Department of Curriculum and Instruction Adams 14 2009-2010
Grade 10 Term – 2ASophomore : Multicultural Literature—Who are WE?
Term 2 Unit 1: Looking to others to see ourselves
Jan. 4- Feb. 19, 2010 (31 Days)
Context: Multicultural literature (poetry, short stories, essays and excerpts)
BIG IDEAS: Our human experiences transcend culture.
1 Day / Instruction
25 Days / District Common Assessment
Week of Feb. 12th
1-2 days / Re-teach/Extend
Approx. 5-7 days
1.a. Compare and contrast text with different themes or ideas.
1.c. Analyze main idea and supporting details in a variety of text and genre.
1.d. Infer by making connections within and among texts.
1e. . Sequence events, procedures and ideas.
1g (f). Determine meanings of words, including those with multiple meanings, by using context clues (for example, synonyms, comparisons) and structural clues (for example, roots, suffixes, prefixes).
4.a. Identify author's viewpoint, purpose, and historical/cultural context from information presented in the text.
4.d. Analyze a variety of text (for example, editorials, political cartoons, advertisements, and essays) in order to make predictions and draw conclusions.
5.a. Use organizational features of printed text (for example, prefaces, appendices, annotations, citations, and bibliographic references) to locate relevant information.
5.c. Paraphrase, summarize, organize and synthesize information from a variety of sources.
5.d. Evaluate information for specific needs, validity, credibility, and bias.
5.e. Give credit for others' ideas, images, or information in an appropriate form.
6.a. Read and respond to classic and contemporary novels, poetry, plays, short stories, non-fiction, essays and speeches, from a variety of cultures and historical periods that are familiar and unfamiliar.
6.b. Apply literary terminology and knowledge of literary techniques (including, but not limited to, rising action, style, mood, setting, protagonist, antagonist, point of view, foreshadowing, personification, or flashback)
6.c. Read a given text, identify the theme, and provide support from the text.
6.e Develop and support a thesis about the craft and significance of particular works of literature / 2.a. Write in a variety of genre including expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive for specific purposes (for example, to synthesize, analyze, evaluate, explain, persuade, inform, and entertain).
2.c (i). Use vivid and precise words (for example, active verbs and concrete nouns), imagery, and figurative language as appropriate to audience and purpose.
2.f (h). Vary sentence structures and lengths to enhance flow, rhythm, meaning, and clarity.
2.g Develop main ideas and content fully focused on a prompt with relevant, thorough, and effective support
3.b. Use standard English usage in writing, including subject/verb agreement, agreement of pronoun and its antecedent, parallel structure, and correct modifiers.
3.c. Write in complete sentences(varying the types of sentences using appropriate patterns/transitions and punctuation)
3.d. Punctuate correctly, including apostrophes, commas, semi-colons, colons, and dashes.
Use Common Assessment #2:
Use District Extended constructed response from Dec. 7:
(personal narrative) Discuss a time when you have experienced a conflict because of cultural differences: What was the conflict? How was it handled? What was the outcome?
DOL quizzes
Reader’s responses to literature
Reader’s response to student work
Final District Extended Constructed Response (persuasive): How does cultural diversity strengthen and enrich a culture? How can they weaken a culture?
Summative Assessment
Literary Analysis
Analyze how the author develops theme through the use of literary devices such as characterization, conflict, symbol, setting, point of view, imagery, figurative language, irony, and aphorisms
District Common Assessment #3 / Overview:
Term 2, Unit 1 builds upon students’ knowledge of culture and literary devices. Students read multicultural literature (poetry, short stories, essays and excerpts supported by nonfiction texts), examining commonalities and differences to understand how the human experience transcends culture. Students specifically address literary devices (see 6b) and write literary analyses, honing the skills of developing a thesis and applying literary terminology and knowledge of literary techniques to a literary analysis.
Guiding Questions:
How can I relate to another culture though literature or a character from another culture? Why do conflicts arise between people from different cultures? How does my culture impact my perspective? What flaws do you see in each character? What strengths assist each character? How do literary devices add depth to a story? How do authors develop theme through literary devices? How and why are literary devices important in telling a good story? How do various literary devices contribute to developing an effective story? How does a character develop as he/she confronts conflict? How does literature reflect the human experience? How does literature help us understand ourselves and others? What common events do all people experience? How does our culture impact our experience?
Grade 10 Term 2 Unit 2
Sophomore : Multicultural Literature—Who are WE?Term 2 Unit 1: Multicultural Literature – Looking to others to see ourselves
Jan. 4- Feb. 19, 2010
(31 Days)State Frameworks/
Standard indicators / Essential Skills / Essential Concepts / Grade Level Essential Targets
(GLETs) / Materials/
Resources /
1.a. Compare and contrast text with different themes or ideas. / Compare
Contrast / Text
Different themes or ideas / · Compares and contrasts and analyzes universal conflicts, timeless themes and characters in: mythology, fables, and legends, folklore
newspaper stories
technical materials
magazine articles
short stories /
1.c. Analyze main idea and supporting details in a variety of text and genre. / Analyze / Main idea
Supporting details / (Final Review)
· Analyzes main ideas in a variety of texts and uses relevant details to support the analysis /
1.d. Infer by making connections within and among texts. / Infer
Making / Connections / (Final Review)
· Knows what inferences are
· Makes perceptive and well developed connections between and among a variety of texts
· Uses inference to understand text at all levels of comprehension
· Uses inference to make connections among texts
· Supports inferences with examples from the text /
1e. . Sequence events, procedures and ideas. / Sequence / Events
Ideas / (Appears only in this unit)
· Understands and defends the logic of sequential order in technical texts and literary plots. /
1g (f). Determine meanings of words, including those with multiple meanings, by using context clues (for example,
synonyms, comparisons) and structural clues (for example, roots, suffixes, prefixes). / Determine
Using / Meanings of words
Context clues
Structural clues / (Review)
· Understands and uses denotation, connotation, context clues, and structural clues to determine meaning of words (EC 090)
· Uses knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and root words, and word origin
· Understands how to use a dictionary, glossary, and thesaurus to independently locate meanings, pronunciations, and derivations of unfamiliar words /
2.a. Write in a variety of genre including expository, persuasive, narrative, and descriptive for specific purposes (for example, to synthesize, analyze, evaluate, explain, persuade, inform, and entertain). / Write / Variety of genre / Constructed Response to Text
· Independently creates a thesis to respond to significant themes from the text
· Uses supporting details or descriptions of characters, plot, conflict, and conclusion
· Creates a well defined argument using supporting details and examples from the text and provides interpretations of those details
· synthesizes ideas from other sources
Expository Essay
· Synthesizes and organizes information from first and second hand sources (books, magazines, computer databases, the community)
· Uses concrete details to provide a perspective on the subject being described
Persuasive Essay
· Writes compositions that articulate a position through a thesis statement; anticipates and addresses counter arguments; and back up assertions using specific rhetorical devices (ex: appeal to logic, appeal to emotion, personal anecdotes)
· Address readers’ biases and expectations /
2.c (i). Use vivid and precise words (for example, active verbs and concrete nouns), imagery, and figurative language as appropriate to audience and purpose. / Use / Vivid and precise words
Figurative language / (Review)
· Develops voice to personalize and enhance a piece of writing
· Independently uses active, lively verbs
· Independently uses memorable imagery, figurative language and phrasing
· Uses effective vocabulary, including some abstract and specialized content-area words
· Uses a variety of devices independently and deliberately to convey meaning (figures of speech, symbolism, dialect) /
2.f (h). Vary sentence structures and lengths to enhance flow, rhythm, meaning, and clarity. / Vary
Enhance / Sentence structures and lengths
Clarity / (Review)
· Writes simple, compound, complex, and a variety of compound/complex sentences
· Uses appropriately punctuated dependent clauses (subordinating, appositives and relative clauses) (EC 090)
· Varies the beginning of sentences
· Uses appropriate transitional expressions to enhance meaning clarity and fluency /
2.g Develop main ideas and content fully focused on a prompt with relevant, thorough, and effective support / Develop
Focused on / Main ideas
Prompt / (Review)
· Develops a controlling idea (thesis statement)
· Creates relevant supporting paragraphs using detailed evidence including:
· Effectively connects evidence to the thesis.
· Credits sources appropriately within the text when using details, facts, examples, reasons, quotes and statistics /
3.b. Use standard English usage in writing, including subject/verb agreement, agreement of pronoun and its antecedent, parallel structure, and correct modifiers. / Use / Standard English usage / (Review)
· Knows and uses
Correct subject/verb agreement
Comparatives and superlatives
Phrases and Clauses
Parallel structure /
3.c. Write in complete sentences(varying the types of sentences using appropriate patterns/transitions and punctuation) / Write / Complete sentences / (Final Review)
· Writes in complete sentences varying the types such as simple, compound, complex and compound/ complex
· Differentiates between phrases and clauses
· Uses appropriate punctuation with different sentence structures /
3.d. Punctuate correctly, including apostrophes, commas, semi-colons, colons, and dashes. / Punctuate / Apostrophes
Dashes / · Uses semi-colons, colons, and dashes with greater precision
· Uses commas correctly with a variety of phrases, clauses, and with quotation marks
· Uses apostrophes in contractions and possessives /
4.a. Identify author's viewpoint, purpose, and historical/cultural context from information presented in the text.
P.O.V.= author’s perspective on the subject
P.O.V.= the way a story is told (1st person, 3rd person) / Identify / Author’s viewpoint
cultural content / (Introduce)
· Determines author’s purpose (entertain, persuade, inform) in increasingly complex poetry, fiction and nonfiction material
· Determines the significance of author’s point of view in increasingly complex poetry, fiction and nonfiction material
· Identifies author’s bias and analyses its origins
· Identifies the concept of reliable narrator
· Analyzes the text’s historical/cultural context /
4.d. Analyze a variety of text (for example, editorials, political cartoons, advertisements, and essays) in order to make predictions and draw conclusions. / Analyze
Draw / Variety of text
Conclusions / (Introduce)
· Makes inferences and defends them with evidence from the text
· Uses higher-level questioning skills as an approach to understanding (refer to Bloom’s)
· Makes predictions, draws conclusions and analyzes fiction and non-fiction
· Analyzes connections to life, other disciplines, cultural, ethnic, and historical information
· Analyzes information from a variety of texts to formulate conclusions and personal opinions /
5.a. Use organizational features of printed text (for example, prefaces, appendices, annotations, citations, and bibliographic references) to locate relevant information. / Use
Locate / Organizational features
Printed text
Relevant information / (Final Review)
· Establishes a purpose for reading
· Uses independently the following parts of a book to locate information
Table of contents
Chapter preview
Changes in print (italics, bold faced print, underlined, all caps etc.)
Bibliographic references /
5.c. Paraphrase, summarize, organize and synthesize information from a variety of sources. / Paraphrase
Synthesize / Information
Variety of sources / (Final Review)
· Selects relevant information by establishing purpose and audience
· Independently skims information to determine relevancy of information
· Understands how to paraphrase text
· Independently restates, summarizes, and synthesizes information from references, technical sources and media using:
graphic organizers
note cards & bib cards
· Synthesizes and organizes information for a final written/spoken /
5.d. Evaluate information for specific needs, validity, credibility, and bias. / Evaluate / Information
Specific needs
Bias / (Final Review)
· Selects and locates information appropriate for a specific purpose or audience and justifies the selection
· Evaluates a variety of media for purpose, validity, credibility, and/or bias /
5.e. Give credit for others' ideas, images, or information in an appropriate form. / Give / Credit
Others’ ideas
Information / (Final Review)
· Knows and uses appropriate citation format (MLA for Humanities)
· Uses multiple sources and internal citation
· Defines and refrains from plagiarism
· Produces a documented report and/or media presentation with cited sources /
6.a. Read and respond to classic and contemporary novels, poetry, plays, short stories, non-fiction, essays and speeches, from a variety of cultures and historical periods that are familiar and unfamiliar. / Read
Respond / Classic
Contemporary novels
Short stories
Variety of cultures
Historical periods / (Review)
· Reads and responds in written and oral form to multi-cultural literature that represents familiar and unfamiliar perspectives from diverse people, places and events
Short stories
· Makes connections:
text to text
text to self
text to world /
6.b. Apply literary terminology and knowledge of literary techniques (including, but not limited to, rising action, style, mood, setting, protagonist, antagonist, point of view, foreshadowing, personification, or flashback) to understand text / Apply / Literary terminology
Knowledge of literary techniques / Review or introduce and apply the following terminology when analyzing text:
Character: protagonist and antagonist
Plot: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution
Point of view(first, second, third-person, third person omniscient and universal omniscient)
Irony (dramatic, situational, verbal)
Rhyme scheme
Rhyme scheme
Internal rhyme
Stream of consciousness /
6.c. Read a given text, identify the theme, and provide support from the text. / Read
Provide / Given text
Support from the text / (Review)
· Read and determine theme (the message the author is conveying about life or people in relation to the topic)
· Find and use explicit details to explain how author develops theme
· Explains how the relationship between main points and supporting details creates meaning and author’s approach
· Makes perceptive and well developed connections between and among themes in multi-cultural literature /
6.e Develop and support a thesis about the craft and significance of particular works of literature. / Develop
Support / Thesis
Significance of particular works of literature / (Appears in this unit only)
· Develop increasingly sophisticated interpretations about a particular text
· Develop a thesis statement that interprets a literary text
· Find and use explicit details to explain how author develops theme
· Explain how the relationship between main points and supporting details creates meaning and author’s approach
· Make perceptive and well developed connections between and among texts /