by staff and students of our University library card. Of books in the reading halls, the information, the information-bibliographic Department and catalog hall of the document (passport) are served by all, converted in the library readers. Also you have an opportunity to document the use of reading rooms of other libraries.

Library rules in almost all libraries are the same: the reader is responsible for the safety of the received books obliged to return them within a time limit not to spoil, transmit, etc., These rules are stated in the library ticket, which is the only document on which you are served in all outlets of the library. Educational literature is given for a semester, scientific and artistic - 15 days. At the end of the school year all the books are shelved in the library.

The location of service points library of ONPU

1-st floor – 101 cab.– laboratory of information technologies, where is the copier,

the electronic library.Phone: 705-85-74

104 cab.–department of fiction.Phone:87-08

108 cab. – reception of literature instead of lost. Phone: 87-07

110 cab. –departmentof acquisition of literature. Phone: 87-07

113 cab.–departmentofprocessingoftheliterature, wherethe

electroniccatalogueiscreated. Phone: 87-07

2-nd floor – hall – catalogue hall (catalogues)

201 cab.–the information-bibliographic Department.Phone: 705-85-46

202 cab.– reading hall of scientists, where are all natural and

technical journals over the past 5 years. There is a public

review of literature, monthly every last Monday and Tuesday.

203 cab. – reading room of electronic resources

204 cab.–student pass, serving students. Phone: 83-09

– teaching subscription serving employees of the

University and students of senior courses can get the

scientific literature for a period.

3-rd floor–301 cab.–Department of Philology and the ILL. Phone: 705-84-15

302 cab.–reading room socio - economic literature

303 cab.–main book of the scientific literature.Phone: 705-84-15

4-th floor –401 cab.–correspondence loan Department. Phone: 705-84-24

402 cab.–reading room of the natural and technical Sciences.

Library for readers work from 9.00 till 17.00, Saturday – from 10.00 till 15.00 are reading rooms and student pass. Sunday – day off.

Site of the library: which houses the historical background and details about the library, an electronic catalogue and electronic library ticket.

Reference search tools (RST) library.

Disclosure of the Fund is achieved by compiling the library catalogues. A set of directories and files makes reference search tools (RST) library. RST everything Fund United and is usually in the library in one place - catalog hall.

Catalog translated from Greek means "the list". Consequently, the library catalogue means the list of books or other documents available in the library. However, such a literal translation captures the essence of this concept. Catalogs of the library not just list the available books, and provide readers maximum choice and search in the library of the documents which they need.

Library catalogues consist of a library (special) cards containing a description of the document and arranged in a certain way. By way of grouping cards directories are divided into alphabetic, systematic and substantive. Thanks to a rationing system directories are easily replenished with new revenues.

Types of catalogues

Queries that readers refer to the library, are very diverse. Sometimes they need certain books sometimes works of a particular author, sometimes you need a book on a certain topic.

These various requests cannot be met in the compilation of a directory.

Main directories in the library is usually a two – by the method of groupingdescription – alphabetical and systematic, by the method of display card and electronic. Some libraries are also subject catalogues.

In alphabetical catalog description of books and other documents available in the library, are located in the alphabetical order of surnames of the authors, names of institutions and works.

In the systematic catalogue cards are in the system-Arctic order branches of knowledge, and within headings by alphabet.

In the catalogue of the «Works of institutes and scientific institutions» contains the description of the documents alphabetically educational and scientific institutions, and inside - the alphabetical order of authors and titles. There are also catalogs of training manuals ONPU: alphabetical (by alphabetical order of authors) and systematic (about academic subjects).

The scientific and technical documentation (STST, SSTU, IRS and others) are presented in numerical (types of documents, and inside - the numbers) catalogue of scientific and technical documentation (STD). If you do not know the number of the document, it can be found in the systematic catalogue of STD, where the documents are grouped.

Periodic and continuing publications appear in the catalog of periodic and continuing publications published in Russian, Ukrainian and foreign languages alphabetically documents, and inside – the age of publications.

Alphabetical catalogue

Description of books and other documents available in the library are located in this directory in the alphabetical order of surnames of the authors, names of institutions and organizations adopted as authors and titles of works in a uniform way. The task of the alphabetical catalogue is to give answers to two questions:

- does the library have a certain, pre-known book reader

- what kind of books by this author available in the library.

The alphabetical catalogue of the most fully reflected the library Fund.

Card catalogues are placed in all the letters of the alphabet by the method of "word for word". For example: to the question of capital, книгоописание, Kuznetsov. In alphabetical directory in a single row are placed major and minor descriptions.

Deviations from the alphabet the following: description of the works by one author are arranged in a logical order: the complete works, compositions, chosen, selected works about him.

Separators of the alphabetical catalogue: the letter, syllabary, personalities, reference. Letter – Central, right-wing – more General syllabary, left – for fractional and personalities.

In our library the alphabetical catalogues: alphabetical catalogue of books published in Russian, alphabetical catalogue of books published in Ukrainian, and the alphabetical catalogue of books in foreign languages (in the alphabet languages), the catalogue of serials, a catalogue of works of the institutes in the alphabet of geographical names, the catalog of periodic publications, directory of foreign magazines.

Systematic catalogue. ASP

To find the in the Foundation document of any interest to the reader topic, refer to the regular catalogue. Here the same descriptions of printed works, and alphabetical catalog, but it is grouped in accordance with the contents of the departments of the branches of knowledge - according to the scheme of library classification.

To provide assistance to systematically search the directory created alphabetically-subject pointer (ASP) to tables: UDC, LBK, regular catalogue (RC) and SSC. Use when you do not know what section of the RC should look for the interesting theme or problem.

In alphabetical-index headings are things. On each heading is a separate card, you also specify the aspect of the disclosure of the subject index.

For example:Электростанции:

-тепловые 621.311.2

-атомные 621.311.25:621.039

Физика 53

- атомная 539.18

- взрыва 541.126

- металлов 669.017:53

- полупроводников 537.311.33

- теоретическая 530.1

- твердого тела 539.2

- философские вопросы 53:Ю и т.д.

Inalphabetically-subjectpointer (ASP)dispersed in the systematic catalogue of the notion of going in the alphabet of these concepts, with further reference to the headings of the catalog. Index headings directs the reader to the relevant section of RC, for example:

Урбанизация – социология С555.661

In ASPapplied direct and инверсированные the wording of the headings. In bluntly included in the index established terms, for example, resistance of materials, theoretical mechanics. Инверсированная form of headings gives an opportunity to organize another set of rubrics, does not repeat the sectoral structure of the catalogue:


Ациклические соединения

Спирты ациклические

Углеводы ациклические

Subject headings (SH) and sub-headings are formed, as a rule, in the nominative case:

Ощущения Ю935.111

In formulations SHused as singular and plural. The singular is used in those cases where this concept cannot be reflected in the plural, as well as for the names of natural phenomena (rain, snow), kinds and genres of art and literature (Symphony, landscape), human and animal diseases (measles, malaria), phenomena (processes), taking place in social and cultural life (civil war).

Names with full and brief forms, reflected in the ASP, as a rule, in full uniform. From a shortened form of abbreviation towards complete cited, for example:


см. Автоматизированные системы управления

Link «см.» directs from not accepted term for the term:

Техническая психология

см. Инженерная психология

from the archaic term - to a modern:


см. Иран

Literature, which studies the life and activities of the individual, called персоналией, the UPA included personal (individual) headings

Ферми, Эрико (1901- 1954)

физик 53(09)

Articles from journals and collections on the topic of interest can be found in the Reference card index of articles (RCIA), where the material is the same as in the systematic catalogue.

Systematic card index of articles

In the directories reflected book Fund of the library, but very often the data reflected in the books is not enough. Need more new data which, as a rule, are reflected in the publications: journals, collections of works, and the press. In this case, you should refer to the Reference card index of articles (RCIA), which reflects the magazines, collections reproduced with the help of analytical description of them. Created RCIA, based on bibliographic cards painted by the employees of the information-bibliographic Department of the profile of the University. Materials in the RC systematized as in the systematic catalogue, according to the Universal decimal classification. Alphabetical-index (AI) to the regular catalogue facilitates search of a material and SRC.

In the library conducted a number of thematic card indexes, where a collection of information (books and articles) on various topics.

Thematic card indexes

An important selection of literature to the compilation of abstracts, reports, messages on a particular topic will thematic card indexes, containing relevant literature on this topic in recent years. In case filing included mainly books and magazine articles. To them should be treated in the preparation of essays, reports, messages on the subject. File cabinets are complementary to directories, revealing the funds of the library in such aspects which the directories are not represented.

The library has thematic card indexes:

- Офіційніматеріали

- Одеський національний політехнічний університет

- Одеса і Одещина

- Економіка

- Історія інженерної справи

- Художнє литво

- Охорона навколишнього середовища

- Вища освіта

- Право

- Психологія.Делове спілкування

- Філософія

- Політологія

- Історія религії

- Культурологія

- Україна: історія, економіка, політика, культураand other

Subject card index

Subject index card enables you to quickly find material in a relatively narrow topics and issues. Material, mainly from magazines, is located on the name of the subjects, i.e. by keywords. For example: library science, globalization, political portraits, AIDS, terrorism, etc. In our library subject of a card file maintained for the social Sciences, and economic Sciences.

In addition to these file cabinets, card file maintained for official use, on request of chairs on topical issues, worked on by scientists of the University. Kept index, «the Works of scientists and research workers of the ONPU», taking into account the printed work of teachers and academic staff of the University for the period from 1918 to the present. Were published bibliographies several editions of «the Works of scientists of OPI» from 1945 to 1978. Editions were devoted to specific departments of the faculties of our University. For Example, Energy; Automatics. Telemechanics. Computer engineering; mechanical engineering; Economics, organization and management of production etc 1978 to 1993 he published the index of the Works of the chemical faculty of ONPU. Work on the preparation of new pointers «Works of scientists of the ONPU» continues.


In the electronic catalogue displays all the documents available in the library, and a way to search by author, title, keyword, UDC and LBK. Keywords are defined in the Russian language. Also in our library the electronic library - collection of documents in electronic form (mainly scientific works of the employees of the University and methodical manuals). With the help of the electronic library will be distance learning students to the Bologna process. Remote access to the collections of our library, the reader can order literature from home database «Subscription». Storage period of the order selected literature 3 days.


All documents library catalogs, bibliographic lists of literature describes according to SSTUSTST 7.1:2006 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographical description. General requirements», STST 7.12-93 «Bibliographic record. Abbreviations of words in the Russian language», SSTU 3582-97 «Скороченнясліввукраїнськіймовіубібліографічномуописі».

For the convenience of bibliographic information about books are combined in a single group, the so-called elements of the description, the field of which are located in strictly certain sequence:

1. the description header - word or words that define the place of the description in alphabetical catalogue (author, collective author, alias)

2. area of title and authorship

3. area of edition

4. the scope of output data (place of publication, publisher, year)

5. region quantitative characteristics (pages)

6. region series

7. the comments pane

8. annotation.

In this sequence information about the books are placed on library cards. The book, written by one, two, three authors, are described under the surname of the first author (author, name, description). In the directory are searched under the surname of the author. For example:

Петрушин, Виктор Сергеевич

Асинхронные двигатели в регулируемом электроприводе: учеб. пособие / В.С. Петрушин.- О.: Наука и техника, 2006.- 320 с.

When preparing the description of the book two or three authors, header indicate the surname of the first author, and all other authors indicate a slash through the statement of responsibility. For example:

Анисимов, Виктор Федорович

Надежность дизелей / В.Ф. Анисимов, С.И. Барсуков.- О.: Астропринт, 2006.- 384 с.

Books written by four or more authors, are described under the title. In the directory search on the name. If four authors, their names indicate, followed by a slash in the statement of responsibility, if the authors of five and more - indicate only the first three names on the words «[идр.]». For example:

Філософія: навч. посіб. /І.Ф. Надольний, Б.Д. Лановик,
М.В.Лазарович [та ін.] ; за ред. І.Ф. Надольного.- 3-тє вид., випр.- К.: Вікар, 2003.- 457 с.

Books often request not on those characteristics that have been taken descriptions. These were not accepted signs are compiled extension description (on the second and third author, the composer, the editor's name, the title of the cover, binding, if they differ from the titles given on the title page, a series etc). Incremental description contains all of the requirements for the basic description of the elements, only the major ones. For example:

Надольний, Іван Федорович

Філософія: навч. посіб. /І.Ф. Надольний, Б.Д. Лановик,
М.В. Лазарович [та ін.] ; за ред. І.Ф. Надольного.- 3-тєвид., випр.- К., 2003.

Bibliographic description for electronic catalogs are based on the MARC formats, USMARC, where elements of the entries are divided into «fields and each field is assigned identifiers (distinctive signs), in accordance with which the computer recognizes, records, stores and sorts information. Therefore, in the electronic catalogue search can be performed on all elements of a bibliographical record.

Analytical description

To describe parts of books, magazines, Newspapers - separate parts, chapters, paragraphs applies analytical description. Materials of analytical description of the more common not in catalogues and card files. Analytical description of how and каталожное, may be copyright or under the title consists of two parts. In the first part concerns the bibliographic information about the described work (article, individual chapters), printed in a book, magazine, newspaper. In the second part contains a source on which pages printed described by the material, its title, year, page numbers, which are printed with the article. The second part of the description joins the first two slashes //.