Department of Computer Science, Math & Physics
CSC305 Database Architecture/Concepts
Spring 2012
Instructor: / Ms. Connie HeckerOffice: / Agenstien 132B
Office Hours: / TTH11:00a.m to 12:00p.m. Wed. 11:30 - 2:30
Other times by appointment
Phone: / 816-271-4594 on campus 4594
Email: /
Course Website:: / staff.missouriwestern.edu/users/hecker
- Read: Database Concepts (Chapter 1)
- Visit and get familiar with the web site.
- Read the Business Vignette called "The Relational Revolution" before chapter 1 of your book. Then log on to and read the article “Oracle Celebrates 30 Years of Innovation”. Write 2 page paper highlighting some of the information you found interesting in this article. Find some additional articles that will describe some new Oracle innovations since this article was written. Sum up the paper with some different aspects on why you believe this article is relevant to this class. Include a bibliography page containing any additional articles you read to help you research Oracle innovations. Turn this paper in 1 week from the first day of class.
An introduction to database design and modeling. Includes fundamentals, developmental processes, SQL, data structures, and logical design, with an emphasis on the relational database model. Students will learn conceptual database design processes using various modeling techniques, then apply their designs in an Oracle10g Database Management System environment.
Required TEXT:
Coronel, Morris, Rob. (2011). Database Systems, Design, Implementation, and Management (9th Ed.) Course Technology. ISBN-10: 0-538-74884-2.
Recommended TEXT: I highly recommend an Oracle SQL book for use as a reference guide during the SQL portion of the class since we will be learning SQL on an Oracle DBMS. The following is a good resource, however most current Oracle SQL books should work.
Jason Price. (2004). Oracle Database 10g SQL. Oracle Press/McGrawHill/Osborne. ISBN: 0-07-222981-0 soft cover.
Required MATERIALS: Portable storage device is recommended to save and retain class work. Folders to hold notes, assignments and handouts.
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge of database system concepts and terminology.
- Have an appreciation of the role of data, files, and databases in information systems.
- Understand the overall process of designing a relational database at various degrees of abstraction.
- Have a working knowledge of the relational data model, data integrity, constraints, and relational algebra.
- Demonstrate data modeling using several types of models, including various types of Entity-Relationship Diagrams, Dependency Diagrams, the extended ERD and relational schemas.
- Understand the process of Normalization.
- Research and utilize various CASE tools to create diagrams.
- Demonstrate an ability to read a data model of any size and complexity with confidence.
- Exhibitworking knowledge of Structures Query Language (SQL).
- Demonstrate a working knowledge of the entire process of analysis and design of a relational database system, then physical implementation and data extraction in an Oracle or Access DBMS environment.
A = 90% and above B = 80% to 89% C = 70% to 79% D = 60% to 69% F = < 59%
Your grade in the course will be calculated based on the following table:
Activity / WeightAttendance/Participation in Discussions / 5%
KeyTerms(pass/fail), Online Chapter Quizzes / 10%
Homework/Lab Work/Projects / 30%
Three Chapter Exams / 35%
Comprehensive Final Project / 20%
Total / 100%
The tentative outline for this course can be found at the class website:
When unable to take an exam on the scheduled exam day, the student should notify the instructor in advance. Missed tests will result in a score of zero being assigned if no arrangements have been made. Quizzes will be given for each chapter in WebCT. You will be given the opportunity to take each chapter quiz 3 times. Your highest grade will be recorded.
Attendance is your responsibility. Your success in the class is your responsibility. You MUST come to class everyday to keep up with the pace. If you get behind it is EXTREMELY difficult to catch up. The participation points of your grade will be determined by your attendance, participation in class discussions and in-class practice sessions. Your overall effort displayed toward learning will also be a factor.
Assignments are to be done on an individual basis. Late homework will not be accepted for credit.
Cheating is NOT allowed. Cheating is when one student copies the work of another student with or without the knowledge of the other student. All assignments are individual efforts. Any collaboration beyond assignment discussion is considered cheating. Any student cheating will automatically receive a grade of ‘F’ for the respective assignment. A second occurrence of cheating will result in an ‘F’ for the course.
Plagiarism is when a student uses part or whole of a published work without citing the work, and is submitted as an original work of theirs. Any work showing evidence of plagiarism will result in a grade of ‘F’ on the respective assignment without the benefit of resubmission. MWSU has plagiarism detection software available to all faculty. I will randomly screen homework assignments for plagiarism.
Any student in this class who has a disability that prevents the fullest expression of abilities should contact me personally as soon as possible so that we can discuss class requirements.