Form SAF2A New Northumbria ProgrammeStrategic Approval / Approval to Proceed to Validation: This form should be prepared by the appropriate Faculty Link Person (If the proposal involves more than one Faculty then approval from each Faculty must be obtained and confirmed by the chair of the FSLE.) Once approved by FSLE this form (only) is progressed to PARSC.
Academic Contact / Name
Administrative Contact / Name
Associated Faculty if applicable
Associated Faculty Contact / Name
Type of Proposed Development
Please TickNew programme/s existing subject area
New programme/s addition to Programme Framework
New programme/s new subject area
- Rationale for the Proposed New Programme
(GATEWAY 1 STRATEGIC APPROVAL- Section 3 Risk Analysis also to be completed)
1.1Programme Title and Award/s1.2 Projected Start Date
1.3Brief outline of proposed programme / educational provision
1.4Why is this new development being proposed? What are the main aims of the proposed programme development?
1.5Contribution to University Strategic PlanBriefly outline how the programmewill contribute to achievement of the Strategic Plan and KPIs 2013-18.
1.6Fit to Northumbria Graduate CharacteristicsPlease summarise how the proposed programmeof learning engenders the Northumbria Graduate Characteristics[1].
1.7Benchmarking Please outline national or international benchmarking of this programme with other similar programmes.
1.8Target MarketPlease outline the target market for the new programme and any market research undertaken to support the proposal.
1.9Competitive AdvantagePlease outline the suggested competitive advantages of the proposed programme over similar programmes offered within or outside Northumbria.
1.10Other Supporting Arguments
Provide any other evidence you would like to put forward to support the proposal.
1.11Revenue What are the projected estimated monetary benefits of this proposal? / Projected student number per year
Proposedfee per student
Proposed total revenue per year
Proposed minimum revenue per year
Proposed total revenue per year
1.12Development Costs Please provide detail of any development costs associated with this proposal.
1.13New Subject AreasWill any new subjects be introduced as a result of this proposal and will they be open to other programmes?
1.14Associated Resource ImpactAre there any other resourcing impacts associated with this proposal?
1.15Is this programme to be delivered at Northumbriacollaborative partners?
If YES provide details of suggested delivery partners. / YES / NO
1.16Are there any PSRB considerations required?
If YES please provide details including any implications for Northumbria Awards. / YES / NO
- Programme / Delivery Detail (GATEWAY 2 PARSC) (if more than one programme is to be approved, please add extra section 2’s for each programme- ensure risk assessment checked and updated if necessary, and append programme structure(s))
2.1.Programme Title and Award/s
2.2.Programme Level/sPlease indicate number of creditsto be delivered at each level. / Level 4 / Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8
2.3.Lower level awards Please indicate any lower level and the subject of the lower level award where this differs from the subject of the qualification aim.
2.4.Mode of StudyPlease indicate as applicable. / Full Time / Number of
Part Time / Number of
2.5.Entry RequirementsPlease indicate standard entry requirements.
For completion awards please indicate acceptable entry qualifications.
2.6.Programme Delivery Details Please indicate proposed commencement dates and projected student numbers. / Delivery Dates / Date month/year / No of Students
Min / Max
Initial Programme Commencement
Cohort 2
Cohort 3
2.7.Evidence to support proposed delivery pattern and projected student numbers
2.8.Variation from Programme Framework Will the proposed programme require any variation from PFNA?
If yes please provide brief details. / YES / NO
2.9.Variation from ARNAWill the proposed provision require any variation from ARNA?
If yes provide detail and rationale for the variation.
2.10.Overlap with other Northumbria FacultiesPlease provide detail of any input / overlap with other faculties including a summary and outcome of any consultation.
2.11.Programme Specific ResourcesPlease detail any specific human, technological or physical resources be required to support the delivery of the programme.
2.12.External Review Will a new external examiner/s be appointed to cover the proposed programme?
If NO, please provide details of which external and evidence of agreement to extra workload. / YES / NO
- RISK ANALYSIS: NEW PROGRAMMES (To be considered at Gateways 1&2)
Risk / Likelihood / Score / Mitigation strategy / Comments
Risk to revenue
Likelihood of falling short of the projected student numbers by a significant margin. / 1 Rare
2 Unlikely
3 Possible
4 Likely
5 Almost certain
Risk to students
Likelihood that appropriate academic staff at Northumbria will not be in place to support learning, teaching, assessment and moderation processes. / 1 Rare
2 Unlikely
3 Possible
4 Likely
5 Almost certain
Risk to resource
Likelihood that appropriate physical or electronic resource will not be in place to support planned learning and teaching strategy. / 1 Rare
2 Unlikely
3 Possible
4 Likely
5 Almost certain
Risk to reputation
Likelihood that this programme or failure to deliver will create a negative perception of the University in the marketplace. / 1 Rare
2 Unlikely
3 Possible
4 Likely
5 Almost certain
Risk to other pathways
Likelihood that this program will take market share from other programmes at Northumbria. / 1 Rare
2 Unlikely
3 Possible
4 Likely
5 Almost certain
Risk to academic quality
Likelihood that programme will not meet Northumbria programme KPI’s or any aspect of QAA Quality Code. / 1 Rare
2 Unlikely
3 Possible
4 Likely
5 Almost certain
Education Provision with Others(EPWO)
Risk likelihood that collaborative activity will operate outside Northumbria quality assurance procedures. / Northumbria Taught / 1
Work Based Learning / Audited Approved Placement / 2
Study Abroad EU Erasmus / 3
Placement / 4
Study Abroad Outside EU / 5
Total = 29 - 35 Very High risk 21 - 28 High Risk 14 - 20 Medium Risk 0-13 Low Risk
Risk Visualisation. Please double click on the chart below to entre risk score values, the chart will automatically update.
- Faculty Approval
4.1 Gateway 1 Strategic Approval
Faculty Executive Approval. Has the faculty executive approved the proposal and associated costing / business case? / YES / NO / Date of Approval
4.2FSLE recommended format of approval (Panel or FSLE/FSLE Sub-committee) / Panel or FSLE/FSLE Sub-committee / Rationale for recommendation
4.2 Gateway 2 Faculty Student Learning & Experience Committee / Date of meeting / Date of Approval
Supporting evidence reviewed and accepted / YES / NO
Chair’s comments
- Quality and Student Learning / PARSC
Academic Development Officer comments
PARSC / Date of meeting / Date of approval
Committee / Approved Outcome / Date of ApprovalApproved to progress to PARSC
Outline approval further conceptual development required prior to progression to PARSC
Not approved. Re submission / Re formulation required
Gateway 2 Programme OUTCOME: Type of approval event required byPARSC
- Med Risk
- High Risk
- Very High Risk
Faculty Approval Panel (Faculty Chair & Panel Subject expert external)
Faculty Approval (University Chair & external panel member & PSRB as required)
University Approval Full Panel (University Chair & University Panel & external member & PSRB as required)
Appendix 1
This information is required to ensure the programme is set up correctly on SITS for marketing.
1. / Faculty / 2. / Department3. / Award title/s for parchment/transcript[2]eg Master of Arts in Politics
This normally comprises two elements separated by ‘in’ which is automatically generated by the certificate printing system:
- <award title> approved by Academic Board eg Master of Arts
- <subject of award>requiring approval by PARSC eg Politics
Note that the abbreviated title is also included on the transcript.
Abbreviated award title
eg MA / Award title (in full)
eg Master of Arts / Subject of award
eg Politics
4. / Alternative title/s for marketing
Where, for marketing or professional body purposes or to contextualise a particular delivery, this differs from the award title for the parchment indicated in 3 above
5. / External Validating / Professional Accrediting Body
(if applicable, please indicate name)
6. / Mode/Length
Please indicate each mode that applies together with the length of the programme for that mode.
Note that, as the length of the programme is reflected in the family code, the standard completion time must be indicated here, rather than the earliest completion time. / Mode / Length of programme
eg 1 year
SW Thick
SW Thin
Further explanation, where required
eg block delivery
7. / Campus/delivery site/s
eg Northumbria, distance learning, corporate
8. / Proposed start date/s
If more than one intake is proposed initially, this should be clear from section 3.5 of the main form.
9. / Brief synopsis for use in initial publicity material for UCAS, website etc.
approximately 200 words in total
10. / Is this replacement provision? / YES / NO
If YES, please clarify which programme/s will be replaced.
11. / SITS information
Completed in consultation with Faculty administrative staff. Please note that a separate box 10 must be completed for each mode and length indicated in section 5 or where a different JACs code will apply for different subjects of award indicated in section 1a.
a / JACS code
This information is essential for correct external reporting (eg for subject groupings in the National Student Survey). Please insert the correct code where known, otherwise enter the main subject of the award (eg Architecture). For joint and major/minor awards, please state both subjects and the percentage split between them.[3]
b / Is new programme/s to be included in existing family? Please note that a new programme must have the same length and the same mode to be incorporated in an existing family grouping. / YES
If yes, please indicate family code
c / Source of funding
eg HEFCE, TA, tuition fees only
d / Method of entry
UCAS, Direct Entry, GTTR
12. / Will a KIS need to be submitted for this course?
A KIS is required for all undergraduate programmes that are more than 120 credits if they are delivered in the UK. A separate KIS is not required for a part-time programme if there is already a full-time programme with the same title. / YES
13. / Faculty administrative contact / Name
Followingauthorisation to validate, the PARSC Secretary will send copies of this form to the Admissions Manager, the SRS Team, International Admissions, the Web Content Manager, the Publications Manager and the Service Manager, University Library. Notification will also be provided to the FSLE Secretary who should ensure that all relevant staff are informed.
[1]See PFNA Framework
[2]See Modular Framework for Northumbria Awards . Section 7.2 Table 2 for the list of approved award titles and abbreviated award titles. Academic Board approval will be required for any award title that is not listed. See also Section 8 Parchments and Transcripts.
[3]For advice on JACs codes and their application, please contact Finance and Planning(ext 4028)