DEPARTMENT OF <dept. name>


Minutes of the fourth doctoral committee meeting in respect of Mr./Ms…………………………………….., Ph.D Full time/Part time (External/Internal) scholar- Dept. of <name> conducted at <time> on <day, date and year> at <place>, <dept.> , Pondicherry Engineering College. Puducherry-605014

The following members were present in the meeting

1.  <Doctoral committee member 1 name> <designation> <dept.> PEC

2.  <Doctoral committee member 2 name> <designation> <dept.> PEC

3.  <Supervisor name> <designation> <dept.> PEC

The candidate made a presentation on the work completed. The candidate also submitted a progress report of the work completed and placed the reprints of papers published till date for the scrutiny of the committee members. The candidate answered satisfactorily the queries and the clarifications posed by the doctoral committee members. The candidate outlined the major objectives, contributions and conclusions of the thesis

After examining the research progress and based on the presentation and publications made, the committee noted that the research progress of the candidate is good and the major objectives of the research work have been completed.

The committee recommends the submission of the synopsis and the thesis as per the norms of Pondicherry University.

<name of the DC member1> <name of the DC member2> (Member) (Member)

<name of the supervisor>


*Additions/deletions to be incorporated as applicable